
CHAPTER 7: Meet The Hero's Party.

The next day-

Aah, what a beautiful morning it is. The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing; the slight noise of Cliff making his forges out back is spread throughout the house, and the sound of Layla humming amidst her work streams through the hallways and corridors. It's a typical morning in the Bellar household.

I get off bed and do a few stretches and exercises—part of my morning routine to keep my body is in tip- shape. But now that I think of it, I don't think that is necessary. I do have this body after all.

Huh, guess I don't really need these morning exercises when I've got such an OP body. You can't fix what isn't broken I guess, but I still do it anyways. Doing it, I feel normal.

After my stretches and exercises, I make my way to the window and fling it open. Poking my head out of the window, I take in the fresh morning air, when a small rock comes flying and hits me between the brows. It was so unexpected I couldn't react to it.

Receiving the rock to my forehead, I fall to the ground. Though the pain only lasted for a few seconds, it still hurt. I get up with my arm against the spot the rock hit instinctively and stump my way back to the window.

Receiving a rock to my head soured my mood. Stumping my way back to the window, I look out for the person who threw the damn rock at me, and there he was. Right outside the gate, a boy with light brown hair stood waving at me. It was Don. No, sorry I meant, it was Don?

Why the hell did he throw a damn rock, no why is he even here? How did he even know my window? Knowing Don, it was probably just dumb luck. Guess I have to find out what he wants.

I change my clothes and head downstairs to meet Don. Getting outside, I met Cliff with Don. They were holding a conversation as Don nodded wholeheartedly to whatever Cliff was saying.

"Ah! Reo, I didn't know you were awake. You sleep well?" Cliff turned around and said. "Yes I did, although I had a rocky start while waking up." Saying this, I snuck a glance at Don who smiled back at me. Cliff had an expression that said, 'what are you talking about.'

I ignore Cliff's expression and focused on Don who still had his trade mark smile plastered all over his face. Seeing this, I felt this irresistible urge to smack it off his face, but held back on it.

"So, Don. Are you going to come in or…" Cliff inquired off Don. "Ah! No, that's okay. I've got something planned with Reo." Don replied.

"Oh, okay then. Guess I'll head inside. You guys have fun." Saying this, Cliff returned inside. "So, how may I help you, Don?" as soon as Cliff left, I ask Don trying hard to hide my dissatisfaction.

"Huh? Why are you being so formal? We're friends, so loosen up." Don said patting my shoulder. "R-right. Sorry about that. So, what is it?" I ask.

"Nothing really, I just thought maybe we could hang out or something… c'mon, let's go. The others are waiting." Saying this, Don dragged me out of the compound, down the hill.

Don was the kid I met last chapter- er… I mean yesterday. Following a weird development, we ended up friends leading us to where we are now.

We walked down the hill for a little while, before we came across a bunch of kids by a tree. From the kids, one of them seemed to have been waving at us. Don seeing this waved back as he hurried his way to the tree the kids stood bye.

Seems like he is familiar with them. I followed behind Don as he made his way towards the kids. There were four of them by the three, two boys as well as girls.

"H-hey, Don. What happened to you? Where did you get those injuries?" one of the boys said looking at Don with concern.

"Hmph. Knowing Don, he probably went to pick a fight with Rob again and ended up getting beat up." The cranberry haired girl in the group said. And she's right on the money.

"S-shut-up!" Don retorted, "I made sure to show Rob who is boss. These injuries are just scars of honor" he continued, "Y-you should have seen the way he ran off." Heck, you showed him who is boss alright.

"Ho? Is that so? Well your black eye says otherwise though." The blonde kid said with a chuckle. "it's a scar of honor! A scar of honor I say!" Don refuses to back down.

"yeah, yeah. Sure, whatever. So Don, what are we…" the blonde kid was about saying something but trailed off. He was looking at me.

Seems like he finally noticed me, he as well as the rest of them. Took you long enough. The cheerful expression the had just a minute ago disappeared and was replaced with a stiffened one.

Don noticed and turned to me. "Oh, right! Guys, this is Reo, we met yesterday. Reo, these are my friends." Don introduced. "Uh, um… hi, I'm Reo, pleased to meet you." I add.

Though I introduced myself with the help of Don, the suspicious glare sent my way didn't let up. They seem really on guard around me for some reason.

Did I maybe say anything weird, or is it how I look? Wait! Is there something on my face?

"Don, who is this?" the blonde kid who had been giving me the most scornful glare among the others, called out to Don. "Uh, didn't you hear me? This is Roy." Don replied looking at the blonde kid with an expression that said, 'did you hit your head or something.'

"No well, I heard that. I mean, where and how?" the blonde kid bit back. "Ah! W-well, he um…" Don was having trouble saying something. "He…he helped me against Rob yesterday, though I didn't really need it."

The blonde kid shifts his scornful gaze back to me. Trying to avert it, I subconsciously shifted my gaze to girl who hid behind the cranberry haired girl.

She hadn't said a thing at all, so I hadn't really noticed her. She had a deep navy blue hair that from a distance you would think is blank.

She noticed my gaze and shrinks herself more behind the red haired from me. She looks like the shy type.

Don and the blonde kid had moved a little away from the group when I hadn't noticed at all.

They seemed to have been arguing, judging from their expressions and constant swinging of their hands.

After a little while, they both stopped and returned back to the group. Seems like they've finished. Don had a wide smile as he came back, and in contrast the kid had a tired expression that said, 'there is no beating you, huh.'

From the looks of it, Don won the argument. Whatever was it about? (sarcasm)

The blonde kid heaved a sigh and said, "Um, Reo, right? Sorry about all that. I'm Leon, nice to meet you as well." Though he said this, his eyes said otherwise. The others were a bit surprised at first, but soon followed suit.

The blonde kid was Leon. He had blonde hair and deep blue eyes and was a little taller than me. He seemed like the popular type. The coffee brown haired was Kyle. The red haired girl was Trise and the blue haired shy girl was a bit hesitant at first, but her name was Lia.

She never really left from behind Trise, but I managed to get a look at her face, though it was only for a moment, she is really cute.

"Well then, self-introductions have been made. Reo, you are officially welcomed to our party." Don announced. Huh? A party? I tilt my head in confusion and ask, "A party, what do you mean?"

"Yes, a party! Didn't I tell you?" Don said while taking a thinking pose. "Huh, guess I didn't… well, Reo. This is our adventurer's party."

An…adventurer party? Oh, right! I am in that kind of world afterall. I totally forgot. It is a fantasy world of magic, of course adventurer's party exists.

Now that I know, I have this little urge to try out adventuring. Going on different quests, taking job requests and having lots of adventures, that's basically any kid's dream, but unfortunately, not mine.

Sure, adventuring seems like a lots fun and a bit tempting, but I've already sworn to live a quiet slow life. If I had no intention of living such a life, I'd have tried adventuring at least once.

But it still stands, adventuring is the complete opposite of the slow and quiet life I plan to live. It contains a lot of fun, excitement and at the same time danger.

If there is anything I've learnt in my past life from watching anime and reading light novel, is that the job adventurer works side by side with danger. Sure, it can be a lot of fun as well, but the risks are high as well.

But why are a group of kids—oh! I see what is going on here. It's just a bunch of kids playing adventurer.

"So, what do you say?" Don asked. He seems really intent on me joining. I sneak a glance at the others. Their guards might have been lowered, I still received a few sharp glares from them, especially from Leon.

It was almost as if his eyes were saying, 'don't you dare,' and believe me, I'm not that dense not to notice.

"Ah well, I'm- I'm not quite sure, really…"

Though I was 'formally welcomed,' it is quite obvious I'm not, but Don doesn't seem to realize this.

"Eh? What are you talking about, it'll be fun. C'mon!" Don protested.

I'm obviously not wanted, but Don doesn't seem like he's going to take no for an answer, so I'll just play along for today.

"O-okay, I will." After hearing this, the others dissatisfaction showed on their faces, but decided to stay quiet.

"Great! Then you'll have to know our job class and the roles we play. Leon, you go first."

"Leon, Knight."

"Kyle, Guide."

"Trise, Crusader."

"Lia, Priest."

"Don, Hero!"

Hero? They all disclosed their roles, but Don said something unexpected. "Hero?" I leak out.

"Yeah! I'm the hero, which makes us the hero's party." Don said striking up a weird pose.

Of course. Guess I joined the hero's party…yay, lucky me.

"So, what role are you going to play. If it's the hero, forget it! I'm not giving it up without a fight!" Don said while suddenly becoming aggressive.

"N-no! No! No! I don't plan on taking your role." I try assuring Don.

"Hold on!" Trise said with her look of dissatisfaction even more obvious. "Before he can formally join us, I'd like to see how good he is first." She says with a grin as she popped her knuckles.

"What?"(Kyle leaked out). Yeah, what? Wasn't this just supposed to be a silly kid's game? Why is she making such a deal out of it.

"So, as the crusader of the party, I'd like to personally test him out first." She's enjoying this, I know because her face says so.

I already got the feeling but, this just proves it. She's the wild kind who would pummel anyone irrespective of who they are. Her kind seriously scares me.

Even the others seem slightly confused and surprised by Trise's sudden action. So, yeah I can tell. This isn't some kind of tradition or test required to pass in-order to join, but more of Trise's selfishness.

"Ah, that wouldn't be necessary. Reo is good. He took out Rob with a single punch and broke his nose. You wouldn't want to know how that feels, right?" stopping Trise in her tracks, Don says this nonchalantly.

"…Eh?" x4

Trise and the rest all shared the same look of disbelief. Don, what have you done? You just made them higher their guards around me!

"...I-I see…"

"Wait, no! that's not it, it was just a slip of hand! Yeah a mistake!" I try desperately to persuade them. "Wait, so you mistakenly broke Rob's nose with a punch?" Kyle said looking cringe. Ah! No, don't think of it that way.

"Come on, Reo. You don't have to be so modest." Don said giving me a little pat on the shoulder.

Don! Why you…now I've got no chance of making them like me. You've ruined my childhood.

"So now that that's all settled, let's go questing, guys! C'mon!" Don said like nothing ever happened.