
Annyeong Brother.

The clouds of Gloom.

They coat over Baekmin in a grey so distinct, the air grows dry and the tiles grow cold.

They pierce into your lungs and you feel as though breathing in was a struggle.

They grow in your lungs, they travel through your body, moulding it and most importantly, moulding you.

Baekmin was never prepared.

Never prepared to face the storm that the 2 twins brought into the world, in a whirlwind.

One that the Royal Priest deemed as the whirlwind of monstrosity.

The Queen withered in bed.

Her bloated stomach, full with a child that was too big for his own good.

Of course, technology wasn't a blessing and the hands of a physician could only feel over the amniotic sac and never, inside it.

Agh, she'd have pain in her knees, one that'd radiate up her back, making her tingly.

Her feet would swell up, they'd be like bloated masses, waiting to explode.