
Chapter - 6 she is mad!!

kira was really very happy as today she got her dream job and she met her dream boy , prince charming, her knight !

when Kira was on her way to hun building, her phone rang.. she picked up the call immediately... it was her bff su Lora...

"Hii babes! where are you.... BTW how was your interview... " when she didn't get reply from the other side... Lora signed and tried to console her bestie.. "well don't be sad and lock yourself in your condominium like last time....it's okay if you didn't get the job... you can always come and work at my brother's company... trust me.. you are always welcome in the su groups.... although brother yan is cold and has haughty nature... ,but he respects the true talents and always supports them ! Also... if you really want to get the job in Global's you can ask that jerk lu han or papa lu to get job there... I know... I know, you want job by your own hard work and talent but... then again you are the sole heir of mu's textile corporation.... why do you have to take this managing job and retard yourself.. sometimes I really don't understand your 'I want to be an independent woman attitude! ' and ' I do not want job via my family connections! ' or ' I do not intend to work in MU corporations! ' means why in the world.. you don't to work in your own father's company... is that jerk more important than your father .. !!!" Lora was so busy consoling her bestie that she didn't hear the chukling sound from the other side.... listening to all the rambling of her best friend.. kira burst into laughter.... Lora was now really confused and sacred and so she asked "Kira have you gone mad... I know it was your dream job... and also in HIS company... but believe me that jerk does not deserves all your hard work.... " "shut up! " Kira scolded Lora... not because she was irritated by her friend 's continuous rambling.. but because she called HIM jerk....lora knew this well therefore in the very next moment she corrected her speech and asked " OK... OK I apologize for calling prince han a 'JERK'....now tell me why were you laughing before? have you really gone crazy... or did you hit your head.... or...getting job in Global's no more your dream.... and you no more like that stupid han! Lora said that laughing proudly... thinking that she was right... "are you sick from your head! when did I say that I didn't got the job... and who have you called stupid... and why in the world will I stop loving him? " Kira really thought Lora was the one who was mad... to think she would stop loving him... seriously.. who knew better than her, how much she likes lan... how much she wanted to spend all her life with him...as from childhood she used to tell everything to Lora... EVERYTHING!... so how can she ask her this... listening to her reply.. Lora again signed.. but then she excitingly she said "congratulations for your job babes... now give us a party... your dream came true.. finally you got job in Global's! we want party.. everyone.. our whole FAB 4 ....we can also call senior brother yan... OK then it's done... also by this you can meet your knight.. as that stupid han will also come....i will send a message in our group immediately then..!"

saying this Lora ended the call.. Kira on the other hand.. was in conflict whether to laugh or cry....^_^!!