
Distress to Desires

Lyra is thrown into confusion and frustration when her father stops her from working and for the sake of his business is told to marry Mr. Tates who disgusted her. She is determined to stop this wedding and frustrate her father's efforts due to this but how? Knowing fully well how ambitious both men are getting what they want. Amidst this pressure Mr. Reynolds opens up to Lyra about his feelings and she gives in to him but was cornered by Mr.Tony who desperately wanted Lyra for his pleasure and also because he was receiving a lot of pressure from his mother to marry.Lyra found him attractive but didn't like his personality and behavior. Lyra, determined and desperate to stop her wedding with Mr. Tates, is offered a marriage contract from Mr. Tony stating that he would help her get rid of Mr. Tates and her father if she signs it. Who amongst these three men is she going to marry? Will she kill Mr. Tates and her father on her own or with the help of Mr. Tony by signing the contract especially after finding out she is pregnant and thinks the child belongs to Mr. Reynolds?

DaoistVfHXN2 · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter one

All I could think of at this moment was getting rid of him.

   " Why are you being this mean? I can't give you all of my monthly income, only a part of it to contribute to the house which I know I am meant to do but not giving all of my money to you. I also need money and that's why I am working, " I said.

   Now sobbing, I got up from the couch in the living room and was walking towards my room.

   " You can't walk out on me, Lyra, get back here! " Mr. Philip shouted.

   Now screaming and sobbing, I could feel my throat about to explode but felt the need to tell him a piece of my mind.

   " I have done all a daughter is meant to do to please you Dad, from my elementary education through to college even till this moment it hasn't been easy for me and you were never there for me, you were more like an illusion, though you are my foster father I expected you to be there for me "

   Mr Philip laughing hysterically got up from the couch and walked to me, who was crying on seeing him and moving away from him but was caught in the hair before I could run from him.

   "Let go of me! Let go of me! I'm no longer a kid you're hurting me please let go of my hair" I screamed amidst tears in my eyes.

   " All of your money, all that you own Lyra belongs to me" letting out a heavy sigh and staring directly into my eyes.

   "Oh Lyra trust me I don't hate you I despise kids, children Lyra and you, my dear are one of them"

   Still crying, I managed to say a few words in a shaky voice.

   "You could let me go I am an adult I can fend for myself you don't need to see me I will stay away from all that belongs to you but please let me go "

   My face had turned pink due to my cries. I fell to my knees begging for release with Mr. Philip's hand still clutched to my hair.

  " Oh dear don't be this way you were more like an investment for me I never saw you as my child well at least I did at some point until your recklessness caused the death of my wife and guess what you were a child Lyra, a child "

   Letting out a sigh of frustration he loosen his grip on my hair and let me go.

   "Lyra earlier you said you were meant to give a part of your monthly income to me to support the house but I don't need your support I have enough you are an investment for me I have fed you, taken you to good schools so now is the time to reap the fruit of my labor so I get to take your full pay"

   " You really can't do this to me. It's unfair though you did all of those things which I appreciate. I still can't give you all of my monthly income. I work for it, " I said, still crying. I couldn't hold back the tears that were heavily streaming down my cheeks.

   "You're an investment and I expect positive results from each investment I make I am a businessman Lyra remember that and yield results " 

   Mr. Philip felt a bit fulfilled after saying these, squats by me as if to have a proper view of my face but still felt the urge to talk more.

   "As a child, you were nothing but bad luck. You caused the death of your parents and also my wife. I am only trying to put you to use at least to see I didn't get to waste my money so all of your monthly income goes to my account "Mr. Philip said, pat me on the shoulder, and stood to leave.

  Still on my knees, I could feel the rage burning up in my stomach. It was like someone made a bonfire in my stomach and made it extremely hot. Ignoring this weird feeling, I wiped the tears from my eyes with the back of my palm which was shaking, responding quickly to the anger inside of me. I held his leg back before he could move a step further.

   " Mr. Philip" I managed to mutter weakly trying to stand back on my feet.

    Mr. Philip flustered on hearing me call him by his name turned to me, his eyes broadened.

    " What did you just call me? " Mr. Philip asked, staring at me still shocked.

   "Mr. Philip, I am no longer a kid but an adult and expect to be treated as one, " I said arrogantly, frowning at him.

   Then in what seemed like a split second, I thought within myself if I had done the right thing by talking that way to him. In the next second, I felt Mr. Philip's hand land heavily on my cheek causing it to turn red almost immediately.

   " Don't you dare talk to me in such a way again! if this should repeat itself I would make sure this mouth, tongue, or whatever it is you have there is properly tamed nonsense " 

    Mr. Philip said angrily and walked away tramping heavily as he walked away as if he wanted to dig a hole into the ground.

    All I could do now was cry and appreciate the fact that he left me without landing his fist on me as he would do. I guess he was flustered at my reaction but then he stopped walking. I felt my heart skip a beat at the pause of his movement.

    "We are expecting a visitor soon, you know what to do, and don't try anything funny or stupid you know the consequences if you do," Mr. Philip said without looking back at me and walked out the front door slamming it behind him.

    Letting out a sigh of relief I started walking to my room but then his words rang in my head. We are expecting a visitor soon. I felt a cold chill run through my spine as I recalled his words, not a visitor. I can't go through all of those things again.

    Tears ran down my eyes. I tried holding them back but they just found a way to escape these eyes of mine.

    Oh, Lord please let it not be what I am thinking.

   I walked into my room took off my clothes went into the bathroom and turned on the tap to fill the tub with water and waited for it to get filled thinking about the visitor we were expecting then was brought back from the land of thoughts when I felt water touch my feet I quickly turn off the tap gets into tub washed up and left the bathroom room got into a short red sleeveless gown revealing my curves and a part of my back, put on some light makeup with a sparkly clear lace up silver stiletto and a silver purse to compliment my dress and sat on my bed awaiting the arrival of the visitor.

   Ding-dong went to the doorbell. I quickly got up and took a proper look at myself in the mirror. Satisfied with my look, I leave my room. Trying my best to walk down the stairs as quietly as I could but my shoes succeeded in announcing my presence.

   " Ah here she comes," said Mr. Philip who was smiling broadly at me walking down the stairs. I also put on a little smile without revealing my teeth but just my dimples.

   " It's an honor to have you here Sir," I said with a broad smile now standing before Mr.Tates.