
Dirty Little Lies

“... Till death do us apart.” It was a love promise. Nicolás Moreno has lived his life under the shadows, he was a name whispered for his cruel ways and cold-heartedness, known for being a sadist whose only emotion was hate, his face was thought to be a reflection of his ugly heart. When one dinner changes everything for the gentle, kind Annalise Armillo, she finds herself in church the next day with a different identity and now to be married to the most loathsome person ever, and for a man who enjoys other people's misery, breaking a pure-hearted, sweet woman like Anna was going to give Nicolás all of the satisfaction he craved, the only thing he doesn't plan on is the innocent-looking woman's ability to arouse the dirtiest desires in him. “... Till death do us apart.” It was a threat.

Sadiya_Aliyu · Urban
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166 Chs

Silence Of The Broken

"Nicolás," fear resounded in her voice as she stepped into the house, Nadia closely behind. They'd hurried down here as quickly as they could, leaving Vittoria with her Nanny who had arrived as soon as Nadia called. Nadia refused to let Annalise leave alone, knowing it wasn't the right thing to do especially now.

On their way, she watched the video, and sometime during the drive, Nadia had to stop to allow Annalise retch her guts 

"How could anyone have done this?" She asked over and over again during the ride. How could anyone have been this vile to release this? Of what use would it be to them? To show the world what had happened. This had the potential to ruin her father, scratch that, this would ruin her father but that wasn't what she cared about, what mattered to her was the fact that something Nicolas had managed his best to keep hidden was now out to the view of the whole world.