
Chapter 4

Noah: present

Dorothy isn't at the counter when I walk into the restaurant the next day, instead, I see Tatum. She's wearing an apron and taking orders from people. I've never seen her at the restaurant before and I've been frequenting Dotties for years now which makes me wonder if she just started working here recently. I don't walk to the counter immediately, instead I watch her from where I am, following her every move and expression and admiring how accommodating she is with the customers. Dorothy steps out from behind Tatums back and I wonder how lost I was that I didn't see her step out from the back door.

"Oh, hey sugar", she greets and Tatum raises her head to look at me, her expression changing immediately. I'm guessing she's mad at me because she thinks I assumed she was going to steal Dorothy's money the night before. Seeing that Dorothy has managed to drag everyone's attention to me with her loud voice, I have no choice but to walk up to the counter. Tatum refuses to acknowledge me as she keeps attending to the customers while Dorothy tries to monopolize my attention.

"How did you enjoy your meal last night honey?", Dorothy asks, calling all my attention to her.

"It was great Dorothy, as always. You're amazing."

She beams widely, and I'm pretty sure if she wasn't a black woman, I would've seen a blush rise up her cheeks.

"Well you know me, I always serve to please", she says, still smiling.

"The food seemed different though. It tastes different but in a good way. Your recipes changed?", I ask her Tatum has still not turned to us. She's acting busy and ignoring my presence altogether, not even bothering to ask if I'd like to order anything which is usual protocol. Dorothy notices where I'm looking.

"Oh, well, that's all on Tatum. You must have met her last night. She's the one that cooked the dinner. She's one of my junior chefs. A wonderful talent indeed", she's smiling at Tatum which forces her to finally turn to me

"Hi", she greets unenthusiastically. She does know how to hold a grudge. I give my attention to her and she looks away immediately. Dorothy doesn't notice though, she turns back to me to ask what I'd like to order.

"What would you recommend?", I ask, turning in Tatums direction. It's obvious she's been paying attention to my conversation with Dorothy because she instantly knows I was referring to her.

"Me?", she asks, turning to face me with a stunned expression

"You're the chef, what would you recommended?". Dorothy turns to face her with a smile, probably also anticipating her recommendations

"For breakfast? Uhm, you'd feel better if you consume a light meal so I'd recommend croissant sandwich with mushrooms and Brie. That way, you eat light enough to keep you active for the day but filling enough to keep hunger at bay. Coffee which would be served with the meal would soothe your body and make you alert", she ends with a smile that seems genuine even if it's me she's talking to. I realize now that she really enjoys cooking because it brings a happy, satisfied smile to her face.

"I'd have it then. Your recommendation sounds great"

Dorothy almost squeals with delight from my acquiescence while my eyes are trained on Tatum, enjoying the fact that I was able to draw a genuine smile from her.

"Well Tatum, I'd like you to personally prepare the meal. You can leave to the kitchen now, I'd take over from here"

"Yes Dotty", Tatum agrees, taking off her apron and moving to the back doors. I watch her every step of the way.

"Have a seat Noah. She's quick so your order would be ready in no time"

There's a row of tables at the back of the room and a particular table I usually seat at. It gives me the privacy I need when I get here especially when I want to work. I make my way over to the table and take a seat, pulling my phone out immediately to reply emails. I usually do that from my laptop but I'm trying to get as much work done now so I'd have less on my plate once I'm stated at the hospital as head manager.

True to Dorothy's words, Tatum doesn't take time to arrive with a tray of food in her hand. The smell calls to me and I realize that I might be getting addicted to the food I eat here. I'm hesitant to admit that's it's probably Tatums recipes that I find addictive. Dorothy is a great chef, but Tatum takes the term "mouth watering dishes" to another level. She stops in front of the table and drops the tray on the table with a visible gulp.

"Your food, as ordered. Bon Appetite ", she says hesitantly. My eyes raise to meet hers but lower immediately as I lean down to taste the food and God are these the best croissants I've ever eaten, my family doesn't lack money, I don't either which affords me the opportunity to travel, explore and visit the most expensive places. I've eaten in enough restaurants to proudly say that Tatums food honestly beats them all. It has the entire homemade feeling packed in a single package with "five star" and "professional cuisine".

For a few minutes, I'm lost in the taste of the food that I don't realize that Tatum still stands at the end of the table.

"This is a very wonderful meal Tatum"

She raises an eyebrow and tilts her head

"Of course it is", she says confidently and then walks out, leaving me all kinds of speechless. I want to laugh but I'm too stunned to do so. She's spectacular.

I find myself eating and ordering food from Dotty's more frequently. I love my moms cooking but eating Tatums food doesn't make me miss it as much. Seeing Tatum at nights when she comes to deliver dinner to me is a plus but she's still hesitant around me. I can't put my finger on it but that night seemed to have made her dislike me strongly and it doesn't sit right with me.

It's the weekend and I don't have to be at the hospital this weekend, doesn't mean I don't have work to do but at least I can do it from home. I hear the bell ring but when I open the door, I see Tatum, a plastic bag in her hand which is weird because I don't remember ordering any food.

"Uhm, hi Noah"

"How are you Tatum", I ask, stepping away from the door so she can come in, something I'm not sure she'd do. Sure enough, she hesitates for a few seconds and I'm almost sure she'd decline but she steps in, shoving one hand in her pocket. I close the door behind her while she turns towards me.

"Okay, I know you didn't make any orders tonight and I'm sorry for the impromptu visit but I had to do this and I was scared that I'd talk myself out of it if I wasted any more time"

I nod, gesturing for her to go on. She sighs, then hands the bag over to me.

"This is for you", she says as I take the bag from her "an apology for the first time"

"Oh, No Tatum. You shouldn't be apologizing. I understand you and I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable that night"

"No, no it's okay. Looking back now, it wasn't your fault. I wasn't wearing a vest that night or anything to indicate I was delivering. And I might have been a bit rude to you since then, ignoring you at the restaurant and all. I'm sorry for all of it. To you, I might have overacted that night but it's different for me. I'm sorry either way"

I gaze at her for a few seconds before nodding

"The food smells nice", I say, breaking the silence. She smiles tremulously

"My specialty. Some empanadas, enjoy". I smile at her

"So, is it free. I mean, it is an apology gift"

She laughs and her eyes form little downward crescent moons that have me entranced for a moment.

"Yeah. They're free. Although I prepared them in Dorothy's kitchen and with her ingredients and stuff, it's more convenient than mine"

"Hm", I reply

"Well, I should be leaving now"

My brows furrow but I don't hold her back as she makes her way back to the door

"Thanks a lot for the food. I didn't order dinner simply because it skipped my mind. I'm glad I have something to eat tonight"

She smiles

"Goodnight Noah"

"Goodnight Tatum"
