
Discreet Adoration

What does it mean to love someone? What does it mean to beloved by someone? Can a couple learn to love each other despite their not so stellar start?

Miraj · Urban
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38 Chs


Daphne had been aware of her drawbacks for a long time, and what made her so impassive in her relationships with people in the past decade was the pessimism that whatever relationship she could have with them — would not end well; that they were always lying or that everyone just liked her superficially, for her looks; or even worse, for her money.

'To keep going the way I have, is not a way to live.' Daphne had kept repeating a sentence similar to this over the past few months.

Daphne used to be an optimist and not being one was difficult for her. Typically, when something did not work out, she shifted gear and did something completely different and just drowned herself in that, all in order to forget past failures. This had worked thus far and it was keeping her mood at a stable level. Obsessing over things was unhealthy, and Daphne had been told so numerous times, but it was her way of coping, and it was also why she was so good at studying and business.

The issue with this approach was that, eventually, she ran out of things to obsess about. Or things that she could switch to when she ran out of motivation with regards to whatever she was doing at that time. Daphne had reached this particular snag about a year ago when food, business, charity and studying… could no longer give her any motivation.

There were a few chefs that worked for her on rotation, it was actually a part of their job to go out and study new cuisine, so Daphne had been trying new things regularly for years, and it had slowly lost its novelty.

Business had been stable and her business partner was much more hands-on than she was, minimal input was enough.

Charity had been interesting in the beginning, but the longer she was in those circles, the more she became disheartened with them. Those people were almost completely broken away from the reality of the things they were preaching, and like in many other areas, it had become mostly a game of politics, or a game of flexing your riches.

She knew her business partner was doing much more charity and community work in all areas of the globe. Basically, that charity had also been done in her name although she had gone in a different direction and chose to work with already established charity organizations. Eventually, since Daphne had already built up her reputation in the upper circles, it no longer seemed necessary for her to put as much effort.

Lastly, when it came to study, which was the last thing that still manifested some interest in her; Daphne started having her reservations. She attributed her sudden interest in sex to this maniacal disposition of hers. She had indulged herself for a while, until her typical obsessive ways led her in a path she was not comfortable with.

Daphne had concluded that knowing too much about anything was not good because "humans corrupted everything they touched." Nonetheless, her curiosity could not move on from the sex topic, as such, she remained in a state of limbo, where she could not muster interest in anything else, and she had become more and more sexually frustrated.

I feel that I should say some things about the direction this will be going in, as I am sure most of you reading will not be expecting it.

My story will have elements from many different genres. Some parts will be more psychological, some romantic, some horror, some si-fi and fantasy, maybe more.

Don't worry though, I will not mess with the main couple too much. But a person's life should not only have their lover in it, which is why there are more main characters.

I will accept criticism if you don't like it, but try to make it constructive.

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