
Dismantle Them All [Mystery & Progression Fantasy]

Readers can expect fantasy, mystery, psychology, skill and rank progression, and lots of adventure into the realms of supernatural cybercrime. The story will be very long though, so I hope you stay in for the ride! --- "I'm going to dismantle them all!" In a world where the unseen powers of deities and demons intertwine with the digital age, Eren Fischer embarks on a mission to fight evil after his family falls victim to a devastating scam. Gifted with supernatural abilities to sense detection, feel negativity, discern truth, locate bad guys, and a whole sleuth of anti-scam abilities as he grows, Eren, alongside allies each bearing their own divine gifts, navigates a world of digital and physical deceit. They confront deceit in the form of earthly scammers to darker forces seeking to manipulate humanity, from the depths of the digital underworld to the cosmic balance between good and evil. This story has progression and ranking levels. The ranking levels don't appear in the early chapters, so do take your time to slowly digest and enjoy. --- Unfortunately, this story won't have stats as I don't like stats systems. I like to infer power levels. Updated few times a week, at random times! Welcome all!

DestinyDOG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 3 - Lessons from the Shadows

"Well, are you ready for a real test?" Mia's voice cut through the smoky haze of the coffee shop. "That 'glow' of yours is more potent than I thought, but it's raw. If you want to make good on all that righteous anger, you need control."

Eren shifted uneasily in his seat. Mia's words echoed the doubts he'd battled since their last meeting. The reality of this hidden world – of predators feeding on despair and forces beyond his comprehension – chilled him. 

Yet, the devastation that had befallen his family wouldn't fade. His grief had transformed into a burning need for justice, a weapon to be wielded against the predators lurking in the shadows.

"I haven't had a single decent night's sleep since…since it all happened. Every time I close my eyes, I see them – Mom, Dad – trapped by that…thing that destroyed our family." Eren's voice cracked with the strain of keeping his emotions in check. "Yes, yes, I am more than ready to do this."

Mia met his gaze, her own eyes narrowed in calculation. "There's a place I want you to check out," she said, sliding a folded slip of paper across the table. On it was a nondescript address and a single word: 'Tranquility.' "Don't go there yet. Observe for a day, see the kind of people drawn to that…serenity they're selling. Then, if your gut tells you there's something nasty behind the smiles, get yourself in there."

Eren studied the paper, a wave of apprehension washing over him. This wasn't some abstract exercise anymore; this was stepping into the lion's den. With a nod, he tucked the paper away and rose to leave. Mia's voice stopped him.

"Remember, Eren. You're not invincible. That ability of yours – it amplifies more than dishonesty," she warned cryptically. "Out there, in the real world, people hurt. They suffer. If you try to carry all that with you, it'll crush you faster than any conman."

Eren left the coffee shop, Mia's words a dark echo in his mind. His steps felt heavier as he made his way back home. Normally, he'd be lost in his own thoughts, replaying lectures or strategizing for an upcoming assignment. Now, the once mundane world seemed overlaid with an unsettling hum, amplified by every flash of frustration or despair he encountered.

Passing a young mother struggling with a stroller and a screaming toddler, he felt an almost physical tug of despair. A group of rowdy students, oblivious to their privilege, made his stomach churn with an instinctive revulsion. It was as if his power had cracked open a window into the hidden world of suffering, a world he was not yet equipped to handle.

Lost in these dark thoughts, Eren almost didn't register the raised voices spilling out from the living room when he arrived home. His mother's voice, usually warm and soothing, held a sharp edge that sent a fresh jolt of fear through him. He hesitated at the doorway, unsure if he should step in and offer some empty platitude or simply retreat to his room.

"-another job interview tomorrow and I don't know how I'll face them! We've tried everything, the resumes, the networking…" His father's voice, heavy with defeat, cut through the room. "We're going to end up on the streets, Diana! It's like…like there's a curse on us…"

"Don't you dare…" His mother's voice broke, a sob escaping her carefully constructed facade of optimism.

Eren's heart twisted in his chest. All his righteous determination, all those promises to fix things, crumbled against the reality of his parents' despair. What could he do, really, against the unseen forces that had shattered their world and now threatened to consume them entirely?

He slipped into his room, closing the door softly as a wave of hopeless exhaustion washed over him.

Morning brought no clarity, only a dull headache and a persistent undercurrent of fear. He had a choice to make – walk away, try to forget the horrors his ability had revealed, or step further into the darkness.

The faces of his parents, worry etched deep in their features, flashed in his mind. Weakness, surrender, had never been family traits. And he was a Fischer, after all.

Squaring his shoulders, Eren headed out. 


The address Mia had given him was in an unremarkable neighborhood, a bland office building indistinguishable from a dozen others. Yet, as he loitered, he noticed a steady stream of people flowing in and out. They were of all ages – a worried-looking couple, a young woman with haunted eyes, an older gentleman in a crisp business suit. 

What drew them here? What false hope, what desperate need, led them through those doors?

Dusk settled as Eren took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance. Inside, a hushed atmosphere prevailed, the décor all soft pastels and soothing tones. A smiling receptionist beckoned him forward, her voice a practiced whisper.

"Welcome to Tranquility," she said. "May I ask what brings you here this evening?"

"I… I've been struggling," Eren replied, forcing the words out. "Stress, family issues…I heard this might be a place to find some peace."

The receptionist's smile widened. "Of course, dear. Our introductory seminar starts soon. Let me just get your details…"

Eren followed meekly, a sense of unreality swirling around him. He was in too deep to turn back now. The seminar was held in a dimly lit room, the scent of incense hanging heavy in the air. 

Participants were subtly guided towards plush armchairs arranged in a semicircle, facing a low stage. A man emerged, his impeccable suit and well-practiced smile conveying an aura of absolute calm.

"Thank you all for coming," he began, his voice warm and soothing. "We understand the challenges of life. Stress, pain, loss…they wear away at the very core of our being. Here at Tranquility, we offer a path to healing, to release those burdens and rediscover your true potential."

The seminar continued with a well-rehearsed series of platitudes and promises: letting go of negativity, finding inner strength, embracing the power of positive thinking. 

Yet, with his heightened senses, Eren felt something far less benign beneath the surface. With each carefully crafted phrase, each tale of personal transformation, the 'glow' around the speaker seemed to intensify, twisting into a sickly, pulsing red.

This wasn't benevolence, but manipulation, a hunger seeking to devour the vulnerabilities of those seeking solace. Yet, the rest of the attendees seemed enraptured, their faces softening, their tension easing under the spell of the speaker's practiced cadence.

Eren shifted uneasily in his seat, trying to discern the source of his disquiet. Was it just the leader? Clever rhetoric, well-placed charisma… that was the arsenal of any con artist. Yet, something felt…off. The energy in the room hummed with focused intensity, an almost predatory undercurrent that the others seemed blind to. It emanated not just from the speaker, but was echoed in several figures who sat scattered strategically throughout the audience. 

Were they simply dedicated followers, or something more?

A break was announced, and as people mingled, Eren seized the opportunity. With feigned interest, he approached one of the individuals he'd sensed a similar 'glow' around, a woman with a soft smile and surprisingly intense eyes.

"This is all so…inspiring," he began, fumbling for the right words. "I've been so lost, and this feels like the first step towards getting back on track."

The woman's smile never wavered. "Of course, dear. Tranquility offers a path for those who truly seek it. Tell me, what brought you here tonight?"

Eren hesitated. He wasn't ready for a full confrontation, but he couldn't simply walk away either. "My family had lost a lot of money recently… it's shaken me more than I thought," he half-confessed.

"Loss is one of the greatest burdens," the woman agreed sympathetically. "It can leave you adrift. But here, you can learn to release those ties and create a new future, one filled with light and limitless potential."

Her words were kind, but the glow around her pulsed with a strange urgency, an almost desperate need that sent shivers down Eren's spine. Something was missing in her warmth, a void her words couldn't disguise.

"It's just…difficult to accept that it's all gone," he pressed, watching her reaction.

The smile faltered ever so slightly. "You must let go of the past, dear. Fixating on what's lost only blinds you to the opportunities that lie ahead."

The words echoed the seminar leader's teachings, but with a subtle difference. The woman's intensity had turned steely, her focus seeming to drill into Eren. There was more here than just rehearsed speeches and manufactured empathy.

The seminar concluded, and Eren remained rooted to the spot, a cold certainty settling over him. As the crowd thinned, he approached the woman once more. "I'm truly interested...how can I learn more?"

The woman's eyes gleamed. "There are advanced sessions, private workshops…" Her voice softened, becoming almost conspiratorial, "If you have the dedication, the will to truly transform, there are higher levels within Tranquility, a select circle for those willing to break free of the old, limited self."

Eren forced a nod, mirroring her enthusiasm. "I want that. How do I…qualify? Are there…donations? Sacrifices?" His voice trailed off, feigning a desperation he didn't have to fake entirely.

A flicker of triumph crossed her face. "We seek only commitment," she said, her voice a bare whisper. "There will be a gathering tomorrow evening. A chance for those with true potential to learn more. Can I count you among them?"

An address, a time, and a disquieting sense of dread filled Eren as he left the building. The night air felt heavy, charged with a tangible malevolence that sent a chill through him. He had found what Mia had sent him to uncover – not just a clever scheme, but something far more sinister.

Back home, he paced his room, the events of the day replaying in stark detail. His ability thrummed beneath his skin, echoing the predatory nature of Tranquility. Yet, he knew he couldn't walk away. Mia needed proof, and more importantly, there were innocent people being drawn into the trap.

The faces of his parents flashed through his mind, strengthening his resolve. They had been victims, yes, but he would not allow others to share their fate. As the clock ticked down towards midnight, Eren made his decision. He was just one man, armed with a strange ability and a simmering rage. But tomorrow, he would step back into the darkness, and see just how deep the rabbit hole went.

The address he'd been given was an old, rundown warehouse on the edge of town. As Eren approached, his senses screamed in warning. The glow he'd felt at the seminar was amplified here, pulsing with a malevolent energy that seemed to seep from the building itself. The few windows were boarded up, casting the structure in an ominous darkness.

Taking a steadying breath, Eren slipped through a concealed back entrance. Inside, the warehouse was transformed. Rich tapestries hung from the grimy walls, candles flickered in every corner, and the heady scent of incense hung thick in the air. A dozen or so figures, faces a mix of desperate hope and blind devotion, waited expectantly around a central stage.

Eren positioned himself near the back, his gaze sweeping the room. The seminar leader and several familiar faces from the previous day moved with silent purpose, their movements infused with ritualistic precision. There was no mistaking the intoxicating energy in the room – not just manipulation, but a tangible power coursing through the figures at the center.

The crowd gasped as the leader ascended the stage. "Welcome, seekers! Tonight, we take the next step on the path to enlightenment," he proclaimed, his voice echoing in the cavernous space. One by one, he brought participants forward, leading them through guided meditations, confessions of past traumas, and pledges of unwavering devotion. With each broken sob, each declaration of surrender, the glow surrounding the leaders intensified.

Eren's stomach churned, his power clamoring with the growing corruption in the room. He saw the subtle exchange of energy – the hope and pain siphoned from those on stage, feeding a swirling mass of power that thrummed beneath the rituals. Whatever facade Tranquility presented to the world, this was its dark heart, a predatory scheme cloaked in the guise of spiritual salvation.

Then, it was his turn. The woman who had marked him as 'potential' gestured him forward with a predatory smile. He forced himself to act the part – the broken, desperate attendee seeking solace. The leader's focus settled on him, and Eren fought to keep his revulsion hidden.

"Tell us what brought you here, child," the leader instructed.

Eren took a deep breath, the words flowing easily now. "My family, we lost everything to a scam...money, our dreams...It's taken so much from them, from me. There's this anger inside… a need to find justice, or maybe just…some answer." His voice cracked convincingly.

The leader nodded, a predatory glint in his eye. "The past is a shackle. Here, you can shed that burden, find your true power." He placed a hand on Eren's shoulder, and a cold tendril seemed to snake from the touch, seeking out weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Rage flared within Eren, threatening his act, but he choked it back. He had seen enough. It was time to escape, to alert Mia, but how? The leader's focus was intense, his grip unyielding. Eren subtly shifted his weight, preparing to break free and make a run for it.

Suddenly, the air shimmered. A shimmering tear appeared above the stage, revealing a swirling vortex of unnatural energy. A guttural voice cut through the murmurs of the crowd. "The harvest is prepared. Begin!"

The leaders around the room let out a collective hiss, their forms dissolving into wisps of darkness that surged toward the vortex. The stunned acolytes cried out, their bodies shuddering as waves of despair and exhaustion washed over them. Eren, still feigning helplessness, seized his opportunity. He wrenched himself free of the leader's grasp and bolted for the exit, the horrifying wail of the creature echoing behind him.

Bursting through the back entrance, Eren sprinted down a darkened alley. He could hear the sounds of pursuit behind him – not footsteps, but a slithering whisper of shadows and the guttural snarl that sent terror surging through his veins. He couldn't risk a glance back; his only instinct was to flee this place of nightmares.

Stumbling into a network of deserted streets, his breath rasped in panic. His legs screamed in protest, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Each building seemed a potential refuge, but the glow he sensed extended everywhere now, seeping out through cracks and under doors. Whatever had been behind Tranquility, it was reaching for him, seeping into the very fabric of the town itself.

Then, a glimmer of hope. Up ahead, a lone streetlight flickered faintly. Under its dim illumination stood a hunched figure – Mia. She jerked her head up at the sound of his frantic approach, her eyes widening in alarm.

"Eren! What happened?" Her voice was sharp, cutting through his terror. "You reek of the damn Nether."

"They're not just con artists…" Eren gasped, his words tumbling out in a rush. "Some kind of cult, feeding on people, and…there was a creature…a rift…" He slumped against a wall, struggling to make sense of the nightmarish scene he'd escaped.

Mia cursed under her breath. "It's worse than I thought," she muttered. "Come on. We need to get you somewhere safe."

She led him away from the warehouse, navigating a maze of backstreets and dimly-lit passages. Eren stumbled along behind her, exhaustion crashing over him in waves, but his mind raced with horrifying clarity. He'd stumbled into a war zone of a different kind, a realm where the villains were not just greedy humans, but beings from the depths of the uncanny.

Mia led him to a decrepit building, seemingly abandoned to the elements. Yet, as she fumbled with a hidden latch, she muttered a phrase, and the door creaked open revealing a surprisingly well-lit and equipped basement. Computers hummed in one corner, and strange symbols were scribbled on faded whiteboards.

"My war room," she said, gesturing wearily towards a battered couch. "This will have to do until we figure out our next move."

Eren sank onto the couch, his muscles trembling. He was out of the immediate danger, yet the insidious fear lingered, coiling in the pit of his stomach.

"What the hell are we dealing with?" Eren croaked, his voice hoarse.

Mia sighed, running a hand through her short hair. "The Nether is a hungry beast. It seeks out vulnerabilities, cracks in our world, and uses them to feed its own insatiable appetite."

"A web of deceit," Mia explained, her voice low. "They've been around for centuries, manipulating events, shaping history from the shadows. Tranquility was just a small branch, a tendril reaching out to ensnare the vulnerable."

Eren closed his eyes, the weight of the revelation pressing down on him. He had stumbled into a battle far larger than he could have imagined, a war against an enemy that had been operating in the shadows for centuries.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, a hint of accusation in his voice.

Mia sighed. "Because, Eren, most who learn of the Nether… they break. The sheer scope of it, the darkness… it's enough to drive anyone mad. I needed to know if you were strong enough, if you could handle the truth."

"And Tranquility was a…what? A conduit for them?"

Mia nodded grimly. "A feeding ground, one of many the Network uses to spread its influence. You got out just in time. Gods know what would crawl through then…"

She held up her hand, forestalling his protests. "Look, this ain't some destiny crap. This is dangerous, plain and simple. But you've got a power that most don't, one that can alert us to these leeches feeding on humanity. This fight, it always needs new recruits."

Silence fell. The room hummed with the soft whirring of computers, a counterpoint to the storm raging in Eren's head. Destiny, demons, a hidden world… yet the memory of his parents' despair was all too real, their faces mirroring the drained figures he'd seen on the Tranquility stage.

"Mia, they need help. All those people…"

"And they'll keep needing it," Mia said with brutal honesty. "This is a long game, Eren. One cult, one demon – it never ends. But if you stay in, you're going to have to change how you fight. Hone that power, learn the signs, and trust your gut over your head sometimes."

Eren stood up, his exhaustion fading in the face of a cold determination. His family's ordeal had thrown him into this fight, but now, knowing what lurked in the shadows, he would stand against it, even if it meant walking a path he never could have imagined.

"What do we do now?" he finally asked, his voice hoarse.

Mia stood up, her gaze focused. "We fight back. We gather evidence, expose their network, and protect those they prey on. You have a unique weapon, Eren. Your ability to sense their darkness, their lies… it's invaluable."

Eren stared at Mia, a wave of doubt washing over him. "Mia, we can't possibly do this alone. They're everywhere, they've been operating for centuries…" His voice faltered, the enormity of the task ahead threatening to crush his newfound resolve.

Mia remained unfazed. "Alone? No. We'll need help, allies who understand the threat and possess the skills to fight it." A glint of steel flickered in her eyes. "But first, let's hone your skills a little."