

All 36 has ever known is fighting. Day in and day out he trained and fought others to survive, honing his skills to the max to be the best. He knew he had less talent than others, but that didn't stop him. Now reincarnated into a world of sword and magic, 36 must find his new purpose for living, and once again reach the pinnacle. In this disjointed world, what adventures await him?

Lofe · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Magic Itself

"What is Magic?", Dayn asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"Hohoho, a curious one are we?", chortled Anne, "I will explain magic to you then, but listen carefully as I will only teach you once."

"In essence, magic is the ability to use Mana in such a way that it takes shape. We create this so-called 'shape' by using incantations. The spell that you just saw was simple enough that I was able to use no incantation to cast it, or no-chant as it is called, but no-chanting can only be used with 1st Degree spells."

She took a breath before continuing.

"Of course there are different degrees of magic, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest a human can use. There also is such a thing as Draconic magic or Godly magic, but humans are unable to use them. Of course, each spell belongs in its own tier, but the better the mage, the more powerful it can be."

"For example, if a 6-Star mage were to cast a 2nd-degree spell, fireball, and a 4-star mage were to cast a 4th-degree spell, firestorm, you would think that the 4th-degree spell would be stronger, but that is not the case. Instead, the 2nd-degree fireball would overpower the 4th-degree spell with ease while also using less mana, because the 6-star mage's mana is purer."

"The last thing about magic I will teach you is so-called 'True-magic'. True-magic is referring to the ability to cast all degrees of spells using no-chant, as well as the ability to infuse different mana-types into one's body. If a person is able to do this, they would most certainly become the strongest mage alive, but anyway that's enough of that, let's go back to teaching you how to read.", she finished.

"Can I learn magic?", Dayn said once again using his puppy eyes to his advantage.

"It's not a matter if you can learn magic or not, it's a matter of if you have the talent", she replied.

"What do you mean?", Dayn asked.

"I'll give you an example: myself."

"You?", he asked.

"Yes, me."

After a short pause, she continued.

"I used to be a Healer and a 3-star mage at that, but I lacked the talent to comprehend what it took to become 4-stars, so I plateaued as a mid-level 3-star. Luckily my most synergistic attribute was Life-Magic, so I was still able to make a living as a Healer."

"Every child at the age of 7 gets tested for their synergy. Of course, there are different synergies with different mana types and some are rarer than others, such is my life magic."

"One day you will also get tested, Dayn, and who knows what synergy you will have."

"What types of synergies are there?", he asked, basically begging for more information.

Anne let out a long sigh, "Fine, fine, I will tell you about synergies, but this is your last question for the day."

Dayn looked at her attentively and nodded his head.

"Firstly there are several common synergies, these are, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. There are of course more advanced degrees for each of these synergies, but each of them are for more extraordinary people. Then there are also special type synergies these being Light and Dark, with each of these also having advanced degrees."

"I see.", said Dayn.

'How strange,', he thought, 'qi is called mana on this world, and there are also different types of it.'

"Now that that's over, let's get back to teaching you how to read kiddo."




A few months later he was able to read, now it was time to learn about the world he was on. After reading some of Anne's books for a few months, he was able to find out a lot. Eyr was the name of the continent they were on. Shi'nau, or the land of the dwarves, lies in the far east of the continent, its name translating into 'Land of the sun' in dwarven. To the west of Shi'nau was Zao'du, or the land of the elves. The elves lived in a forested area that surrounded a great lake where in the middle resided the mother tree. To the east of the elves was the beastmen who lived in Kastia. Kastia was a swampland that inhabited all types of races from lizardmen to orcs.

Now in the far west resided the Venaro Republic, also known as the free land, where all types of races lived. The terrain of the republic varied but it was mostly deforested now with planes that expanded for miles and miles. In the far south is Sephan otherwise known as the land of outlaws, Sephan was entirely a dessert with some oases strewn about.

North of Sephan is to Aesomer Empire, a monarchy that only sought to conquer. Just north of the Aesomer empire was the 'Common Lands', which consisted of small city-states that operated independently from others. Currently, the Aesomer empire was trying to take control of the Common lands.

Now in the far north lay Tryven, a desolate land said to harbor nothing but cold, snow, and ice. South of Tryven, separated by the Eos mountain range is Haside, otherwise known as the land of magic and mystery. Within Haside there resided numerous Mage Clans that were on the pursuit of understanding magic.

Lastly, on a continent of its own, to the Northwest of Eyr, resided Devall, or the land of the Demons. Devall was said to be a barren land filled with wandering Demons that only fought amongst each other, so they were not much of a threat to Eyr.

This was all that Dayn had learned within his few months of reading, and he wondered how much more he would learn in years to come.




(Sorry for the info dump but thanks for reading :) <3) (I also have a map that I drew out myself I just don't know how to add it!)