
Distant fairy tomb

An ordinary urban youth enters an ancient cemetery where the gods and demons of the East and the West are buried. Here, the remains of countless ancient immortals and demons are frozen, and the ancient magic treasures buried with them are also frozen, as well as the mysterious inheritance left by the immortals and demons! How will he live after returning to the city?

tolfenle · Fantasy
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511 Chs

Solving the Trouble

Chapter 384 - Solving the Trouble

The cold wind of the night, pushing thick black clouds slowly moved, obscuring the sky and making the full moon look dull.

The bloodthirsty devil knife hovering around Zhao Rui, however, due to the absorption of powerful true qi, radiated a dazzling dark red light in all directions, like a blood-colored crescent moon falling to the ground, demonic and terrifying.

Zhao Rui hovered in the air, controlling the Bloodthirsty Devil Blade, coldly looking at the Six Psionic Stone Man with a fierce aura.

He is ready to give the Six Pillars of Stone a fierce blow, this magic puppet, completely crushed!

The Six Pillars of Stone probably also sensed the change in the surrounding atmosphere, although it does not know fear, but with intuition, but also vaguely feel as if there is a great danger, is coming.

The blue-white cold light in its eyes, jumped fiercely, before Zhao Rui, launched an attack.

It clutched the silver talisman stone spear in its hand and danced hard, drawing a beautiful circle in the air, while a dull whispering sound emitted from its mouth, as if it was chanting a weird incantation.

With that whispering sound, the silver spell symbols on the silver talisman stone gun, gradually brightened up, dazzling silver light, the entire stone gun completely enveloped, making it become incomparably sharp.

The originally soothing night wind suddenly turned sharp, like a tyrannical ferocious beast, whistling and rampaging in all directions.


Zhao Rui's mind, the first time this idea popped up.

This thought had not yet dissipated in his mind. The six-powered stone man gave a low, furious whistle, his arm vibrated, and his spear pointed.

Thousands of silver stone spears, like a meteor shower falling from the depths of the universe. Dragging a long tail of light, the sky overwhelmingly shot towards him.

Thousands of silver spears, flying rapidly. Break through the air, emitting a sharp air-breaking sound, like a tidal wave, stinging people's eardrums!

Zhao Rui saw the six stone man this move, fierce, although not sure, these silver stone gun. Is not a phantom, but feel temporary dodge, and no harm.

He hurriedly activated the space God bracelet. Across tens of meters of space, trying to get out of the range of the silver spear attack.

"Whoosh" sound, two silver spears from his just hovering position, swept past. They landed in the distance.

"Boom boom"

The ground shook with two loud thunder-like sounds, and the dirt and gravel was carried high into the air by the huge shockwave, then fell in all directions.

The location where the silver gun fell, there were two giant craters with a diameter of four meters, even heavy trucks could easily fall into them.

"So strong power!"

Zhao Rui's eyes stared, he was finally sure that these thousands of ancient witch spell illusion to strengthen the huge silver gun. It was not a phantom. Rather, they were solid!

Two silver spears already have such a terrifying destructive power, if thousands of silver spears. If thousands of silver spears landed together, not to mention this secondary highway, even a hill, will probably be razed to the ground in a matter of moments!

Zhao Rui could not help but be glad that he made the right choice and did not fight hard, otherwise, even if he was not hurt, he would have to consume a lot of true qi, which was not cost-effective.

He did not have time to breathe a sigh of relief, the heart of the warning signs suddenly, the wind behind the sound of loud.

Only to see the distant silver light dots, straight to come.

It turns out that the thousands of silver spears that just flew past, under the control of the Six Psionic Stone Man, turned a corner and flew again, only a few silver spears, landed on the ground.

This time, the silver spears were widely spaced and covered a wider area, even beyond the range of Zhao Rui's instantaneous movement!

"What a shadowy soul!"

Zhao Rui coldly snorted, and couldn't help but feel slightly angry in his heart.

It was just a Six-Psionic Stone Man made by a Rong Witch, and he was actually closing in on a cultivator of the Out-of-Body stage like him!

He gripped his bloodthirsty devil blade tightly and spread his body, flying towards the Six-Psionic Stone Man in a hurry, ready to approach and attack.

However, the Six Psionic Stone Man probably had palpitations for his instantaneous movement, surprisingly did not give Zhao Rui any opportunity to approach the ground, moving his huge body, backward, while the silver talisman stone spear in his hand danced hard, shooting thousands of deadly silver spears again!

The space in front of and behind Zhao Rui was immediately filled with silver spears, there was almost no room to dodge!

Liang Donghai sat on the ground, tilting his head, looking at the sky, dense silver dots of light, his face showing a shocked look.

He had never seen, or even thought, that there were such magnificent and terrifying battle scenes in the world!

"What a dazzling and spectacular battle! Before I die, to be able to see such a battle, it is not a life wasted. ^^ Be careful with the first release of peal 0^^^" Liang Donghai let out a low exclamation, "Only, the silver-faced man is deep in a heavy siege, I wonder if he can get out of the siege and defeat that giant stone statue?"

With this in mind, he couldn't help but worry a little about the silver-faced man's situation.

He was outside the bureau, he has deeply felt, the silver spear powerful, and the silver-faced man is surrounded by nearly ten thousand silver spear, and what kind of light?

Just when Liang Donghai was worried, Zhao Rui had already made a decision.

He was going to shake the deadly iron curtain formed by the thousands of silver megalithic guns from the front!

Although he didn't really like this kind of frontal impact that was extremely consuming, but at this kind of time, he had no other choice.

Zhao Rui raised all the true qi in his body and injected it all into the Bloodthirsty Devil Blade.

The Bloodthirsty Devil's Blade violently erupted with a dazzling blood-colored light that made it almost impossible to open one's eyes!

The blood-colored light kept expanding and extending, eventually forming a huge blood-colored blade of light ten meters long, now in the darkness of the sky!

Zhao Rui let out a clear, long whistle, controlling the huge blood-colored light blade, facing the silver spears that came like rain, without dodging, charging forward at full speed, while the magic sword in his hand, cutting down with all his might!

"Boom boom boom!"

Huge impact sound, like rumbling thunder, continuous resounding in the sky. **520 ***

The shockwave generated by the impact, stirred up a burst of furious wind, whistling down from the high altitude, swirling dust everywhere, almost making it impossible to open one's eyes.

The Bloodthirsty Demon Blade, with its fierce power, instantly tore through the iron curtain formed by thousands of silver spears and ruthlessly chopped down on the head of the Six Pillars of Stone!

In the face of such a severe blade, the defense engraved on the Six Pillar Man's body was no longer effective and was easily broken through.

A crisp cracking sound rang out as the Bloodthirsty Demon Blade shone with a brilliant blood-colored light, and with an indestructible aura, it slashed straight down, splitting the Six-Psionic Stone Man into two halves!

The Six Psionic Stone Man let out a sad cry and collapsed into a pile of rubble.

The silver boulder guns in the sky, deprived of their caster, also burst apart at the same moment, turning into stone dust and sprinkling all over the ground.

"Defeated! Such a powerful stone man was actually defeated by this silver-faced man! Unbelievable! It's unbelievable!" Liang Donghai was lost in thought as he looked at Zhao Rui suspended in the air, muttering with his mouth.

After having fought with the Six Psionic Stone Man, after seeing the intense battle scene with his own eyes, he realized how powerful this silver-faced man in front of him really was!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes and experienced it firsthand, he would have never believed it!

In his eyes, the powerful strength displayed by the silver-faced man was like a celestial being, awe-inspiring!

"Is he a human, or is he a demon? Why is he wearing that mask?" The questions in Liang Donghai's heart were one after another.

However, he also knew that he would only have no chance to figure it out.

Because, the curse of the Six Psionic Stone Man had already penetrated into his internal organs, he was on the verge of death, and there was no cure.

Zhao Rui got rid of the Six Psionic Stone Man and habitually observed the battlefield surroundings to see if anyone noticed this place.

He suddenly found that Liang Donghai actually still had a breath of air and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

He descended from the air, then came to Liang Donghai's side, looked down and surveyed for a while, then said coldly.

"You shouldn't have raided the ancient tomb for the Japanese."

"Yes ... yes, I really ... really shouldn't." Liang Donghai replied brokenly, blood kept gushing out from the side of his mouth, he could not live much longer.

"But ... but, I have no choice. My parents, my wife, my son, my grandson, all ... are in the hands of the Japanese! If I don't do it, they will all be killed! These people, ruthless and ruthless, say what they want and do what they want! I have no choice."

Zhao Rui fell silent, Liang Donghai's family and children, all controlled by the practitioners of the Shinto religion, he was able to choose, indeed, not much.

Liang Donghai raised his head, looked at Zhao Rui, and said with difficulty, "I ... I'm dying. I know. I'm hopeless. But I hope that you can do me a favor and help me ... help me save my family, all of them. I'm willing to be a cow and a horse in my next life to repay you."

"No need for the next life." Zhao Rui said while picking up the leather case Liang Donghai threw on the ground, "Just use the things in this leather case as a thank you gift."

Liang Donghai gratefully smiled at Zhao Rui, everyone is dead, the treasure in this suitcase, would have become Zhao Rui's bag.

"Thanks ... thanks." He finished, his head lowered and broke off.

"Don't worry, I'll get your family out." Zhao Rui said, toes on the ground a little, low altitude flying, quickly rushed out of the warehouse, disappeared in the vast darkness of the night.