
Dirty Little Lies

“... Till death do us apart.” It was a love promise. Nicolás Moreno has lived his life under the shadows, he was a name whispered for his cruel ways and cold-heartedness, known for being a sadist whose only emotion was hate, his face was thought to be a reflection of his ugly heart. When one dinner changes everything for the gentle, kind Annalise Armillo, she finds herself in church the next day with a different identity and now to be married to the most loathsome person ever, and for a man who enjoys other people's misery, breaking a pure-hearted, sweet woman like Anna was going to give Nicolás all of the satisfaction he craved, the only thing he doesn't plan on is the innocent-looking woman's ability to arouse the dirtiest desires in him. “... Till death do us apart.” It was a threat.

Sadiya_Aliyu · Urban
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166 Chs

Hot Kisses

A shiver ran through Annalise, his mouth was hot and heavy on hers. He kissed her hungrily, one that devoured all of her, eroding her common sense.

She had never been kissed before but this bested every single one of her imagination. His lips moved against hers with expertise that sent a strange feeling through her, all the way to her toe. Her arms encircled his neck and without breaking the kiss, he lifted her on top of the table and settled himself in the space between her legs.

Annalise's fingers ran through his hair, combing through as his mouth gave her everything and more.

He tasted so good, better than anything else she'd ever tasted before and he kissed her with so much passion, eliciting sensual sounds she had no idea she was capable of making from her.