
Distant Love

Chris and Sophie made an agreement to marry each other till the time Chris's father(who was suffering from a lung disease) dies. It has been his father's wish to see him get married , he just want to grant the old man last wish. Sophie accepted the proposal and wanted nothing in return. She doesn't know him enough, she started working as his assistant not long ago, so why agree without hesitation. Does she love him or Does she have other motives or is she just a puppet that someone else controls? . Read to find out. ****************** Lots of twist and turns, betrayal, loyalty, trust, love, romance, hatred, revenge, pain, sympathy, tears, joy.

DonMk · General
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84 Chs


After work, Chris and Sophie came home together. Sophie was climbing the stairs but she stopped then asked "Are you really going like this?" as stared him down from head to toe.

"What's wrong with this?" he replied

Ummm, you look like a secret agent in movies; Sophie said and chuckled a bit.

Hahahaha ok fine, i will just shower and change; he stood up and walked to his room.

After about 30min, chris sat impatiently waiting for Sophie. He wore a casual white short sleeve polo shirt and a denim jean with a black nike air jordan. Suddenly Chris heard Footsteps coming down from the stair, he looked up and it was sophie, she was wearing a blue long sleeve creepe dress with silver high hills.

You look really beautiful; Chris complimented and smiled.

"Thank you"

Ok, so where do you want to go?; Chris asked.

Well, i have been wanting to try this sushi restaurant 5 blocks from here; Sophie spoke with a sweet voice and looked at Chris with puppy eyes.

Oh you mean Sushi Kings?; he asked

"Yes that place"

"OK Lets go then"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Chris sat on a chair facing Sophie as they both ate quietly and chatted. Although chris was more interested in knowing more about sophie, he always tried to avoid any question she asked him about himself. She told him stories of her childhood, her high school life and university, he often laughed whenever she told him some of her funny stories. They were having a great time when Chris's phone rang, he checked the number and it was Mr. Wong, as he swiped the screen.

Chris stood up suddenly and with an angry voice he said "Ok wait there am coming, i will be right there" and he ended the call. He looked at sophie whose gaze was already fixed on him, his face looked confused and in distress.

What happened?; Sophie asked as she dropped her chopping stick.

We have to go to the office now; chris called the waiter and paid the bill.

Wait, now?; She asked looking shocked

Yes, come on; Chris grabbed her hand and they both walked out.