
Distorted Chaos | TBATE

King Grey, being betrayed by the one who he considered his close friend, tries to find purpose to his life. But as if fate was mocking him, he was again robbed of the little happiness he had left. Having pulled into death by Another Betrayal, instead of finding salvation, he opens his eyes to an unfamiliar world. Would it be possible to find something that he had been lacking in his previous life? Cover by: MaiFurumi

KaiAsukawa · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs



A colorful world painted by numerous dots of diverse colors.

Mana coalesced, condensing on my fingertips forming claws made of pure mana.

Elements danced on the tips of my finger, as mana continued to be attracted even more by the claws.

A glove extended from the ends of my fingers until my forearm. Runes were embedded on it which enhanced my ability to draw mana in much more efficiently.

Flames raged, water flowed while Wind blew and dust rose. Spells of all sorts were being formed and dissipated at the same time. It has now become a daily routine for me to repeat this process ever since I was imprisoned two weeks ago.

Under Elder Rinia's supervision I was able to reach the Dark Orange Stage for my mana core. But according to her I should have accomplished much more with the blessing I was given.

In the last two weeks she gave me lessons on how to better my use of mana, teaching me how to engrave these runes which helped me in using mana more efficiently.

It kind of reminded me about the ki runes in my past life.

Shaking away the bitter memories that rose with the recollection of the fact, I focused on engraving more runes. Whenever I tried to ask her about the blessings she just said that it isn't something for me to sweat on.

"So, are you still going to ignore me?" A delicate playful voice sounded behind my ear.

"Yes I am, and I would appreciate it if you just go and mind your own business," I replied.

Pouting slightly, she said, "Come on now, this older sister of yours is here to talk with you and you are just ignoring her. This isn't quite gentlemanly of you."

"Well, I am a child so why are you even expecting me to be like a gentleman?" I asked back, being somewhat irritated.

Harrumphing softly, Aya said, "You are no fun," as she silently left the place.

My eyes continued to blink in surprise, my mind was unable to believe that she would give up this easily.

Suddenly, a veil of darkness took over my vision. The sensation of a soft palm rested on my eyes.

"Haha, very funny," I replied monotonously.

"You really are no fun," she said while removing her hands from my eyes, "By the way, is it true that you are leaving tomorrow?"

Humming softly, I nodded. It was decided the very first day I came here that a portal would be conjured for me to leave. Until then I was supposed to learn from Rinia.

"So what are you doing?"

"Something that isn't your business at all."

She pouted at my remark while I continued on with my work. Mana focused on my index finger as I engraved runes on my gloves.

The runes were designed according to how the mana of each element traversed in their own pathways. But I couldn't see how it happened.

Whenever I asked Elder Rinia about it, she ignored me. The same happens when I ask about these runes.

"Are you going to miss me?" Aya asked. "Nope, rather would feel great not having a nuisance such as you nearby," I replied, a smirk rising on my face.

Suddenly, goosebumps rose all across my body. With gentle movements, her fingers ran across my waist as she continued to tickle me.

Choked laughs left my mouth as tears fell from my eyes. She continued this for a long while until she finally stopped. I gasped due to my shortness of breath.

"Oh well, don't forget this older sister of yours," her words left an odd feeling bubbling in my heart.

"Yeah and what happened to that hostility of yours when we first met?" I asked while pushing her out of the room.

"Well, how can someone stay angry for so long at a person so cute like you," she replied while smiling. It was a cheeky smile rather than her usual playful one.

My cheeks started to get warm at it. Just as I was about to close the door on her, she said, "Oh yeah, I'll be there tomorrow so don't leave without telling me."

"Hmm, didn't expect the two of you to get so close in the span of just two weeks," an elderly voice sounded behind me.

"When did you enter this place?" I asked while facing Elder Rinia.

"It is a woman's secret," she replied winking. Sighing deeply, I mumbled under my breath, "I look more of a woman than you though."

"Huh? Did you say something?" she asked.

Shaking my head, I said, "No, I didn't say anything."

"Well, either way, tomorrow I will be opening a portal that will take you to a place where you can stay until you are ready," she said.

"Do I have to run like this all the time?" I asked, being a bit tired of this.

"I don't know," she replied, "But I do know one thing," with her words my head rose to meet her eyes. Carrying a smile on her face, she replied, "Even if there is sadness in life, there will be a time when happiness will follow suit."

"Hah, you really think this accursed life of mine has happiness destined for me? Even you saw how hardly I was treated everywhere I went," I yelled, venting out my anger.

Being a Diviner, she had the ability to see a person's past and future. But she couldn't see mine and as such she called me here so that I wouldn't go against her.

Yet, now I wanted her to see my future even if it took her life. I wanted to know what awaited me in the end, or whether there was even anything at the end of this.

"Yes I do," she simply replied, "I believe that you will find happiness soon enough."

Her words struck me deep, a bitter feeling took root inside of me. Except this time I knew what it was.



All towards myself.

The day went by as the night continued to pass. Lying on the bed I started to contemplate my actions until now.

"I really failed myself as a person, didn't I?" I mumbled to myself, "Hey, what do you all think?"

My eyes closed, the memories of that day haunted me in my dreams as usual.

The smell of scorched flesh, the sight of blood and the one who was one of the closest people to me standing in front.

Like a swamp this memory refused to let go of me, as if to continuously remind me of my failures. My eyes sharply opened, the entire city slowly being lightened up as the sun rose.

Washing my face I got ready for the day. It was finally time for me to leave. I was given a dimensional ring which could hold several things inside it.

Packing in the robes and accessories I was given in the ring, I changed my clothes.

My eyes focused on my body. Not only was I skinny, my face could also be mistaken for a girl's. The cold wind brushed against my body, breaking me out of my stance.

Quickly changing, I left my room. After going through a series of vines and trees keeping the place hidden, I finally reached the meeting room where Aya and Rinia were waiting.

After meeting her eyes I was reminded of our exchange yesterday. Bowing my head, I apologized, "I am sorry for my rudeness yesterday."

"Oh, don't worry about that, if kids won't be rude, who would?" She replied, a smirk plastered on her face. "You know that I am not that old right?" I grumbled.

"Oh shut up, even after that you won't even be a quarter of my age," she replied with a snort.

Two arms grabbed me from behind, pulling me closer to its source. "Don't forget to come and meet us," Aya said while ruffling my hair.

"Hmm," I hummed in response, my cheeks being a bit warmer than usual.

"Alright, time for you to leave. Do remember that the portal will be taking you to someone that will take care of you so don't be rude," Elder Rinia reminded me once again.

My head moved as I nodded.

"Also, I hope you won't lose hope even at your lowest. Because good times will always follow behind bad ones," she said.

Behind her a portal shimmering in amethyst light, it almost reminded me of the dots that Rinia used against the Knights.

"Well, take care. I guess this is it," Aya said, giving a weak push on my back.

The portal looked like a spiraling abyss, runes embedded on the edges of the circle.

A portal shimmering in a dark, dim lit place.

Events which were almost reminiscent of that day.

Yet, maybe things were different now. Maybe I did something worth it, maybe the time that had now passed by didn't go to waste.

Turning behind I met their eyes, focusing on the black haired girl whose warmth was just like a big sister.

Smirking, I said, "Try to stay safe while I am gone, Sis." Her eyes sharply widened to my remark. It seemed bewildered, tearful even.

Just then, a soft smile blossomed on her face, one that I had never seen before. It made me feel complete for some reason.

'A happy feeling huh?'

Sharply turning, I faced the portal. Just as soon as my finger touched the surface of the revolving mass of energy, my surroundings changed.

My vision was blinded with a flash as I felt a blanket take over me.


My whole body felt sore, nausea taking over me just like back when Sylvia had saved me. Bitter memories rose to the recollection of the incident.

A dark cavern, designed like the maw of a beast. Water flowed from a hole in the wall falling down to a pond, a giant tree was planted on the edge of the pond as its leaves shone in an abundance of colors lighting the place up.

"Ah so you are awake now," a gentle, refined voice echoed in the place. The voice belonged to a man, yet it was smoother than most females' voices.

Looking up I was greeted by a sight of absolute majesty.

A sea of flames extended from the base of the wings, its beak sharper than most swords.

Soon, flames spread out of its wings and engulfed itself entirely. The flames soon parted to make way as a man came out. His entire being excluding a dignified air, his crimson gold eyes bored down on me while his lips parted, "Identify yourself kid."

A palpable pressure rained down on me, it became a bit difficult for me to breath.

Scoffing, he continued, "You are really interesting you know? An Asuran physique that too a dragon's, even that glove you have uses runes almost as if it is a replication of the original ones. Even the fact that you are a reincarnate, it just baffles me as to how unique your situation can get."

His knowledge of me being a Reincarnate shook my entire being, fear took deep root inside me as I thought whether there were more like him out there.

His palm rested on his chin while he continued to tap it with his finger. After a while, He spoke, "So are you really not going to say your name?"

Bewildered, I stared at him with wide open eyes.

"What happened?" He again asked, snapping me out of my trance. "Grey, the name is Grey," I replied.

"So, how did you reach this place? I was pretty sure no one except me could enter this place," he said with his hand still resting on his chin. I explained my situation to him about Rinia and how I ended up here.

"Rinia, Rinia…the name sounds really familiar," he mumbled, "Aha!" His eyes went wide as if he remembered something.

"It's that brat whom Sylvia had taken interest in, to think she would still be alive this long is a wonder considering the Aetheric Arts she was taught," he said.

With each of his words, dozens of other questions popped up as none of them remained unsolved.

"Alright, since your presence here has gotten rid of my boredom, how about I answer some of your questions as well," he said, the dignified air still lingering around him.

There were many questions I wanted to ask. But one prevailed over the rest.

"How, why did I reincarnate in this darned place?" I asked. Seeing everything going around here with reincarnation, I was sure of one thing. I didn't come here naturally.

"Oho, quite a tough question huh," he replied, "Hmm, there was a certain someone who wanted to summon beings from another world to overthrow a dictator. But when the dictator learned of it, he decided to take control of any reincarnate that appears in front of him."

With a small break, he continued, "Of course both of them weren't any better than the other. And as such a Reincarnate such as you most probably got caught up in this pandemonium."

"By the dictator, do you mean a dragon?" I asked, his eyes widened. With a laugh he replied, "You are quite a quick one huh? Now the next question."

"Why was I chosen?" I asked in an instant. Even though several other questions rose, this was the one that I wanted to know the most.

"I don't know," he replied frankly, "Maybe because you were a strong soldier back in your past life, or maybe because of an error in the experiments. Either way, I really have no idea why you were reincarnated."

"Of course," he said, "There was someone who could have known the reason but apparently she decided to give you her physique instead."

The fact hit me like a bolt of lightning.

"Still, to think there were anomalies like you." With a sharp mumble, he stood up, "I am Helio, Helio Asclepius of the Great Asclepius Clan of the Phoenix race. Rejoice, as you have managed to pique my interest since you will be mentored by me."

"Eh?" A slip of tongue. Due to the sudden advancement I couldn't even fathom as to what was happening and my mind lagged for a second.

At that very moment, Helio's finger pointed towards my sternum. "This is a first, not a single lesser until now has never been this blessed to be gifted a Beast Will of an Asura."

With that, a tremendous amount of mana penetrated inside my core. A golden halo of a floral wreath materialized over Helio's head, runes covering his body.

Soon the same runes appeared on my body. Then all of a sudden, I felt the Draconic essence inside of me react to the mana, resisting it.

Mana then joined, pulsed and wreaked havoc inside my body as I felt myself drown in a sea of darkness.

Yet, even that darkness seemed full of color that day.

Two masses of energy, one being golden and the other being silver, revolved as they clashed. With each clash, my body writhed in pain. After a while, the two bodies calmed and rotated around each other maintaining a harmony between the two.

With my eyes open, all that filled my vision were dots of various colors and sizes. Some were lighter in color while some were deep.

This never happened before, even when I used to focus mana in my eyes I wasn't able to see this much.

"So, how do you like it, the world visible to an Asura?" Helio asked, a smirk being plastered on his face.

"It's amazing," I blurted out, a sense of fascination filled up inside me when my eyes landed on each of the dots.

"Each of these are mana, the breath of life of this world. Like a person, they also have a designated role, a path to follow," Helio said as mana moved as per his will with each element following a certain path.

"This, is the miracle of this world. The true essence of life, mana. Every living being has a mana, an art special to themselves. It may be a connection to their blood, their spirit or even their body. Isn't it mesmerizing? The fact that there is a unique mana art designated specially for different people just like how life is distinctive for everyone."

At that moment, rather than the world in front of me, I was more attracted to the man beside me. I felt jealous, on how much a man could love something. I thought, if in this world where there was no one dear to me, would I be loved by mana?

It was something I wondered if I could ever achieve.