
Distant Love

Chris and Sophie made an agreement to marry each other till the time Chris's father(who was suffering from a lung disease) dies. It has been his father's wish to see him get married , he just want to grant the old man last wish. Sophie accepted the proposal and wanted nothing in return. She doesn't know him enough, she started working as his assistant not long ago, so why agree without hesitation. Does she love him or Does she have other motives or is she just a puppet that someone else controls? . Read to find out. ****************** Lots of twist and turns, betrayal, loyalty, trust, love, romance, hatred, revenge, pain, sympathy, tears, joy.

DonMk · General
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84 Chs


Chris entered the meeting room at Marks Corp in a rush, the room was in total chaos. The corporate shareholders were arguing for some reason, it was as noisy as a high school cafeteria. He slammed the door which made the room turn silent. All the men stared at him as he walked over to his swivel chair at the end of the long table.

"CEO Mark, am the representative of Royalty Airline" a man wearing a blue suit spoke(1)

"Am the representive of Future Developers software company" a man waring a brown suit spoke too(2)

"Am the representaive of District 21 construction company" another man with with suit(3)

"And finally am the representative of Meng De clothing company" a man with a grey suit(4)

[A/N : lets name them 1,2,3,4]

"I heard you all want to cancel your investments with our Coorperation" Chris spoke with cold and calm voice.

"Yes thats right, we cant continue to invest in the company as the old master has died" (2) spoke

"Yes" (1) agreed without hesitation

"But my case is different" (4) leaned forward and put his hand on the table while staring at Chris then continued "You broke our agreement and leaked the limited edition design deal we made, now you have to pay the contract clause"

"That wasn't intentional, a spy was planted by a rival and he leaked all the designs" Chris explained calmly

"Then i guess we can also question your security. How can we keep our investments when we know they are not safe" (3) spoke

ALL the other 3 men nodded in agreement, then looked at Chris at the same time.

"You shouldn't worry about that, its all under control now" Chris try to keep them calm

"We are sorry Mr. Christian but nothing is under control, not even your family. I believe you all saw the news yesterday" (2) spoke and looked at the other 3 men who all nodded. But Chris's expression darkened, he clenched his fist to calm his anger.

He took a deep breath then spoke "What do you need?, we can atleast talk about suspending your investment rather than straight termination?"

(1) stood up "Am sorry but our company can not be associated with your company or family" then he left the room.

(2), (3), (4) stood up and left too. Chris smacked his hand on the table, his heart was raging. Suddenly his phone rang, he took it out. Its from an unknown ID, he hesitated but answered.

"If you want your wife back, come meet me" a lady with a cold voice spoke then hung up without waiting for a reply. His phone lit up indicating a message, he opened it. It was a map with a red dot on an island atleast 50km from Greenwood city.

He dialed a number then put it in his ears "Prepare the chopper" then hung up.

He then called James who was already at the hospital with Beatrix and explained the situation to him, he told him if he doesnt come back within an hour, he should come rescue him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

He then went to the Mark Special Force Sector where a boat was already arranged for him, he wore a black military combat gear. He checked his gun, his earpiece, tracker, everything was set and he was ready to go.

"You sure you don't want me to go with you sir" Brock asked

"Everything will be fine. I need you to go to the hospital and make sure nothing happens to Beatrix"

Brock just nodded.

Chris boarded the Boat alone, he started the engine and slowly disappeared into the fog.