
Chapter 19

Later that evening, Lord Hugh, the heir of Viscount Waldorf invited some peers from a limited circle to enjoy some selection of expensive tobacco and a rare, vintage Armagnac in his study. Ashton came across the young lord in the hallway and the host insisted that he must join the little celebration. After what just happened, he actually wanted to skip the entertainment, however, to show his reluctance would be impolite. When he entered the room in Waldorf's eager assistance, some peers had already been there, relaxing on the couch and talking to each other. They rose to their feet immediately and welcomed him, some advanced on him and started casual conversations. From the corner of his eye, he glimpsed the damnable rogue, reclining on a couch with one long leg stretched out in careless manner.

As his noble fellows saluted the duke in his arrival, Blackthorne remained idle in his seat, not bothering to make a gesture of recognition. He couldn't make it more obvious that he was doing it deliberately. The rest of the peers might think the duke was inherently deserving of privileges and special treatment, but he wouldn't feed on that snot's sense of entitlement.

Lord Hugh poured the spirits to some crystal goblets in the sideboard, and started to deliver the drink to the men himself. He settled himself on the couch across Blackthorne, watching the man took the first sip. A wide smile split his face and he leaned forward to ask,

"How does it taste?"

Blackthorne let the strong taste linger in his tongue for several seconds before delivering a reply.

"Delectable. It's lovely, both smooth and sophisticated."

Knowing that he was being watched surreptitiously from the other side of the room, he formed a sardonic smile as he sent the duke a significant gaze.

"Like the kiss of a temptress. One taste will never enough."

A sliver of emotion made its way across the duke's face, only for a split second, but it didn't escape his notice. He laughed inwardly, knowing that the hint hit in the right place.

"Worth every penny, isn't it?" said Lord Hugh, perfectly unaware of the sudden leap of tension in the room.

"Speaking of temptress, have you obtained one for you at the moment?"

Taking another sip, Blackthorne replied nonchalantly.

"Most certainly so."

Roar of male laughters echoed in the room at his answer, followed by friendly curses and obscene remarks.

"Tell me, Blackthorne," The young lord said with a chuckle.

"Does this woman belong to someone else? Because the last thing I'll ever want is to witness a duel in my quiet and peaceful residence."

"You needn't worry, I assure you the man who owns her would never dare to challenge me or anyone on this matter."

Knowing the man across the room heard every single word, he felt extremely pleased with himself at having successfully irritated his adversary.

"Now if you'll excuse me, gentlemen," He pushed himself out of his chair, addressing the other peers politely as to show the duke, his previous impropriety was for that bastard only. He made his way to the sideboard and get himself a cigar.

"I'm going to enjoy this at the terrace."

Watching the sight of the rakehell obscured into the shadowy terrace, Ashton sipped his brandy in exasperation. One of his fellow was now starting to talk to him about some parliamentary topics and he could hardly concentrate on a word. After some time, he finished his drink in one long swallow. Setting the glass aside, he straightened from his seat and reached the selection of cigar in the sideboard. Picking one randomly and lighting it, he headed to the terrace.

Lounging on the railing, Blackthorne basked in the strong flavor of the tobacco. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the duke approaching him in quick, purposeful strides. He took a perverse pleasure to see he had managed to destroy the duke's composure. The man stood next to him by the railing, regarding him with a sharp gaze.

"I want a word with you."

Turning his head to face him, Blackthorne watched his opponent took a deep, quick draw on his cigar impatiently. He wondered how could he not collapsed into a fit of coughing from the smoke. It seemed like his lungs, just like the other organs in his body, was made of steel, cold and unfeeling.

Exhaling a thin stream of smoke, the duke muttered with a dry voice.

"I gather that you haven't a good intention to show respect to what belongs to someone else."

"I believe your ownership doesn't include a person's own free will."

He countered calmly, predicting his nonchalance would infuriate his opponent to a boiling point. He was right, because the duke cut to the chase quickly.

"I'm going to say something to you, and you'd better pay attention, for your own good."

Blackthorne held back a snort at the imperious remarks. He knew if he wanted to irritate this prick, he'd better show little emotion.

"Leave her alone. If I happen to see you with her ever again, I swear I'll make your life hell, and when I do, God help you."

"Then I'll be glad to inform you that I haven't the slightest intention of leaping into your command."

Blackthorne could almost sense heat emanating from the man beside him as his voice turned dangerously calm.

"Choose your battle wisely, Blackthorne. You'll come to find that trifling with me is a mistake you cannot afford."

Drawing the strong cigar lazily, Blackthorne let out a white puff from his mouth drifting to the air, challenging his gaze through the thin mist.

"I might say the same to you, Your Grace."

The next second, a convenient noise intruded on the near battle. The other gentlemen began to flow into the terrace, chattering and laughing in light conversation. Soon they were surrounded by the unknowing peers, and the fight was suspended. They continued mixing with others and the night went like nothing had happened. All the men agreed that the premium cigar was of the best selection, but Ashton could only feel a bad taste in his mouth. Expelling a swirl of smoke with no appreciation, he stared idly into the distance. He did things he had never imagined, not even in his wildest dreams. He always thought that no woman was worth a dispute, yet he had just challenged another man for a worthless, deceitful wench. What drove him to throw himself into such insanity? He shouldn't allow himself to entertain such a temporary madness, but God helped him, because as much as he couldn't explain it, he knew he couldn't stop it.


Ashton stepped out into the garden the next morning to find the lawn was already occupied by several guests. It was a perfect day for a long walk in the park and the guests were strolling around to enjoy fresh air and beautiful sight. He caught a glimpse of her in the distance, walking with her lady who was holding her by the arm. She leaned closer as to listen to the old woman's chatter. The lady chortled, the old woman's shoulders shaking convulsively at her own jokes. She smiled, out of courtesy, he guessed, because the smile didn't quite reach her eyes, and then, as if she could sense his intent stare, she glanced in his direction and caught him watching her. Her smile faded, she turned away her face instantly and cast down her eyes. She couldn't stand the sight of him. An unexpected emotion shook him inside, more stirring and piercing than everything he had ever known. He felt a sudden emptiness in his chest, and a little light in him flickered away and died. For a moment, he was startled by the fact that her indifference hurt him more than he cared to admit.

Turning away her face to avoid him, Ava felt a helpless pang of guilt. She tried to convince herself that she didn't need to feel remorse. She had done nothing to deserve his vicious revenge and she was just defending herself from his interference. But still, she couldn't help worrying that she had hurt him in some way. And the thought made her heart squeeze in tightening ache. They took a turn about the garden, stopped here and there to admire variety of flowers and conversed with the lady's friends, but Ava couldn't for a second forget her quandary.

"Countess Byrne, how delightful to see you."

An elegant voice interrupted her relentless musings and she shifted her gaze to see Lady Selene Wyndham standing in front of her. Slightly surprised, Lady Byrne gave a solemn curtsy while muttering a polite greeting and Ava followed her instantly. Lady Selene glanced at her and her lips curved into a faint smile.

"Hello, Miss Banks."

Lady Byrne's eyes widened and the old woman turned to Ava in disbelief.

"Do you know each other?"

"I had the pleasure of meeting her yesterday. Miss Banks, haven't you told your lady what happened?"

When the young lady spoke to Lady Byrne about how they accidentally met yesterday, Ava felt a growing uneasiness. She couldn't tell what exactly made her feel uncomfortable in the lady's presence, but she got a peculiar feeling that there was something beneath her friendliness, something she could not figure out now. Her instinct told her, Lady Selene was not the one who cared to socialize with the lower classes. A moment later, Lady Selene surprised both of them with her unusual request.

"My lady, may I have a moment with your lovely companion? I'd like to know how I can make amends for the inconvenience I caused her."

Lady Byrne fell silent for a while, but later she replied with a polite curtsy.

"Of course, my lady."

To her surprise, Lady Selene took her arm lightly as she brought her away, as though the lady could feel her reluctance and determined to keep her from fleeing. For some curious reason, Ava felt like a mouse in trap. The lady maintained a light conversation as she guided her across the lawn, passing a narrowed path in the garden which led to the side where the guests never went. They crossed a little stony bridge, to an outdoor terrace where a round-topped table was set near the stony railing. Ava froze to her feet when she saw who was waiting for them at the table.

The moment Ashton saw the woman his fiancée was bringing with her, he was certain about one thing. Selene did see everything in his sketchbook. He didn't believe Selene summoned him to come to this place for no reason, as much as he didn't believe Selene brought that wench to him without any particular purpose. He had speculated about it the day before, when Selene called him for an introduction with this so-called servant girl. It was terribly strange. To his knowledge, Selene had no desire to associate with people outside their circle. He cursed himself for his recklessness. How could he leave his sketchbook with her? It was like leaving his secret, unlocked and unprotected, with a stranger. But he suspected Selene had distracted him deliberately, with her ankle injury and the lost ring... Thinking about it now, it was a curious coincidence. He had known it from the first time, that he'd better not make a mistake of underestimating his fiancée's intelligence, but still, the unfortunate situation he was facing now was something he could not foresee. Knowing what was about to come, he remained calm and collected in his seat. He had to settle this damnable mess later, but for now, he refused to be a part of whatever scheme Selene wanted to drag him into.

Forcing her frozen feet to move, Ava managed to greet him with a proper curtsy. He disregarded her just like before, and somehow in the midst of her disappointment, she knew it was the best for them both. Under his fiancée's nose, any reaction from him would only made her feel awkward.

Selene gave him her brilliant smile.

"Hello, dear. I hope you don't mind that I'm bringing a company."

Taking care to keep his gaze averted from the other woman, he stood up and drew a chair back for her.

"Thank you, darling."

Unexpectedly, Selene leaned forward and pressed a light kiss on his cheek. Ava looked away at once, casting down her eyes as she felt an odd, peculiar heat crept over her skin.

Selene could sense the muscle in his face suddenly tautened in his effort not to pull away from her. Despite her indignation, Selene sat down elegantly and smiled at her rival.

"Please do sit down, Miss Banks."

Ava obeyed her and took a seat, sitting politely with hands in her lap. Concealing her discomfort, she scrutinized the white tablemat before her. A male servant came with a tea tray and arranged the content neatly on the table, pouring the tea for them and bowing politely before leaving.

"Here, have a cup of tea."

Lady Selene offered her and Ava murmured gratitude, taking the cup and started to sip slowly. The lady made some casual and friendly remarks, as to help her feel more relaxed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him staring at somewhere in the distance, his forefinger tracing the curve of the teacup handle absentmindedly, but it seemed that he had no appetite for tea. He looked perfectly indifferent, and not the least bit interested to get into the conversation. She focused to the lady, doing her best to offer a proper response. Looking across the lawn longingly, she wondered when she could be free from this uncomfortable situation. After exchanging some pleasantries, the lady asked in a casual tone.

"Tell me, Miss Banks. Why do you choose to be a lady's companion?"

"I am most grateful for my job now, my lady. It's much better than any other job a woman from my station could ever get."

Ava replied politely, keeping her eyes partly concealed beneath her lashes. Apart from the reason of propriety, she couldn't quite meet the lady's gaze. However, even without looking directly at the lady's fiancé, she sensed his silent stare at her from across the table.

"You could have married and live a comfortable life."

The lady regarded her with an assessing glance.

"You are exceptionally beautiful. There must be plenty of men who had asked for your hand in marriage."

"It's so kind of you to think so highly of me, my lady, but I'm afraid the opposite is true."

"I don't believe there's no man who would want to have you as a wife. I gather you have a very discriminating standard in that matter."

The lady's gaze swept over her face to her middle.

"No ordinary man can earn your attention, isn't it?"

Glancing at her surreptitiously, Ashton couldn't help a mixture of curiosity and anticipation to hear her answer. Even though he entirely opposed Selene's little scheme, at the moment he started to enjoy it.

Mildly shocked by her question, Ava replied immediately.

"I know perfectly my place in this world, My Lady. I dare to wish only what is proper for me to have."

A good answer, Ashton thought sardonically, and even better, she made it sound genuine. She said it like she meant it.


The lady gazed steadily at her over the rim of her teacup.

"Don't you think what is proper for you to have pales in comparison with what you can possibly have?"

"I beg your pardon, My Lady?"

"You have possibilities, Miss Banks."

She placed the teacup on the center of the saucer with a perfect poise.

"Without an ambition, such a magnificent beauty that you possess will stand to go to waste. However..."

The lady's eyes raised to hers with a significant gleam.

"A misguided ambition can lead to one's downfall."

Ava was quite certain that she was anything but a fool, but she couldn't quite fathom the substance of the entire conversation. Why was the lady saying all that things to her? The whole conversation made no sense. She didn't believe the lady had a pure interest in a servant girl's mundane life.

"I'm most honored to know you, My Lady, and I really enjoyed our conversation, but I'm afraid I have made the Dowager Countess wait for too long. I will now beg leave to do my work."

Rising to her feet and performed a quick curtsy, she murmured farewell and spun around. She walked in a steady pace at first, but after she was certain she was out of sight, she scurried down the path. Apparently the undesirable attention that she got were not just coming from the earl and the duke. She wondered how she could manage to lie low during the remaining days.

She came to an abrupt halt as her eyes caught a sight of the Earl of Blackthorne, strolling leisurely in the empty garden a distance ahead. She turned around quickly and rushed to hide behind a bushes nearby. Peering through the shrubs, she breathed in relief to see that the earl was seemingly unaware of her presence. She looked around quickly. She couldn't come back to the other side of the path. She had to find an alternative route to return to the formal garden without crossing path with the earl. There was a hedge maze to the right, that lead to a stony bridge crossing a little pond, which seemed like a perfect place to escape. She could pass him by without being seen. She rushed into the maze, trying not to make a sound as she ventured deeper into the puzzling labyrinth. After several minutes, she realized that she was lost in the complicated passage.

A soft, muffled sound of footstep nearby got her alerted. She stopped standstill and strained her ear for any sound. For a moment there was only silence. Suddenly she caught a slight movement beyond the hedge wall, followed by another rustle. Heart thundering in terror, she darted to round a corner when suddenly her wrist was caught in a strong grip.

"Got you."

She turned to see her captor and found Lord Blackthorne smiling teasingly at her, his tousled hair softened his manly features.

"You're intentionally tempting me to come after you here, aren't you? Such a naughty girl,"

His gaze swept over her from head to toe.

"What am I going to do with you now?"

Knowing by firsthand experience that showing fear did her little good, she tried her best to look dignified.

"You must stop treating me like this, My Lord."

She tried to wrest her hand away as he held her effortlessly.

"I can no longer tolerate your obscenity."

He pulled her close to him so easily as if she was a ragged doll, her body molded into his hard length, her breasts mashed against his muscled chest. She squirmed frantically when his mouth probed hers hungrily, and somehow she managed to twist herself out of his grasp. She ran as fast as she could. But she couldn't escape him, in split second, his strong arms closed around her waist, pulling her back until her back crushed his sturdy chest. She twisted and turned desperately but his powerful hold bound her tighter than a steely chain.

They both stood like that for a long while, she panted helplessly as he imprisoned her in gentle captivity. He waited until she stopped struggling, before bending down to breathe into her hair. His rough breath brushed the sweat-misted back of her neck. A moment later, she felt a warm, moist stroke along the edge of her earlobe. It took a while for her to recognize what he was doing. With his tongue, he was tracing the outline of her earlobe. He trapped the delicate flesh between his lips before nibbling it gently, then he pulled the flesh slowly until it slipped out of his teeth. Sensation flooded her in a strong rush and made her breath come in quick puffs. She was stranger to this kind of intimate touch, and the powerful effect of this act startled her, for a moment she got lost. Until the thrust of his pelvis on her backside brought her back to her senses.

His steely hold loosened as now he was skimming his hands over her ribs, up to the curve of her breasts, murmuring praises to her ear. She inhaled deeply with trembling breath and elbowed him with all her strength. He released her with a startling gasp, and she ran aimlessly without looking back. Her whole body tingled with sensation and she was shocked and scared, not only of him, but also of her own reaction to him. Miraculously, she found her way to the end of the maze with little difficulty. She was still feeling a mild tingle when she returned to Lady Byrne.

"Ava dear, are you quite all right?"

The lady asked with a concerned frown.

"You do look rather pale."

For a moment, she considered to tell the lady the continuous disturbance she received from the earl. But she wouldn't want the lady to confront him, especially with her secret at his fingertips. She shivered at the thought. Her very life now at another man's mercy. She was grateful he didn't use it against her. She didn't know what to do if he blackmailed her to comply with his demands.

Later in the afternoon, some of the guests were going downtown in their fine carriages for sightseeing and shopping. Strolling around the local point of interest, for a little while she could find distraction from the disturbing thoughts. After an hour of shopping, Lady Byrne decided to rest her tired feet and have some refreshments at an outdoor teahouse.

"I should have bought the hat... but I thought I already have more than I'll ever need. Now I can't stop thinking about it."

Lady Byrne muttered as she put more sugar into her tea.

"We can go back to the shop after this."

Ava replied emphatically.

Lady Byrne sighed,

"I really want to, but my ankle hurts. Seems like I've had enough walking around for today."

The lady cast a hopeful glance at her.

"I hate to bother you, darling, but can you go back there and get the hat for me?"

Watching her surroundings in alert, Ava walked quickly through the sidewalk. She hated to walk alone, especially when two men kept pulling her into the hidden corner by turns every now and then. But she had no reason to refuse Lady Byrne's request. Fortunately Lord Blackthorne was nowhere to be seen. Although he wouldn't dare to harass her in the crowded street, still, she didn't want to get another encounter with him.

A distance ahead, a fine carriage stopped by a luxury shop. She took a halting step immediately after seeing the golden-engraved monogram on the black exterior of the vehicle. She knew instantly who were inside the coach.

The coachman opened the door, and the duke dismounted from the coach. Her breath caught at the very sight of him. Even when she hated him so, he still looked so infuriatingly handsome and she couldn't help devouring his figure everytime she saw him. His eyes were so blue and his legs were so remarkably long, and the way he always moved in perfect poise never failed to fascinate her. She shook all the thoughts off with self-disgust and moved alongside the wall, concealing herself behind a couple chattering by the shop window. The duke took Lady Selene's hand to help her alight from the coach and let the lady held his arm, then the couple walked straight into the shop.

Soon after they disappeared beyond the threshold, Ava scurried along the pavement. She halted near the shop, peeking through the window. She couldn't explain why she was spying the pair, she just knew she couldn't help it. She reasoned with herself. She did nothing wrong, she would only have a quick look.

There was only a slight movement in the window, but Lady Selene Wyndham was a woman with a sharp eye and an even sharper mind. She turned toward her fiancé, who was standing right behind her. She smiled at him, pretending to be amused by his comment and lifted her fingers to touch his face. Her long, slender fingers brushing the skin on his cheek.

Stunned by the unexpected intimate contact, Ashton forbore from drawing himself away. Selene had surprised him over and over again since the day before, from initiating their first kiss to touching him intimately at the moment. He knew a very few women who could surprise him, and Selene was decidedly one of them. She looked him straight in the eyes, her voice even when she said,

"There's a fallen eyelash."

Despite her gentle touch, her eyes were sharp and piercing, and somewhat unnerving him. He waited until her fingers left him, then stepped back and averted his eyes.

"I think I'd like to have some fresh air."

Part of him knew he should make the most of the remaining time to settle the unspoken misunderstanding between them before the wedding, but he couldn't resist the impulse to escape her touch. He knew it was insane, but it just didn't feel right.

"Take your time, I will wait for you outside."

"I think I will need some help deciding which one is best among so many options. All of these are equally splendid. How am I supposed to choose?"

He knew the underlying message beneath her words. She demanded him to stay there with her. But he really needed to clear his mind. He knew, sooner or later he should speak openly to her about the woman in the sketches, and he needed a moment alone to think about how to bring out the conversation.

"You don't need to. Just take anything you like and put it on my account."

"Truly? How very generous of you."

She stepped forward and smoothed his lapels, her dainty hands rested on his chest afterward.

"What if I like everything in this shop?"

The proprietary gesture only added fuel to his escaping urge.

"Then buy them all."

Watching the pair through the window, Ava was quite taken aback when the duke left his fiancée and headed toward the door. She moved away quickly, she didn't want to be caught or seen by him. She managed to walk several steps, but she could still hear the sound of the door being pushed behind her and her heart started to pound frantically. She wondered if he could recognize her. And if so, would he try to approach her? Little chance, they were in a crowded street, with his fiancée nearby. She quickened her pace, brushing some passersby as she pushed through the throng. After some time, she was caught on a whim to look back. She must be quite far from him now... She glanced over her shoulder and startled to see that he was only a few steps away from her, much closer than she expected, and their gazes met over the crowd.

All in a sudden, she rammed into something hard until she was jostled and shoved back forcefully. A few boxes scattered over the ground with a loud crash and a series of savage curses rang in her ear.

"Dammit, woman! Are you fucking blind?!!!"

A bearded man with a sullen look snarled at her with thunderous voice. She stepped back instinctively, too shocked and frightened to offer an apology. The man stepped over her aggressively, glowering at her in threatening gesture.

"You should watch where you're going!"

"And you should watch your tongue, potty mouth!"

A familiar voice, aggresive and enraged, reached her from behind. In a flash, the duke was stepping in front of her with quick, long strides, standing between her and the man. Gasped by the murderous look in his face, the man backing away a step. The stranger's expression turned from harsh to terrified.

"Do you know this woman, Sir?"

The man choked out a reply.

His blue eyes narrowed to fiery slits.

"She is with me, and nobody is allowed to shout and swear at her, not for any reason. Now if you care enough to save your skin, you will apologize to her and get lost at once."

Obviously he needed nothing more than a gaze to fix that man, because the man's face turned impossibly red and he swallowed hard before murmuring in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, Miss."

The man bent down to collect his fallen stuffs and left in a hurried pace. Strangely, Ava felt an unexpected sympathy for the man, however, it was her fault in the first place. Overwhelmed by a changing rush of feelings, she was barely aware that some people in the street had stopped and stared at them. She felt his light touch on her elbow as he led her away from the staring crowd.

"Are you alright?"

He asked quietly after some time.

She could only nod to respond. She looked terribly pale, she lost all the colors in her face and his heart throbbed in painful rhythm at the sight. He should have just killed that short-tempered swine at once. Suddenly he got a pretty good grip on what was going on inside him. Just the moment, he realized the strength of his feelings for her. Despite his hate and revulsion, he couldn't stand the sight of her being hurt, even a little. For all his life, he had never been feeling this protective toward anyone.

"Thank you for saving me from humiliation."

Came her little voice. She hesitated, but after a moment's thinking, she continued,

"Or worse, perhaps. I was so scared, I thought he was going to hit me."

The thought heated his blood immediately.

"I'll strangle him to death if he ever raised a hand on you."

She turned toward him at once, looking at him with disbelief.

"Or any woman. That man is such a crude, cowardly bastard."

He corrected instantly. He thought she would turn away, but she kept looking at him. She stopped still, and he was compelled to do the same. The moment he looked into her eyes, the sparkling pair held him spellbound.

Unexpectedly she said to him,

"You must know, I didn't mean what I said last night."

Her eyes were the kindest he had ever seen, and he fought to contain a flood of emotion. Strange how such simple words could move him like this, but it wasn't just the words, it was the way she looked at him. There was tenderness and guilt in her eyes, and they spoke more than words. They told him wordlessly that it hurt her just as much.

All the voices in his head screamed warning and he struggled not to slide to the delusional joy once again, but her eyes were proved to be his undoing. They might have tempted him with their lies, but they were the reason his dead, frosted heart ever stopped feeling numb. While part of him thawed, another part of him refused to give in to temptation. He reminded himself that she was a seductress. Like any of her kind, she had a way of looking at a man as if he were the only thing that mattered.

"Darling, I've been looking for you,"

Selene's voice wove over his shoulder, breaking the stunned moment. He turned around at once.

"Well, hello Miss Banks,"

Selene greeted her rival with a smile.

"I see both of you getting along well without me."

"We just met."

He responded shortly. Unfortunately Ava looked like a child who was caught when stealing sweets.

"Yes, it was just happenstance that I happened to be here."

"Truly? How curious..."

Selene looked quickly from him to her with calm expression.

"I never believe in happenstance."

When Ava struggled to find a word, Ashton decided he had to take control of the situation.

"If you're done here, Selene, we'd better hurry,"

He took Selene's arm quickly, half forcing her to turn around and follow him.

"There are still some places to see. We should get there before it gets dark."

Selene complied elegantly, glancing at her rival over her shoulder before leaving.

"Have a good day, Miss Banks."

Ava responded her with a polite curtsy, watching the pair leave. She continued to make her way to the hat shop, her mind was occupied with suspicious thoughts. The lady and her curious behavior, could it be possible that she was jealous? For what reason? She couldn't have known her relationship with the duke... She sighed in frustration. It wasn't like the duke and she had some kind of relationship. There was nothing between them. Nothing at all. There was never been things like sweet words, endearments, let alone touch or kisses. There was only shared secret, and an exchange of gifts. Did it count? She contemplated it. They did meet each other secretly to spend time alone together and they did exchange gifts. And each of them knew they must keep it to themselves, and they couldn't tell anyone about it... Blast it! Came to think about it, why it sounded like a damned affair? Or at the very least, it was what happened in the beginning of every love affair. She rubbed her temple to ease a sudden headache. She already had enough trouble, she didn't need another one. But it seemed like there was nothing she could do about it.
