
district nine

20 years age great federacy was invaded by( aeron ) an alien task force which the military succeeded in keeping the information confiscaticated for a year but later led to war between the faderacy and the earons the following year. the federacy lost millions of comrades due to the unsettling attacks by the aerons. till date anyone who commits a crime would be sent to frontline against the aerons

Olashile_Muhammed · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

chapter 4: district three

Willard Harrison was the former lieutenant General before he passed away. He died at the district war front trying to save a mercenary.

Rose year 4th July 2703

"para raid. Activate. Synchronize connection" Robert, trying to commence the synchronization sequence with the district nine commander.

"synchronization complete."

" Good afternoon, commander whilteker."

" Good afternoon handler. What is it you want to discuss?"

" your last contact with Aeron."

" What about it? I have been wanting to ask why you ordered us to retreat."

" that true. When you first made contact, their attack rate and population were constant. But it increased rapidly over a period of five seconds. And their movement was also outside of the chart."

" So what are you thinking presently?"

" the situation almost looked like that of your former district"

" I don't see how it is connected, handler."

" commander whilteker it is 100 000 points connected

" the one that wiped out the whole of district three?'

" sure..."

" our starships sustained a lot of damage, and most of the damage doesn't look regular. i have seen them before somewhere. That is true, it's the same mark that all the district three steship carried after the insurgence. Also, all their bodies were nowhere to be found."

" Commander Whiteker, I am sorry to interrupt your conversation. But ther-

" Aerons. They are coming in millions." whilteker said immediately as she detects their movement through brain waves.

" handler, please give your orders. We need to make contact immediately," whilteker said to Robert through the Para raid.

" commander whilteker, i don't think we will be able to make full contact with the Aerons. most of our steships are unstable." Dougherty told whilteker with a worried voice.

" All district nine mercenaries. Please stay calm and handle the situation with care."

" Roger that, handler." they all chorused.