
DISCONTINUED/GETTING A REWRITE: I Refuse to Join The Hero's Party (BL)

This story is discontinued on this account as I will be rewriting this, I will post an announcement when it's back incase you guys want to continue reading Siun lived his life on “earth” in a blur, his incoherent memories troubled him as he feels like he was just living an empty life… until one day he died in a robbery at his minimum wage job. Siun : Is this the after life? Tex : Choose, be reincarnated and help the Hero kill the Demon Lord or have your soul imprisoned and tortured for eternity? Siun : Do I really have a choice?! He is suddenly thrusted into a fantasy world, with a plethora of different fantasy races (dragons, elves, demons and many more) and a world that overflows with incredible magic. Transmigrated into the body of a peasant with a loving family, along with a floating cat named Tex as his guide, his journey is set for smooth sailing! … Or so he thought, unlike what Siun expected, he was not overpowered but instead has to work hard to survive tooth and nail everyday in a war-ridden world, unfit and unforgiving to children, with his actions having huge, deadly negative effects on the original story’s plot. Will he be able to fix plot-changing mistakes caused by his actions and fix the world, or choose to run away in fear… again? ??? : again ----------------------------------------------- COVER NOTICE : I do not own the art for the cover I found it on Pinterest, I couldn’t find the artist, but if your the artist and would like me to not use your art tell me and I will remove the artwork*

ThaiYaki · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
103 Chs

Chp 26 : Endogamy

As Karter was doing his thing, Jean was assigned to kill a tree demon that was quite a bit taller than Karter's but it was considerably thinner.

Unlike Karter who shouts while he fights, Jean preferred to stay quiet, only occasionally letting out a few grunts here and there.

Also what was different about him than Karter was that his techniques were really refined and perfected. He totally utilizes his Xinthri blood in his attacks, it seems as if he was throwing atleast 15 punches a second and a phew powerful kicks ever so often.

[Siun : Wow! A Xinthri can actually do hand to hand combat?! I can be like that too?!]

[Tex : Hate to break it to you, but if you look closely he actually enhances all his attacks with wind magic to make them even more powerful and fast... The most you can do is at most half of his damage]

[Siun : Rats!]

[Tex : Don't be too disappointed, you will get a totally unique power when you are 4 remember?]

[Siun : Wow your actually being really nice and encouraging today!]


As Karter and Jean were fighting. Yael was... playing? I guess?

Who knows she was laughing and smiling the whole time and making bad puns about trees they were so unfunny you wood not believe it.

Yael had a fighting style similar to Jean, or it could be the opposite way.

She used hand to hand combat as well but it was more flamboyant and showy, she would light her brass knuckles on fire with her powers and do both long ranged and close ranged attacks. It was like watching a fire work show.

"Huhuhu! I got a good one for you, Tree demon! Guess what month this is!"

[Siun : September]

"It's a tree's least favourite month! Sepi - timber! HAHAHAHA"

[Siun : Ok what the actual fuck-]


With Yael's bare fists and hands she single handedly took care of two of the tree demons, she still had one left. It was the biggest one out of all of them, being atleast triple Yael's height.

"Watch this Siun!"

She said as she raised up her arms she clapped her hands once loudly then puts her hand into a triangle shape with the tree demon visible in the center of her hand triangle.


She said before a bright pillars built out of flames shined down from the night sky cutting through the darkness incinerating the tree in an instant.


Elena, Silas and Siun all watch from shock in the car.

"Wow, as expected from the royal family..." Elena muttered whilst look at her hand

[Elena : Is it possible for me to get that strong if I train? Or will i never be able to be as strong as her because im not a royal...]


Siun was amazed

[Siun : This big sister is pyromaniac! Totally suits her personality though...]

[Tex : I agree with you on that...]


"Hahaha! How was that everyone! Amazed?!"

Yael said as she spun around in a circle

"Yael! Stop fooling around and get on this cart! We need to get the to main Xinthri in four days!" Karter said, he was the only one who dared talk to Yael like that, Jean could never.


"See that Siun?! Wasn't I so strong?!"

"Hehehe yes Big sister Yael is so amazing!"

Yael, Siun and Silas all laugh

"How is his majesty nowadays? I haven't been to Seux in so long!"

"Aish... I don't even want to talk about it, that old fart is senile! He is so controlling over his son Kiaran!"


"Oh I forgot that only people in Seux know about him, well no one was supposed to know about him until his debut at 6, but that old man just wanted to show off his son enough to compromise his privacy!"

"That sounds horrible..." Silas said as he looked at Siun and stroked his son's head

"And that not the worst part!... come closer let me tell you guys another important secret"

Silas and Siun both nudged closer to Yael.

"I'm not supposed to tell anyone this... but I consider you guys as my second family, even though we just me today... I heard some rumors that the old man just got a daugther, and he is planning to make Kiaran marry her!"

Silas and Siun both gasped in shock.

"What?! But that's endogamy!" Silas yelled out loud

"Shhhh! Didn't I just tell you it was a secret?!" Yael whispered as she flicked Silas's cheek.

"But why?! Is there a reason behind him doing this?!" Silas whispered

"I don't know... It's just a rumor going around the Seux royal family!"

Silas sighed after this... What has happened to his home country?!


As Siun, Silas and Yael were happily chatting... and gossiping, Elena went to the front of the wagon to talk to Jean.

"What are you doing here Mrs.? I advise you to go back and sit with the rest of them in the wagon..." Jean said in his usual emotionless tone.

"I have a question to ask you... or more like a favor..."

"Mrs. what more do you want from us? Ms. Yael was already kind enough to allow you to join us..." Jean said still looking forward towards the road, he seemed to not want to speak to Elena

Elena what you doin, stop, get away from rude man

ThaiYakicreators' thoughts