

All 36 has ever known is fighting. Day in and day out he trained and fought others to survive, honing his skills to the max to be the best. He knew he had less talent than others, but that didn't stop him. Now reincarnated into a world of sword and magic, 36 must find his new purpose for living, and once again reach the pinnacle. In this disjointed world, what adventures await him?

Lofe · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


As 36's consciousness began to fade into the void, and his soul left his body, a sudden burst of white light shot into his soul preventing it from fading completely. This white light then started to drag 36's soul towards the atmosphere, eventually entering space and beyond.

The white light eventually guided 36's soul to another planet very very far away. On this planet, inside of a small cottage, a woman could be seen giving birth. Despite her current disheveled appearance, one could see that she was mildly attractive. Next to her stood a man with black hair holding onto the woman's hand supporting her. In front of the woman stood an elderly lady that had a mystic air about her, this woman was presumably the doctor helping during labor.

"Ahh, look", the old lady said with excitement, "it's a boy!"

Suddenly the white light along with 36's soul shot into the newborn's fragile body. Because 36's soul was much more mature than that of the newborns it began to overwrite the soul with ease.

"Look, Helen!", exclaimed the man, "It's our baby boy!".

Suddenly a faint green light began to emanate from the Old woman's palms. This light was then directed at the child and Helen at the same time. The pain that Helen felt slowly began to fade away.

"Let me hold him Anne.", Helen said weakly.

The elderly woman passed the newborn over.

"Thank you once again, Anne.", said Marcus.

"It's the least I can do.", replied Anne with a smile.

"It's strange though, most babies cry when they are born but this little one is silent as the night.", she muttered under her breath as to not concern the new parents.

"Well, I will be heading out then for the night, I will make sure to stop by tomorrow just in case any health issues arise.", said Anne with a tired voice.

"Have a good rest.", said Marcus gratefully.




During this brief conversation, 36 had regained his consciousness. Although he could not muster the strength to open his eyes nor move his body, he could hear what was happening around him, which left him in confusion as he could not understand the language that these people were speaking at all.

36 also realized that for some odd reason he could feel an immense amount of Qi in the air around him.

'I'm alive?', he thought after breaking away from his confusion.

'I need to see where I am.', he thought.

He struggled to open his eyes and eventually he was able to look at what was in front of him.

In front of him we saw a very pretty woman, and to his left a man with an above-average face and black hair. 36 could not help but be surprised, as these people seemed to be much larger than the average person, at least in comparison to him.

He then tried to reach out with his right hand to touch the woman's face, but he was not able to reach, and to his surprise, the hand in front of him was incredibly small.

"What the F***?", he said in astonishment, or tried to say but all that came out were sounds that sounded like gibberish.

"Awwww, look hon he's trying to talk already!", exclaimed Marcus.

To 36 this sounded like "giubui, awoih woduah toiwod!", which made him even more confused as back on earth there had been only one language used on the entire planet.

Suddenly he had an epiphany.

'Am I not on earth anymore? And if that's the case did I reincarnate? Then where did I reincarnate to? How did I reincarnate?', he pondered.

'Okay, okay, too many questions and not enough answers let me first figure out what's the deal with these people.'

'Wait if I reincarnated doesn't that make these people my mother and father?!', he thought.

36 looked up once more and met his Mother's eyes, and wondered what emotion exactly those eyes held while looking upon him. Of course, this emotion was none other than love, and at that a mother's love for their child. Having not experienced love before, 36 could not help but wonder why she was staring at him so attentively.

"What should we name him?", asked Marcus suddenly.

Helen pondered for a bit before replying with, "...Dayn."

While his parents slept, 36 began to make a list in his mind of priorities. First, he had to learn the language that these people spoke, secondly, he needed to find out why the air was so dense with qi, and third he needed to get stronger. 36 did know that getting stronger would have to wait, as he was still a newborn baby, so while he was still unable to do anything on his own, he would learn as much as possible.