

Karina_Matiku · Fantasy
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Chapter 3

Warning: This chapter contains violence at the end, so if you don't like it then the next chapters will fill you in on the things that you missed.

I hope you like it:)


I take a deep breath and try to ignore the looks that the Greek god/ asshole keeps on giving me. I close my eyes and take another shaky breath. "We actually have stuff to do loser." I hear the asshole shout.

I give him a fake smile and flip him off. "Hi my name is Lily Crimson. I speak six languages, I live with my mom and her boyfriend. And I would rather be anywhere but here" I say and smile at the teacher. "I'm done sir." I say. I was about to leave from the front of the class when I see a Barbie doll looking girl raise her hand.

"Well miss Crimson it seems like you have a question to answer from miss Paterson." My teacher says politely. I turn and look at the girl and smile slightly. "Ok so first of all where are you from, secondly why do you speak so many languages and lastly are you a fugitive on the run?" She asks curiously. I laugh at her last question. "Ok first answer I'm originally from Africa. Second answer my dad always wanted to go to different places so I wanted to know what I was gonna say while staying there, and last answer. No I'm not a fugitive nor am I on the run, cause think about it, if I were on the run would I really be going to school right now?" I say while raising an eyebrow.

The girl sits back down and glares at me. Okay then weird much? I shake my and and laugh to myself. "Ok so any more questions for me before I sit down?" I ask. "Yes actually I have a question for Lily here. " I hear the Greek god say. Ok now I don't really know whether to call him asshole or Greek god.... or maybe both. Yes his name shall be Assgre god. Yes the perfect combination of an asshole and a Greek god.

"Yes Jason ask her your question." The teacher says while sighing. Hehe just from that simple gesture I can tell that Jason gives the teachers a hard time.

"So?" I hear Jason ask. I shake my head. "I'm sorry but could you please repeat the question? I kind of zoned out for a second." I say honestly. "I asked what happened to your dad, did he ditch you the second you were born?" He asks while snickering. I hear the Barbie bimbo cackle and I cringe and see people visibly cringed as well.

I glare at the asshole. "Just to answer your question asshole. No my dad didn't bale on us like yours probably did, my dad died about 4 months ago because of some shit head." I say through gritted teeth and glassy eyes.

I see Jason look at me with sympathy and is about to say something, but I speak up first. "I'm done answering any more questions, and please don't pity me, cause what's done is done and your pity won't change anything." I say and smile lightly.

I walk over to my teacher and ask him where my seat is. He points at a desk near the window that's in front of Jason's desk. "Ugh this day is going horribly." I mutter to myself. I take a deep breath and thank the teacher. I walk over and take a seat.

"Ok class it's a new school year and as you can see we have a we new people in our class. For those who don't know me my name is mister Rogers Mavisimo. But you can call me mister Mavi." He says with a smile. I resist the urge to laugh at his name, cause in my language mavi means poop.

I lay my head on the desk and start laughing lightly. I hear someone burst out laughing and I look up. "I can't believe your parents named you Mavi." I heard a guy say, and falls on the floor while laughing and clutching at his ribs. I start laughing as well and also fall onto the floor. "I was thinking the same thing as you." I tell the guy who is still on the floor laughing.

He stops laughing and looks at me curiously. "Una weza kuongea kiswahili?" He asks me while looking shocked. I just nod my head and smile at him. (You can speak Kiswahili?)

"Wewe ni mrembo." He says while smirking at me. I blush at his words and get up from the floor. "Thanks I guess." I say while blushing furiously. Why am I blushing you ask? Well because a fucking hot guy just complimented me. (You are a beauty.)

"Ok if your done with mocking my name. Please speak English and pay attention to the class Mr. Samson and Miss Crimson." My teacher says politely. "I'm sorry sir." I say honestly. "Oh and sir I think you should refrain from calling yourself Mr. Mavi. It doesn't really suit you, and is very difficult not to laugh at." I say while giggling lightly.

I hear the guy who was laughing say. "Yes sir I agree with what she's saying." He says while chuckling. He turns to me and mouths My name is luke. I smile and wave then I turn my attention towards the teacher.

A few minutes pass and I look outside the window and start daydreaming. I'm pulled out from my imagination when I feel someone kick my chair. I turn around and glare at Jason. "Stop daydreaming and pay attention to the class." Jason says while smirking at me.

"How about you pay attention to class and leave me alone to daydream. Oh and if you were actually paying attention you would know that the teacher left like an hour ago and said he had to have a meeting." I hiss. I swear this guy is so fucking annoying, can't he see how chaotic the class is? Like honestly is he blind? I think to myself.

"I'm annoying am I Miss Crimson?" He asks with amusement in his voice. I start laughing as I see Luke walking on the desks and falling. I get up from my desk and walk towards Luke totally ignoring Jason. "Are you ok?" I ask while laughing a little bit. "Oh yeah didn't you see that flip I did? It was totally worth it." He says while chuckling.

I laugh and extent my hand. "Here let me help you up." I say while giggling. He takes my hand and I can't help but notice how large his hand is compared to mine. Or that his hand is slightly softer than mine. I pull but instead of letting me pull him up he smirks and pulls me down.

I land on his hard, chest and put my hand on his muscular chest stopping me from falling completely on him. "Oops accident." He says while smirking. I shake my head and surprisingly laugh. I smack his chest lightly and try to get up, but Luke trips me and I land back on his chest again.

"You just can't help but fall for me can you?" He asks while snickering. "Asshole." I say while chuckling lightly. I start wiggling away from him, but he puts his hands on my hips and stops me and groans while shutting his eyes tightly. "You might not want to wiggle around so much sweetheart." He says in husky voice. My eyes widen as I realize that I'm straddling him. I feel something hard on my groin.

"Oh god I'm sorry Luke." I say honestly and start panicking then start trying to stand but he doesn't let go of my hips. He opens his turquoise and apple green eyes then his pupils dilated.

He grins and he looks at me with lust and sits up. One of his hands move from my hips and he cups my jaw with his large hands and leans in. Just as our lips are about to meet I'm yanked away from Luke. I feel someone wrap a hand around my waist and growls.

I look up and see a very pissed looking Jason. Wait what the fuck? What just happened? I pull away from Jason with wide eyes and look at a very a guilty looking Luke. Wait why does he feel guilty? I walk over to Luke and put out my hand. "Here let me help you up." I say not looking at him.

He takes my hand and let's me pull him up this time. "Listen Lily I'm sorry I-I was just caught up in the moment." He says in a guilty voice. I look at him and smile slightly. "It's fine I totally understand what your saying. To be honest I was actually looking forward to that kiss." I joke while nudging him playfully. He laughs and shakes his head. "So we're back to being best friends?" He asks playfully.

"Since when were you upgraded to best friend?" I ask while laughing. He smirks and pulls me towards him. "Since the time I found out you could talk Kiswahili my love." He says while chuckling. I instantly blush at the nickname he gave me. I pull back and playfully punch his chest. "Shut up you shit head." I say while chuckling.

"So I'll see you at lunch then besty?" He asks, and I nod and take out my phone from my pocket and we exchange numbers. The door bursts open and the principal walks in. Everyone scrambles to their seats, including me.

The principal asks where our teacher is and we answer him with what the teacher told us. The principal nods his head and walks out. I sigh in relief and start texting my mom

Me: Hi mom how are you?

I send the message and my mom answers right away.

Mom: Hi honey I'm fine, and I have some news.

I furrow my eyebrows and start asking myself questions. Did she do something stupid? Or even better did James get killed? Call me psychotic but I actually hoped that it was the second one.

Me: What's the news mom?

Mom:It's something really big and I hope your sitting down for this.

Me: Umm ok I'm sitting down, now tell me the news.

Mom: So impatient.

Me: Mom stop stalling and just say it already.

Mom: Take a deep breath and don't do anything stupid.

Me: Mom just tell me already!

Mom: Honey I'm pregnant with James's child.

I gasp in shock and drop my phone from my hands. My-my mom is pregnant with that monsters baby. My eyes widen and become glassy. I put my head in my hands and try to process the information that was just passed onto me.

I take a deep shaky breath and the tears start spilling and quickly I open my ponytail and let my long hair cover my face like a curtain. I start sobbing and bite my lip so I don't make any noise and attract attention.

"Hey Lotus you dropped your phone." Jason says while mocking my name with his sexy yet annoying voice. I ignore him and think that maybe he'll leave me alone. "Hey I'm talking to you Crimson, are you deaf or something!?" He says angrily. I ignore him again and try to stop crying. I take a shaky breath and clear my throat. "No shit asshole." I say while struggling to contain my sobs.

He must have noticed the way my voice had cracked cause he knelt down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Hey what's wrong Crimson, daddy issues again?" He says mockingly. How can he be so heartless and stoop so low as to insult me about my dad? I hit his hands away from my shoulders and look at him straight in the eye.

"I know that I dropped my phone asshole, now fuck off before I beat you to a fucking pulp and mess up your pretty little face!" I growl in a low dangerous tone. He looks taken back, but quickly replaces it with a smirk. "Aww is little Lily crying, aww someone call the wambulance." He says and rubs his eyes in a crying way. He stands up and laughs.

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and look at my fingers. Oh thank goodness I put on water proof mascara today. I look at Luke and find him flirting with a redhead by the door. For some reason I feel a pang in my chest so I stand up from my seat and walk over to the door. I look at the floor so that my hair falls over my face like a curtain.

"Excuse me, but I need to get through." I mumble. They move and the girl keeps on talking to Luke. "Do you happen to know where the bathroom is?" I ask the girl and interrupting whatever she was saying. She glared at me and buffs dramatically. "Look loser I'm trying to have a conversation so go and bother someone else."

I chuckle darkly and look at her straight in the eye. "Listen troll I just need to go to the bathroom and maybe you can come with me and find yourself some tweezers and fix your eyebrows while your at it, cause they look larger than my pet fat caterpillars." I say honestly.

Ok fine she was really pretty, but what I said about her eyebrows was maybe a little over the top, but can you blame me I'm in a bad mood and she insulted me, and she could use some tweezers and fix her pets.

She gasps and covers her eyebrows and runs out of the class probably to the bathroom so I follow her. Yay I was right she did go to the bathroom. Yay me for my correct assumption.

She looks in the mirror and starts looking for probably tweezers in her bag. I sigh and take out tweezers that magically appeared in my pocket and hand them to her. "Here." I mumble. She looks at me like I said I eat turd pies. I sigh and shake my head. "I guess you don't wanna take your pets." I mutter to myself while putting them into my pocket.

I enter one of the stalls and just sit there with my hands on my hair. "Hey what are you doing in there?" The redhead asks while banging on the door. Is this bitch serious? "I'm pooping." I say while faking grunts. "Eww your so disgusting how do you live with yourself?" She asks with her annoying high pitched voice.

"I ask myself that question ever day sweetheart. " I say while fake grunting. I stand up and search for something in my pockets. I find a rock an and I furrow my brows in confusion. I shrug my shoulders and drop the stone in the toilet and it makes a huge plop sound. I let out a fake content sigh and flush the toilet.

I get out and find a very grossed out looking redhead. I wipe my imaginary sweat and sigh. "I advise you not to go in there for about two weeks, cause damn. Now I kinda feel bad for the cleaners you know. But I feel way lighter, man what I did in there is a son against god." I say with a serious face.

The redhead turns a slight shade of green and runs out while pinching her nose. When she leaves from the bathroom I burst out laughing while replaying the look on her face. I fall to the ground and laugh till tears come. I sit up and lean my head on the wall and sigh in content. I smile for a while till what my mom told me comes back and kicks me in the gut.

I feel a knot in my throat and try to swallow it down, but it keeps on coming back ten times worse than before. I can't help but thinking of the worst case scenarios. What if my mom dies in birth? What if James gets angry and ends up killing the baby? What if she decides to marry him? What if she dies will James get to keep me? Will he toss me into the streets as soon as the baby is born? What if he decides to hurt the baby? Soon I start sobbing uncontrollably As I think of more worse things.

I keep on crying till the door bursts open and reveals a very Very angry looking Jason. He doesn't see my face since my hair is covering my face and walk in and locks the door behind him. "What the fuck did you do the Rebecca?" He says through gritted teeth. I laugh humorlessly and ask. " Who the fuck is Rebecca and why do you assume that I did something to poor little Rebecca?"

"Stop playing with me! I know you hurt her! She came back to the classroom and burst into tears." I laugh as I remember what I did. I laugh till I feel Jason slap me. I deserve all the pain. I killed my dad, it's my fault that he's dead. I serve this.

"Again." I mumble. I hear him laugh darkly and says. "I was hoping you would say that." He slaps me again and it knocks me over. "Again." I say again. He kicks me in the ribs and it knocks all the oxygen my lungs for 2 whole minutes. I gasp and start coughing. "Again." I say inbetween gasps. He kicks me harder than before and I actually stop breathing for 5 minutes. After I can breath again. I start coughing uncontrollably and I cover my mouth with my hand. I look at my hand and see blood.

"Again." I say in a whisper. He just stands there and doesn't do anything. I look up at him. "I said again you asshole!" I shout at him. He kicks me harder than before and I cough out a lot of blood. "Again!" I shout, but he just stares at me. "Please do it till I die." I whisper. I take in a sharp breath and feel a sharp pain in my ribs.

"Why?" He whispers. I lay on my back and mutter three words. "I killed him." My eyes become heavy and oxygen seems to stop making it's way to my lungs. I feel at peace. I feel so so peaceful that I don't even feel the pain in my ribs anymore. I turn my head to look at Jason and smile weakly. He looks, sad and worried?

"Don't be sad Jason you should smirk and walk away. I just want to say sorry for everything from day one and thank you for putting me in peace. I'm at peace, and because of you I'll see my dad again. Thank you Jason Collins." I smile and close my eyes gladly welcoming the darkness.

Authors Note

Soo that happened. But the book isn't over yet cause it's only the third chapter. Please comment your opinions and if you don't like my book then suck it up and leave.