
[Bonus chapter] Dirty Games

"Do you enjoy being able to elicit fear in people like this?"

Nicolás momentarily was taken aback by her question and that turned quickly to humor, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"More than you could ever imagine," He replied.

A frown caused her eyebrows to crease and Nicolás couldn't get the idea of how unbelievably cute he was finding her. She was drunk, he knew so from how free and bold she was being, to her high-pitched laughter and red-rimmed eyes.

"Why would you enjoy that? I mean, doesn't that limit your relationship with people?" 

He nodded. "Exactly."

She paused before letting out laughter that echoed through the walls, reverberating through the night's silence.

"The mysterious thing, right? It suits you, with your permanent scowl and your towering presence."

"Towering presence?" He sipped his drink. "I like that."