
Chapter 27, First Floor

After passing through the crimson portal.

Max felt light for a second as he felt that he was standing in the air, from the teleportation after passing the portal.

After a few seconds, he noticed that he was standing on the ground, Max was dazed a little as his head kept spinning and he felt that he wants to puke from the teleportation.

After regaining his bearing, Max looked around.

The first thing he noticed was that the area around him was pitch black without any light except for the soft red light coming from the red moon and stars that were shining in the star.

But after taking a step forward, two flame torches immediately lit up a huge crimson double door, that was too huge for someone of his height.

Max just kept looking at the door for a few seconds, as there were many exquisite carvings on the door of various things. There are also strange words written on top of the gates, but Max didn't understand them as they are a very ancient language.

Max decided to ask Lena if she has any idea.

"Lena, do you know what those words mean?"

[Master, focus on the words with your eyes, and the System will translate them for you]

"Wow, it can do that too?"

[And a lot more than you can imagine] said Lena with a slight smugness.

Max just laughed a little and then focused his eyesight on the strange language carved above the gates.

[Citrina Arx]


[Crimson Citadel]

I see so this is maybe another name for the Sanguine Sanctum, but anyway, this language looks familiar.



Can't seem to remember.

Well, anyway, it is time to push the gates to enter.

After that Max didn't hesitate and immediately, he entered the first floor of the dungeon with a cautious expression on his face, because he simply doesn't know what might appear after just opening the gates, better be safe than dead.

When I put my hands on the gates, they immediately opened and didn't seem to be heavy like I thought from their shape, maybe it is made with a special alloy?

Of course, Max was right and wrong.

Wrong about the fact that the gates aren't heavy, if it weren't for the System working as a key, Max could stay here all day and wouldn't have been able to push the door a few millimeters from its place.

Right about the gate is made of a very special alloy, that is used to isolate anything that happens behind them and the alloy has a very heavy weight plus a few special characteristics, making this alloy famous in the past before ceasing to exist mysteriously.

But that is a talk for later.

Now back to Max.

After pushing the Gates open, Max made his way past the gates with cautious steps in case there are any traps laid around, after finding nothing noteworthy and found that his enhanced senses didn't alert him of anything.

He took the time to check his surrounding more thoroughly after finding no enemies for now.

Max found himself in a large hall that is decorated with a black color and silver-red engraving on the walls. And in front of him, there are stairs that are going down, as for where?

Max will have to take them to know.

Other than that the Hall was empty without anything, there was not even any dust on the floors.

Max just shrugged, and since there is nothing here to see, he walked in the direction of the stairs.

As soon as his feet touched the first stair, a system screen appeared in front of him.

[Welcome to the Sanguine Sanctum's first floor]

"Hey, Lena didn't you say that the Dungeon is divided into stages?"


"Then, how many floors for each stage?"

[The first stage contains 5 floors only, as for the rest, you will know when the time comes]

"Then, do you know what will I face on the first floor?" Max asked to collect any available information instead of going down there blindly.


"Aren't goblins made up creatures, that are just made for stories and games?" Max asked with a raised eyebrow.

[No, they are real creatures, how do you expect the appearance of a race here if they don't really exist outside?]

"Sure, you got a point, I just thought that they were created by the power of the system"


But of course, that is a big fat lie.

Even with all the large numbers of races out there that Will saw, he never even heard about the Goblin race, like ever.

Then where did he get them from?

He just saw them on the internet, so he just created something similar using his creation magic, that's why he needed a lot of energy reserves.

Then why didn't he just throw some random beasts inside the dungeon and get over it?

He just didn't feel right, and he was having a lot of fun to the degree that he added a few special characteristics to make them a little special.

What's the point if you have power and don't use it in what you want to do?

That's why Will just got the idea and worked on it.

Now, back to the poor soul, that will get experimented on by the might of the new goblins.

Although Max will suffer from them a little, that is only if he is stupid, after all, Will didn't want to kill his new disciple.

After Max finished going down the stairs, what appeared before him are two large corridors to choose between them.

"Does it matter?"

[No, They will lead to the same opponents]

That is also a lie but at the same time truth.

One of the two roads is filled with deadly traps for ordinary people, and for Max who just evolved, they can prove to be a little challenging, but that is the point of the dungeon.

As for the other road, it is empty without any obstructions until the meeting points of the two paths.

Shrugging his shoulders after hearing Lena answer, Max just chooses one of the two roads randomly.

And since Max has a lot of bad luck even after getting his system

He naturally walked through the one with traps.

Max experienced in the 20 minutes he walked through the first tunnel all kinds of traps he has seen in games and movies.

He kept cursing the creator of the dungeon while dodging all kinds of traps, as how come a normal level 1 can dodge this kind of traps?

Swinging Blade trap, Fire Trap, Poison Dart, Spiked Pit,….

He passed first by a fire trap, while walking in the tunnel, he just pressed his legs on the wrong tile, which resulted not only in a small amount of flames from the side.

No, the creator got a little creative and made the fire come from above and right and left of his position.

If Max didn't have the passive skill 'Enhanced senses' he would have been a barbecued vampire.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Devilsmercy026creators' thoughts
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