Name : Yael Lyle
Nationality : Seux
Position : Member of the Seux royal family, Ex-fiancé of Gail ( First prince of Xinthri )
(Yael : God's strength) (Lyle : Islander, Isolation)
Age : 23 (Deceased)
Birthday : April 14th
Appearance : Long and wavy dark brown hair, brown eyes, tanned, Atleast 5'9
Powers : Seux Eyes, Fire magic, Fire enhanced brass knuckles
Likes : Her father, Jean, flashy displays of strength, playing dolls and tea parties
Dislikes : Being hated, Disappointing other people, carrots
In my vision of Yael, she looks a lot like 'Moon Hyuna' from 'The S classes that I raised' before she got a new hairstyle!