
Dissonance of Power

Witness the transformation of a jaded individual, a cynical man who has been beaten and abused by the world, as he finds himself suddenly inhabiting the body of a young, notoriously vile scion within a rapidly declining noble household. Awakening in this tumultuous world full of strife, marred by ceaseless conflict—where war surges like the tides, and alliances shift and waver as the wind, unpredictable and without a moment’s notice—the emergent man, once known as Virgil and now as Vhal, the young master of House Ashfell, finds himself thrust into a life befitting his past skepticism and pessimism, in some strange and twisted sense of irony. With his motives shrouded in shades of gray, he must navigate this treacherous new life. Unlike his past life, the ultimate form of currency here isn't any form of weaponry or economic strength, which in this case comes in the form of swords and coin—although they hold equal significance—but rather, it comes in the manipulation of forces he would have once deemed imaginary: Magic. A tangible power that is crafted and molded to suit the user, replenished boundlessly by the world, binding everything in existence. But with this power comes greater conflicts and greater threats, though conversely, this power comes with unprecedented opportunities as well. Balancing on the fine line between death, survival, and his descent into darkness, how will Vhal carve out his path? In blood, with magic, and as reluctant as his nature deems it, with support. Watch as Vhal progresses through a world beyond the scope of his beliefs, driven by ambition and passion. Watch as Vhal carves out his own piece of power, or rather, watch as Vhal disrupts the hierarchy of power to such an extent that historians will one day mark this age, like all others, with a name befitting it… THE DISSONANCE OF POWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - 100 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter (3k words +) 1 Golden Ticket = 1 Bonus Chapter (3k words +) - - - - - - - Author's Note: I felt compelled to embark on a fresh project. My aim is to captivate and satisfy my audience with this new endeavor. I hope you enjoy. Happy Reading! - Spatial Devil, The Author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - Cover art is not owned by me. If the owner wishes for its removal, please do not hesitate to contact me.

SpatialDevil · Fantasy
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8 Chs

An Heir Awakened III

Salazar's eyes bore into Vhal's, searching for any sign of the boy he once knew. The shock in his butler's gaze was unmistakable. "Nearly three years, young master…" Salazar repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Vhal nodded slowly, his gaze still fixed on Salazar. "Three years... It's quite a long time."

His voice had changed since last—once meek and timid, now hardened, and cold—now carrying a weight of experience beyond his years. Vhal's posture had also shifted; there was a newfound confidence in his bearing, and his eyes held a depth that hadn't been there before; a depth he knew to be forged by pain.

Salazar's brows furrowed as he observed these subtle changes. "Indeed, it is, young master. We had almost lost hope that you would ever awaken."

A wry smile played on Vhal's parched lips. "Well, I suppose you could say I've had a long nap… a dream of sorts." His tone was casual, but his words hinted at the underlying complexities of his situation.

His butler cleared his throat, no doubt still struggling to come to terms with the reality before him. "It's a miracle that you've returned to us, my lord. We have been managing as best we can, but the estate… it's in a state of decline, and your stepbrothers…"

Decline, stepbrothers, hmm, Vhal pondered, his combined wills in commonality about how to handle this situation: merciless and effective. Vhal's eyes visibly darkened at the mention of his stepbrothers, a flicker of something resembling more than anger passing through his gaze.

"My stepbrothers…" He paused, as if contemplating something. "Tell me, Salazar, what has become of them of then?"

Salazar hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Your stepbrothers have established their own households, both holding the title of Viscount. They have taken much of the family's land and resources with them, my lord."

Vhal's jaw clenched at the news, but he quickly composed himself; he couldn't afford to act irrationally, especially when fragments of information were still beginning to resurface in his mind. With that in mind, he felt a desire for an answer from Salazar about someone he had momentarily forgotten, much to his shame.

"Tell me, Salazar, what of my sister?"

Salazar was thrown off guard by the mention of Vhal's sister. It was as if the young master had just plucked a forgotten memory from the depths of his mind and brought it to the forefront. He took a moment to collect himself before responding. Salazar hesitated for a moment, carefully choosing his words.

"Your sister, Lady Eliana, is no longer here, young master," he finally replied, Salazar's voice tinged with regret and concern. "After the family split into three, in my oversight, she was taken by your stepbrother Kael. He's now using her as a pawn for his own political gain, planning to marry her off to another noble from a neighboring region."

Vhal's eyes darkened with anger at the news, his fists clenched involuntarily. The mention of his sister being used as a political tool struck a nerve, awakening a protective instinct he hadn't known he possessed. Even though he had lacked meaningful interactions with her in the past, he had always cherished the idea of family and couldn't stand the thought of Elara being forced into a marriage against her will.

"Kael," Vhal muttered through gritted teeth, his jaw tense with frustration. "He always did have a way of exploiting the vulnerable for his own gain."

Salazar wholeheartedly nodded in agreement. "Yes, my lord. It seems that he is more interested in consolidating power than in the well-being of your family, which will be to no shock. Lady Eliana is to be married off a year from now, and it's clear that Kael has no regard for her wishes."

Vhal's anger burned hotter with each passing moment. He knew the pain of being forced into a situation not of his choosing, and he couldn't bear the thought of his sister suffering the same fate. The merging of his own past experiences and those of Virgil had created a wellspring of empathy within him, a personality trait that fused elements of obsession, control, and various other qualities into his character. Vhal had truly transformed into a new person. 

He suppressed the gut-clenching anger that threatened to consume him and took a deep breath. His expression remained unreadable, but there was an air of authority and confidence in his demeanor that had not been present before.

"I see," Vhal finally responded, his voice steady and commanding. "It appears much has changed in my absence."

Salazar, standing nearby, couldn't help but observe the remarkable transformation in the young master. Vhal's newfound authority and confidence were stark departures from the timid and vile boy he had known three years ago. This change left Salazar both intrigued and cautious.

"Indeed, my lord," Salazar replied, his tone respectful but tinged with a hint of concern. "Times have been difficult for House Ashfell. We've managed to maintain a semblance of order, but the family's reputation and influence have suffered greatly, especially us, the main branch, which is, in reality, the weakest of the three emerging houses."

Vhal's gaze drifted away for a moment as he contemplated the gravity of the situation. "Very well, Salazar. Leave me; I need time to adjust to my situation. After all, I have been sleeping for three years," he said, his voice growing more distant as his mind whirled with thoughts and possibilities.

Salazar gave a short bow, a respectful smile etched upon his face as he nodded understandingly. "Of course, young master. Take all the time you need. I will do my best to assist you in any way I can, as I always have."

As his loyal butler started to step away, Vhal called out, "Wait, Salazar." The butler halted and turned back to Vhal, waiting for further instructions.

"I wish to see Rose," Vhal declared, his voice carrying an air of authority that had not been present in the previous young master. Vhal exuded a newfound aura, truly encompassing the changes within, leaving Salazar taken aback. "Send her to me."

"Rose, my lord? She is but a recently hired servant," Salazar remarked, trying to hide his confusion. Rose had been hired while Vhal was still in his comatose state, and the fact that the young master knew of her existence was puzzling. Just how did he know—

Vhal smirked, a sly glint in his eyes. "Indeed, she is, Salazar. But Rose… is in a unique situation, now. I want to see her. Bring her to me, Salazar."

Salazar raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. He had served House Ashfell for many years and had seen his fair share of changes, but this complete transformation in Vhal was unlike anything he had witnessed before. What did he experience all those years, just darkness… or something more?

"Very well, my lord. I shall summon her immediately." Salazar acknowledged with a subtle nod before making his way to find Rose.

Salazar turned to carry out his orders, and Vhal couldn't help but smirk to himself. He knew exactly what he wanted from Rose, and it had nothing to do with her diligent service, which, unlike many of the servants over the years—who went so far as to beat and hurt him in ways that disgusted even his past self, Virgil—Rose had treated him well. He had learned a great deal about her during his years of slumber, and he intended to put that knowledge to good use.

~ ~ ~ 

Soon, the door to the chamber creaked open once again, revealing a young woman in a worn maid outfit that clung to her body like a second skin, accentuating her sinful curves—her perky breasts threatening to burst through the seams.  With chestnut hair cascading down past her shoulders and striking, expressive brown eyes framed by elegantly crafted features, she entered with a timid expression.

Vhal's impassive face betrayed nothing of his mind's shock at just how splendid she looked. After all, this was the first time he had seen Rose—the girl who had shown him kindness and constantly shared whispered tales of her childhood, dreams, goals, and struggles. Her words had been a lifeline in his dark and silent world during his past self's comatose state. 

Rose stepped inside, her eyes widened in surprise and disbelief at the sight of him, the recently awakened young master, sitting up in bed with the cool silken sheets wrapped around his naked lower half, his lean yet lithe and muscular torso exposed.

Vhal observed as her hesitant steps sent her shuffling towards him, her body trembling with nerves, her perky breasts jiggling, and her curves accentuated by her movements in the dim lighting. However, above all, what Vhal saw was the only other person in his current state of life whom he could trust aside from Salazar. 

After all, the best person to control is the one you truly understand. 

"M-Master… Vhal?" stammered Rose, her voice quivering as she addressed him.

Vhal licked his lips greedily, his mind already formulating a plan for the future as he looked at her approaching figure.

















Author's Note: What did you think about the chapter? Starting chapters can be quite the challenge; my mind is already buzzing with the main plot and the scenes I'm eager to bring to life... so let me know if it was alright or not. Anyway, happy reading!!

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