
district nine

20 years age great federacy was invaded by( aeron ) an alien task force which the military succeeded in keeping the information confiscaticated for a year but later led to war between the faderacy and the earons the following year. the federacy lost millions of comrades due to the unsettling attacks by the aerons. till date anyone who commits a crime would be sent to frontline against the aerons

Olashile_Muhammed · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

chapter 6: victory

" Their control unit is up ahead. Romeo, can you handle it?"

" sure thing, commander."

They all moved forward south, almost crossing the district nine battle field. Boom!! the sound of Romeo's sniper Steship gun fired as he hits the last Aeron control unit.

" Well done guys" whilteker sighed.

" Very well, commander," they all praised their commander. They threw their safety flair in order to alert other districts.

It began to rain and as they squatted district nine fields. battle ships were lying around like they were gravel.

" We will have to clear this field someday. It's making movement difficult for our steships." Willard said as they all laughed.

Gently, they strolled back to their district base as other district's safety signals were noticed up in the sky.

" Today was a damn stressful one."

" Yeah, that's true," Romeo replied.

" I will be logging off now. i have something to attend to."

" That's fine handler, you sure have our gratitude for today's success "Whilteker replied.

" Para raid deactivate synchronization ". Colonel Robert Harrison said while taking off the Para raid synchronizer,he heard a knock on his control room door. "Who could it be? " Robert thought. " Colonel Robert Harrison sir, you have been asked to meet at the board meeting,, by 0600 hours.", the private who was standing outside the door delivered the message she was given. Robert was still wearing a confused face. What could it be about this time? Robert thought, because board meetings are only called when an important decision is about to be made. Robert's confused face gradually turned into a smirk, because he thought it would be an opportunity to ask for reinforcement for district nine, as they had lost most of their comrades and were left with only five members. The Para raid uses a lot of energy from the wearer, which made Robert Harrison hungry and tired.

" i need to get something to eat, or else i might collapse right away." Robert Harrison yawned.

He pushed the door open and walked through the federacy hallway, which was about fifty thousand feet long. Each step Robert takes sends a wave of echo through the hallway. Robert was a few steps from the canteen, or rather called the mess. He could feel his stomach grumbling in hunger as the aroma of different dishes waltzed through his nose.

He took a tray and served himself, sat and ate his dish peacefully, but the air got poisoned by some of his fellow comrades who were drinking and mocking the mercenaries who fought at the district war front. " They were crying for their lives like some pig", one of them said.

"like pigs? they are pings. they are meant to die at war. those fu**ing criminals" another added. Robert Harrison became angry and wanted to confront them, but realized that they were the actual pigs. spoiled brats who sat down crossing their legs and found their way up to this level. They were corrupt and the ones that were supposed to be on the district front line. It was 0540 hours and the board meeting was to start at 0600 hours. Robert dropped his meal as he flung his jacket onto his shoulder and walked, increasing his pace with every step he took.