

After being released from the hospital after falling off a building, Izuku was so much more confident. His mom was really happy that he has more confidence, but what's with this sudden change? ( ON BREAK WILL BE CONTINUED )

Insomniaddict · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Normal? Sounds Boring. | 1

[ ' <- That means they are thinking. Example: 'Yah gay!' - Insomniaddict ]

My name is Izuku Midoriya! I have curly green hair, green eyes, I'm 14 and homeschooled! I have a weird quirk that developed after I fell off a building! I am also a reckless fool that has a LOT of black mail, on a LOT of people.

I am also a vigilante, my life is an odd one. I jump out of windows at least once a week, I jump out of them to escape my feelings or the police. I live away from my mother, she works in America with my father. Now let us get on with the story.

3rd POV

Izuku: "Fuck! Shit, that was a bullet to the arm. FUCK ALL YALL TRIGGER HAPPY OFFICERS!" He yells and laughs at them as he jumps out of a 2 story window.

Red: ' Damn that hurts. I will wrap it when I get home. '


Red: ' Can you shut the fuck up Betel? '

Betel: ' Awww, why are ya' mad Red? You know it's fun! You just won't say it! '

Red: ' You are so loud, it is getting on my nerves '.

Izuku Midoriya's quirk is weird. He has seprate people in his head. Kinda like that P•xar movie with all the emotions.

They are all separate people that were once apart of Izuku that live in one body, they gave each other names so they know who is who. Only one person can control the body at a time, but they can speak to each other in their mind. They do have a sort of mind world, where they can summon whatever they want. They made their mind scape look like a 2 story house, where they all have their own room. I will explain the mind scape more in detail later.

Betelgues, or Betel, is a happy, psycho bitch ( he has pastel orange hair and wears ripped jeans, a white shirt and orange button up around his waist, with black combat boots in the mind scape ), while Red Dwarf , or Red, is a serious and smart character ( He has red hair and wears a black jacket over a button up with black jeans and brown combat boots in the mind scape ). Betel usually won't use big words and uses can't, won't, didn't and those kinds of things and shortens words. Red doesn't use shortened words, he uses big words and looks at everything logically. There is also one more, but he isn't relevant right now.

[ Whoever is speaking is who is controlling the body. They all respond to Izuku and technically are all named Izuku, but like the explanation above explained, they named each other so they can avoid confusion. - Insomniaddict ]

Red: "Where was the medical box again?" He asks Betel.

Betel: 'Lighten up your speech and it's under the bathroom counter!' He explains happily.

Red: "Thank you Betel and no, I quite like the way I speak, so you can fuck right off." Red retorts.




Betel: 'We goin' out tonight?' Betel questions.

Red: 'Yes, this injury is not that bad.' he confirms.

Betel: 'Yay! Yay! That'll be fun!' Betel cheers.

Once it hits 12:00 AM, Izuku heads out into the night in his vigilante uniform. His uniform is a black hoodie with golden rabbit ears and a golden mask with a black 'x' on it, he has black sweatpants on with a golden stripe down the side. He also has yellowy-orange hippy glasses. Izuku's weapons are an electric whip, smoke and flash grenades and lastly a golden knife.

He turns in around 3 criminals by 3:30 AM. By 4:00 AM he meets a big guy who is trying to kidnap a young woman. His electric whip is really close to being out of charge by now, so he has to do hand to hand combat. Izuku charged the guy, who turned to him and jumped back.

Betel: " Hey there big guy! You smell really bad y'know!" He greets the man.

Big Guy: "WHAT!? YOU'LL REGRET THAT!" He screeches.

Betel: "Oh? Come at me bro!" He smirks.

Red: 'What a brute, muscle brains.' He scoffs.

As he dodges, he charges the guy's side, where he gets a good slice. Unluckily for Izuku the guy has a knife hand quirk, so he got stabbed on his left side. He had to finish the fight quickly or he would probably die in that alley. So, like any reasonable person, he started talking to the guy.

Betel: "Hey big guy, what's your name!" He asks grinning.

Millen: "My name is Millen." He scoffs.

Betel: "My name is Betelgues! Nice to meetcha'! Y'know I REALLY enjoy collecting heads! Let's add yours to the collection!" Betel's smile gets bigger and creepier.

Millen: "YOU PSYCHO!" He yells.

At this point, the man is rushing Betel, but lucky him his neck is exposed. So, he uses the last of his whips charge, when he uses it, it wraps around the guy's neck and shocks him. The guy knocks out immediately.

Red: 'Shit. Betel, the bullet wound opened again. Call the police and get home so we can wrap it.' He urges.

Betel: 'Gots it!' He chirps.

Betel calls the police and quickly climbs the wall onto the roof and escapes the alley. He was a block away from home where he had to rest in an alley due to dizziness.

Red: 'Betelgues!' He yells.

When a persona is injured extensively while in the body they pass out in the mind scape. While if a different persona takes over after that, they will also pass out. If no one is in control the body will go into a sleep like state, and will stay asleep until someone takes over. They can stay in control and be in the mind scape too, they will just look like they are daydreaming.Even when the body is asleep, they can be awake in the mind scape. They can watch what the others are doing by turning on the TV in their mind scape house.

Betel: 'You need to take over Red.' He says tiredly.

Red: "D-damnit." He coughs.

Red reaches for their phone and taps on a random contact, hoping it's not their mom or dad.

Red: "H-he-elp. Third street, ### alley" He coughs out before passing out.