
New Life. New Year. New Beginning.

Chapter 1: New Life. New Year. New Beginning.

A young man who was sitting in a comfortable leathered chair was sweating as the temperature of the room slowly rises as the sun hangs high in the sky. His eyebrows suddenly twitched, slowly regaining his consciousness as he felt the heat.

A massive pain suddenly smacked his head making him dizzy and groggy, it was like waking up with a hang over from the alcohol poisoning.

With slightly opened eyes, he stood up and walked to the kitchen like a zombie. He opened a drawer and took out a medicine kit and searched for a pain reliever pill. He did it very casually as if it was a part of his life's daily routine ever since.

After drinking the pill with a glass of water from the sink. He sat on the couch with his eyes closed feeling the pain slowly subside.

With a sudden jolt, his eyes snapped open, strangely touching his face then his body as if he remembered something.

"What the--" The young man suddenly murmured as if something had just dawned in him. Then he sat down in a lotus position, eyes closed with his thick eyebrows on fleek telling that he was trying to focus himself on something.

The young man was strangely trying to remember who he is because as he tapped into his mind, he has two different memories of his life overlapping against each other. Thankfully, he has an unfazed will that kept him anchoring away from insanity.

Having two different set of life memories can cause confusion and might result to a split personality, and if the host tries to combine the two memories, the result will turn into an unstable personality which can lead into insanity if the two memories are oppositely different to each other. Thus what the young man was trying to do right now was segregating the two memories away from each other and organizing it.


Hours passed by and the sky was now bloody orange, the young man finally opened his eyes and began to contemplate the conclusion on what happened to him.

The first memory in his mind was that his name was Ai Yun, a twenty one years old, fourth year college in University of San Rizal taking a double major program in Psychology and Information Technology. Even though his quizzes are all almost perfect, he doesn't pass any assignment and only attend his classes in an alternate way where on the first week he will attend the Monday, Wednesday, Friday classes and then on the second week he will only attend the Tuesday, Thursday classes; getting him only passable grades.

The reason why he managed his time in this way was to give time on his job playing online games. He earns money through this by selling rare and unique items, and fortunately, he is very good at it, but the profit he makes from it can only more or less enough to pay his living expenses and his school tuition fees.

Also in this memory, he asked a permission to the two deans for a two weeks leave from attending his classes in order to finish his thesis that has a great value in the field of Psychology and IT, and with the understanding and pity of the two deans to his situation, they gave him a permit.

For eleven days he was able to finish his thesis. He survived through it by only eating dozens of cup noodles, drinking coffee while smoking cigarettes and a three-hour sleep each. On the last three days, he played online games nonstop in order to make up for the works that he missed. Finally, on the last day, when he finished the last quest in a certain game, a fulfillment was seen on his face and slowly closed his eyes.

Even though the young man remembers it very clearly, somehow the connection of this memory to him is somewhat faint unlike the connection of the second memory to him is strong as if it is really a part of him.

In the second memory, his name is Zhen Yun. He was a powerful expert in the world of Immortals. He cultivated one of the three parts of the number one heaven defying cultivation art known as the Divine Trinity Art which cause the experts throughout the world to hunt him for dozens of years eventually leading him to an accumulation of minor and fatal injuries not just in his body also in his spirit and soul thus succumbing him to death. Before his death arrived, he wrote his final words using his own daos on a massive boulder.


Here lies Zhen Yun..

Even in death, the Divine Body Art of the Divine Trinity Art will accompany me in the afterlife.

Even though you, scums, turned against me, I, your Grandfather, Zhen Yun , am still magnanimous and will gift this art through my last words.

P. S. The information of the first chapter that I inscribed here are all jumbled up. It's up to you to piece the puzzle. Good luck! HAHA


As the young man called Zhen Yun looked at his masterpiece, a sense of fulfillment could be seen through his weak smile. He then jumped up at the top of the boulder and sat in a lotus position to finally accepted his fate--death.

On the last second before Zhen Yun died. Numerous experts finally arrived and caught up to him but when they read the message that was written on the boulder, their faces went undesirably ugly. Even at the last moment, they still have been mocked and played, and almost got nothing out from hunting him.


After an hour of contemplating, the young man finally arrived to a conclusion that he really is Zhen Yun, however his identity from now is of Ai Yun's. His theory to this is that when he, Zhen Yun was about to enter the Samsara Cycle, his soul somewhat crossed over at the same time when his doppelgänger from the mortal world Ai Yun died due to the over fatigue.

The young man who identified himself as Zhen Yun had a lot of theories in his head, as an example for that is this planet what they call Earth has a very rich Heaven and Earth Origin Energy yet it lacks something. He can't pinpoint that feeling, but he was confident that he'll be able to find out as long as he started cultivating. He can also vaguely feel that the space in this world is a bit thicker and stabler than the Immortal World which makes the Heaven and Earth Energy a bit intangible making it hard for someone to sense and gather it to cultivate.

The gravity is a lot heavier also though it doesn't affect the body of the mortals which is a result from adaptation, it affects the speed and the strength that the person or the things that can be attained. An example of these are the laws of limitation such as the speed of sound and the speed of light.

Base on his speculations, martial artists can only cultivate to the peak of Earthly Body Realm only and those geniuses are the only one who can enter the boundaries of Spiritual Sea Realm. In the Immortal Realm, these are only the first two out of three preparation stages in ascending to Immortality and at these realms, cultivators are still called mortals thus he call this world that he's living in, the Mortal World.

The theory that he made about crossing over was from the web novels that the former Ai Yun read which convince himself just to believe and accept his situation that he's in now.

As Zhen Yun reminisced the two memories and experiences of his two lives in order to accustomed himself to the situation, in his final moments before he died, he couldn't help but smile and be satisfied with what he achieved unlike to this Ai Yun's life, he only felt disdain to the way he chose to live his life but he still somewhat admire this from him because of his personality and what he believed in.

"Ai Yun, old pal. Thank you for giving me another life. I promise that in this life, I will live it to the fullest. So no need to worry about your identity in this life and go enter the Samsara Cycle without worries."

As Zhen Yun said that to the late Ai Yun who he now accepted as his past life, knocks suddenly sounded on the door rhythmically.

When Ai Yun opened the door, a young man with a sleek undercut hair and an ash-colored hair young woman were standing outside. The two were holding some paper and plastic bags. As they were about to greet, they were shocked to see the appearance of the young man.

The aura that they were feeling from the young man was an aloof and a hint of arrogance making them feel like nothing can move him as he stands at the top of a mountain even though his clothes were ragged and had lots of stain from the noodle soup, coffee and ashes from the cigarettes giving him a pungent smell.

"He-he-heyy, buddy!" The young man chuckled as he gave Ai Yun a bear hug.

"We haven't seen you for a week and look at you! You've become manlier. Haha!" Holding at his skinny shoulders, the young man happily praised.

"Ha-ha. Err..thanks." Yun Hao awkwardly laugh as he try to remember who are these people. In his mind. Manlier? Me? I've always been a man amongst men and women crawl in my bed just to please me. You tell me, am I manlier?

As he delved in Ai Yun's memory, this guy's name is Khan Ye, his best friend since high school. He was very popular with the girls back then, more or less in a bad way, since almost all of the girls that knew him cried as they realized that their hearts were just played by him. The only exception to this was the young woman he's now with. Her name is Elisha Meng, the captain of the volleyball varsity team. Known as The Goddess Athena in an all girls high school. Khan Ye became a love struck fool ever since he saw her in a school event, in his fiery eyes, there is only Elisha.

Elisha was gawking at Ai Yun. She was a bit late to react when she saw his bearing, she felt like, this aura was the missing piece of him back then. She was only able to come back to her senses when Khan Ye talked.

At first, the one that she really liked was the late Ai Yun. When she was introduced to him by Khan back then, she was intrigued to this quiet young man. The three of them were graduating back then. Khan Ye was a basketball varsity player while Ai Yun was a soccer varsity player in an all boys high school. As the three started to hang out more and more, her feelings for Hao Yun started to blossom. As her feelings started to bloom, it also wilted as time passed by when Ai Yun didn't follow their plan and went into different universities at the last moment. Her face flushed red when the sudden thought passed by.

"Happy New Year, Yun! We brought food." She got a bit flustered when she held up the two paper bags that she was holding.


Time flew fast as the three have noticed that it was already about to turn midnight.

As the three were having a good time from catching up, talking about life and playing games. On the television screen, the sky that was pitch black with no stars can be seen glittering and no moon to gaze at, the colorful streets were shown.

The sky was peaceful yet the earth was full of different noises. Crackling explosions could be heard from time to time and sometimes the beating of the bass drums that could arouse one's soul. People were littered everywhere, some drunk and intoxicated but one thing that all the people have in common is that they are filled with joy.

Minutes passed by and the most awaited occasion that the people were staying up late at night for. The noises started to dim and disappeared. On a high platform, a tall gentleman wearing a white tuxedo walked in and faced the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen! The awaited time why everyone came to celebrate has come." The tall gentleman announced like a commentator.

Some people were madly clapping their hands, some are shouting at the top of their lungs, and some are whistling as loud as they can when they heard the tall gentleman that seems to be very popular.

"Now everyone, I want you to count down with me as well.." The tall gentleman continued as he looked at his wrist that was donned with a golden rolex.

The crowd was silent again with blood silently boiling that can be seen through their faces as they pay attention to the tall gentleman as he slowly raise his arm for his signature pose.

"10" The tall gentleman shouted using his microphone as he slammed his hand down in the air, though his shout was very loud, it was still almost drowned out by the reverberating shout of the crowd.




As the countdown started, the attention of these three were caught. Alisha's eyes were sparkling from excitement and as Jan held her hand staring lovingly at her. Ai was somewhat indifferent to what's happening since he cannot completely relate because of the different customs that he lived in.

Ever since the three got to know with each other on the School Interaction Event, they have always been celebrating special occasions together, though, Khan would sometimes spend it together with his family.

Elisha and Ai are the two consistent who celebrate special occasions together since Elisha is a transfer student from another country while Ai's family is no longer in this world right after he graduated high school.





"Happy New Year!!!" Everyone screamed to the point where their throats were getting hoarse. Everyone celebrated like there's no tomorrow. Every couple kissed. But all of these didn't last even for a minute as every thing blacked out.

"What's going on?" Elisha worried as he held Khan's hand tighter.

Music stopped, visual screens and street lights turned off, telecommunication signals jammed. Everyone was pretty quiet and somewhat eerily silent. The only thing that can be heard from time to time is the constant explosions of fireworks. The three were confounded as they can't find any explanation for this.

Seconds only just passed by, their mobile phones started to vibrate all at the same time. They took out their smart phones and as they look at it, a multicolored static screen can only be seen. They were surprised to see as the static screen started to flicker out and was replaced with a video clip that automatically played.

In the video, vast lands, vast oceans and a vast sky was shown first in the video clip. As the majestic scenes were slowly played, an ethereal ancient voice suddenly conveyed his words about the dao.

'Huh, why is this scenery feels like familiar?' Ai Yun was a bit astounded as he began to contemplate about what he felt as he continue to watch the video. 'I'm pretty sure I haven't been to this kind of place even when I was still in the Immortal World.'

"The Dao is like a land, an ocean and a sky. It is vast and plain to look at..but as you scrutinized the land and the sky into further details, and as you dive down deeper in the ocean, you will see marvelous things that will make you admire why and how everything was created.."

Different creatures and life forms where being played on the next scene. Dragons were roaring and phoenixes were dancing just like in those fantasy role playing game videos. The ethereal ancient voice still went on with his script with a tone of melancholy.

"I created a world with my comprehended heavenly daos to let you all achieve your own dao..."

As the video was about to end, the last words of the ethereal ancient voice didn't sound out from the mobile phones but instead in each individual's mind.

"Now that I have opened the gate for you to walk on your own dao, do you have the heart and the will to tread the road?"

When the video ended, an image of a black and white door with purple intricate ancient designs with small golden flickering texts at the top bottom of the screen saying "PRESS HOME BUTTON TO OPEN" was left on their phone screen.

After that, everything went back to normal but the celebratory mood could not be felt in the atmosphere anymore as if New Year's Day was already forgotten.

Minutes of silence passed by, the three were staring on each of their phone with each different thoughts stirring in their own minds. Ai was wary yet eager to press the button as per instructed on the screen. Elisha was afraid to what's gonna happen if she press the button. While the most excited was Khan as his eyes were sparkling and blood boiling, worked up from what he just saw and experienced.

"Hot dang!!" Jan exclaimed, breaking the silence as he asked the two with clear excitement look in his eyes. "What do you guys thought of that?"

"Eh? Err..I dunno, Khan. It feels like there's more to it. I can't quite grasp what I'm really feeling but for me, this is something...dangerous." Elisha was flustered as she tried to explain what she was feeling.

"I don't know about that, love, but what I do think is that...this is the coolest game that has ever been created by mankind!" Khan was really excited to try this game. In his mind, this is really the coolest game ever for him and it's for free.

"Eh?? How did you know that this is a game? More so, how would you know it's a human that had really created this kind of game?" Ai was being wary to what he felt as it was like the feeling back when he was still a rogue cultivator.

'That's it!' He finally now grasped what he was being wary about. It was the feeling of survival back when he was still a rogue cultivator who has yet no power to face against the world.

"First!" Khan exclaimed as he held out his index finger. "This is a game for in fact this is just like one of those web novels that we've read, don't you think?" He explained his unbelievable reasonings with all the seriousness on his face.

"..." Elisha.

"..." Ai.

"Second." Khan now held out his middle and index finger. "Who or what other entity would be able to create this game if not a human who was the most genius of all time? And if it's really not a human who made this and was a higher being or whatnot then isn't it more of a reason to play this game? Ahh, I can now imagine what are the things that I will be experiencing as we play this throughout." Khan, even though with his idiotic explanation somehow able to get through to the mind of the other two.

The former Ai Yun was a gamer which means his love and passion for adventure was ignited and influenced Zhen Yun. His wariness for the game has now dramatically lessened, and while a small fire was being ignited also in Elisha's eyes too.

"What if once we played this "game" we'll be separated inside it?" Elisha has still some worries even though he was now swayed by Jan's idiotic reasoning.

Khan held her hand without further a do to express his feeling of assurance. "If ever that happens, from the moment that we're inside the game, my first quest will always to find you." He looked into her eyes with full of resolve.

"Besides, Ai will also look for you, right?" He smiled cheekily as he looked at Ai.

"Of course." Ai nodded solemnly with a contemplative look on his face.

Elisha was moved with what his boyfriend have promised to her. As she looked at Ai Yun, she was still somewhat not able to get used to how manly he is now as if this is not the Ai Yun that he knows. His quietness now is not because of being shy but because of reservedness. 'Just what happened to him that made him change in a span of one week?'

"Then what are we waiting for?" Elisha smiled. "It's good that we three will be to play the same game now."

"Great!!" Khan was now super excited to what experiences this game can bring to them.

"Hey Ai, is there something that you want to say?" Jan could see that Ai was still contemplating on to something.

'I guess I'll just have to find it out.' Ai thought. "No, nothing. Is everyone ready?" He asked.

"Yes!" The lovers both answered as the three simultaneously pressed the button.

This is my first time writing my own story.

So please don’t hold back with your criticism and help me improve the story and my writing from your comments and suggestions.

Thank you!

HeavenSeizercreators' thoughts