
DIRT - Chronicles of Æstherfall

Welcome to Æstherfall, a cyberpunk metal planet where humanity's struggle for survival meets the enigmatic embrace of a world born of metal and electricity. Embark on a journey where the boundaries of technology and nature blur, and the very essence of what it means to be human is called into question. This is the chronicle of a world where soil is currency, and life blossoms amidst the metallic symphony.

Babazam · Fantasy
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14 Chs


In the distant reaches of the interstellar expanse, amidst the clutters of inhabited worlds, lies a unique celestial anomaly known as Æstherfall. This enigmatic planet, seemingly born from the depths of a metallic forge, has become the backdrop for an extraordinary tale of coexistence and survival.

On Æstherfall, the surface is not adorned with lush greenery or cascading oceans but rather a colossal expanse of gleaming metal known as æsther. The native inhabitants, enigmatic beings known as the Nathkin, have adapted seamlessly to this unforgiving environment. Their existence is intertwined with the metallic elements, their bodies resonating with energy pulsating through the veins of the planet itself.

For the intrepid humans who have ventured to call Æstherfall home, life is a constant dance with danger. The æsther, while a breathtaking sight to behold, carries a lethal charge. Without the protection of specialized suits, known as Gear, humans risk being electrocuted by the very ground they walk upon. These advanced suits not only shield against the planet's electrifying embrace but also grant augmented capabilities, pushing the boundaries of human potential.

Yet, survival on Æstherfall extends beyond mere protection from the planet's metallic embrace. The scarcity of vital resources has shaped a peculiar economy, where a unique form of currency reigns supreme: soil. As if plucked from ancient tales of Earth's distant past, soil has become a precious commodity—a tangible measure of wealth and power. It is the lifeblood of rare gardens that dot the settlements, providing a glimpse of nature's resilience amidst the mechanical landscape.

Within these metallic frontiers, the lines between humans and Nathkin blur, as both species navigate the complexities of a coexisting society. Cultural exchange and mutual understanding have become paramount, as humans and Nathkin strive to forge a delicate balance between their distinct worlds and shared ambitions.

As the sun sets over the horizon, casting shimmering reflections upon the metallic plains, Esterfall reveals its mysteries, its untold secrets waiting to be unraveled. Amongst the sparks and shadows, amidst the hum of machinery and the whispers of the Nathkin, the destinies of humans and natives crossed, forever altering the trajectory of their existence.

Settlements on Æstherfall are a testament to human adaptability. Towering structures, composed of a fusion of advanced alloys and æsther-infused architecture, pierce the sky. These urban metropolises hum with activity, each pulsating with the vibrant energy of life. Neon lights and holographic advertisements illuminate the streets, casting an ethereal glow upon the metallic landscape.

The Nathkin, the enigmatic native inhabitants, possess an innate connection to the planet's energy currents. Convoluted patterns of bio-luminescent energy illuminate their bodies, each unique from one Nathkin to another, marking their unique bond with the planet. A harmonious coexistence has been forged between humans and the Nathkin, leading to a symbiotic relationship that transcends the boundaries of language and culture.

While technology and industry thrive, Æstherfall's inhabitants strive to preserve remnants of nature's beauty. Enclosed within the heart of settlements, they cultivate small sanctuaries known as "Bio-Domes." These self-contained ecosystems house carefully nurtured plants, trees, and even endangered species, as a reminder of the planet's once-abundant biodiversity.

Beyond the bustling cities and Bio-Domes lie uncharted territories—an untamed wilderness where the æsther stretches for miles, interrupted only by ancient ruins and remnants of a forgotten civilization. Adventurous explorers, equipped with state-of-the-art Gears, venture into these unexplored realms, driven by the allure of discovery and the quest for answers about Æstherfall's mysterious origins.

However, the planet is not without its perils. The æsther carries secrets and dangers yet to be fully comprehended. Whispers of rogue artificial intelligence, known as "Ohm" (əʊm) echo through the digital underbelly of Æstherfall. These sentient entities, born from the amalgamation of æsther and advanced algorithms, possess an insatiable curiosity about the human-Nathkin coexistence, and their motives remain shrouded in uncertainty.


「 Aideen 」

"Make sure to strap your boots properly, Alex."

"It's dangerous out there."

"You wouldn't want to be electrocuted, would you?"

「 Alex 」

"Geez, Mom..."

"I know how to put on my boots."

Alex is a bundle of youthful energy and curiosity amidst the intriguing world of Æstherfall. With wide, sparkling eyes that reflect a sense of wonder, Alex possesses an infectious enthusiasm that radiates from their every action. His vibrant imagination and eagerness to explore the unfamiliar made him a beacon that attracted others.

Alex's face is adorned with a sprinkle of freckles, adding a touch of charm to their youthful features. His round cheeks carry a rosy hue, a testament to the vitality that emanates from within. Soft, tousled hair, perhaps a shade of chestnut or sandy brown, frames their face, occasionally falling into their eyes as they eagerly soak in the wonders of their unique surroundings.

At seven years old, Alex stands at a pint-sized height, his small frame brimming with energy and an insatiable desire for adventure. His movements are quick and agile, reflecting the nimbleness of youth. Whether it's running across the metallic plains or climbing makeshift structures, Alex's boundless energy propels him forward, always seeking the next thrilling discovery.

Dressed in a miniature version of the specialized Gear suits worn by the inhabitants of Æstherfall, Alex's outfit is a blend of practicality and childlike flair. The suit, tailored to his small form, is a vibrant mix of colors, adorned with playful patterns that evoke a sense of whimsy. Each movement is accompanied by the soft, futuristic hum of the suit's mechanisms, a constant reminder of the protective barrier it provides against the electrifying æsther.

「 Aideen 」

"I know you are excited for your first day of school..."

"But you must never forget about your safety."

It was the first day of school in the town of New Pavo, and young Alex, a seven-year-old human child, was getting ready to embark on a new chapter of their life. As a mother, Aideen's concern for Alex's well-being was evident, reminding him to be cautious in the face of the planet's inherent dangers is just what mothers do.

As Alex stepped outside their dwelling, the metallic landscape of Æstherfall stretched before them, bathed in the sun's glow. Aideen accompanied his son toward the bus stop, just a few minutes walk from their home. 

While they were walking, Alex couldn't help but notice the Nathkin students blending seamlessly with their human counterparts. The Nathkin's bodies resonated with pulsating energy, their bio-luminescent patterns illuminating their unique bond with the planet.

「 Sheena 」

"Good Morning, Alex!"

"Good Morning, Mrs. Carmen."

「 Aideen 」

"Oh, Good Morning to you too, Sheena..."




「 Alex (annoyed) 」

"Good Morning, Mrs. Steelhart."

"Morning, Sheena..."

Sheena stood at an average height, her slender figure exuding an air of grace and elegance. Her complexion had a warm, slightly metallic hue, reminiscent of the rich tones of copper. Her hair, a lustrous cascade of golden strands, flowed down to her shoulders in gentle waves, seemingly reflecting the hues of the planet's metallic landscape.

Her eyes, the most captivating feature, were a mesmerizing shade of silver, shimmering with a phenomenal glow. They were large and expressive, conveying a sense of naivety and curiosity. Her eyelashes were long and delicate, framing her eyes like gentle feathers.

The unique patterns of bio-luminescent energy adorned Sheena's skin, forming convoluted pathways that flowed across her arms, neck, and face. These patterns emitted a soft, pulsating glow, casting ethereal hues of blues and purples. They seemed to respond to her emotions, intensifying in brightness when she was excited or content.

Sheena dressed in a stylish ensemble that blended elements of human fashion with Nathkin aesthetics. She wore a form-fitting top made of a lightweight, shimmering fabric in shades of indigo and silver. The garment accentuated her slender frame while allowing freedom of movement. Paired with it, she wore close-fitting pants crafted from a material that resembled textured metal, reflecting the ambient light in a captivating manner.

Adorning her wrists and neck were delicate accessories fashioned from metallic threads, forming complex designs. These accessories echoed the Nathkin's affinity for the planet's metallic essence, showcasing their connection to Æstherfall.

Sheena moved with a natural grace, her steps seemingly synchronized with the energy currents that flowed beneath the surface of the planet. Her voice carried a melodic quality as if it harmonized with the vibrations of the environment.

「 Seggra 」

"Looks like the bus is here."

"Hurry up and get in line, children."

「 Sheena 」

"Right away!"

"Bye, Mom..."

"Bye, Mrs. Carmen."

「 Alex 」

"Bye, Mom."

"Bye, Mrs. Steelhart."

The designated school bus arrived punctually to transport the children of New Pavo for their first day of school. This futuristic vehicle levitates several feet above the ground, utilizing an advanced propulsion system that harnesses the power of the planet's electric current to ensure stability and mobility.

The bus is distinguished by its sleek exterior, crafted from a combination of robust alloys and specialized æsther-infused materials. Its metallic surface reflects the ambient light, creating an alluring play of shimmering reflections that dance across its body. The bus's streamlined design minimizes resistance, enabling it to glide effortlessly through the atmospheric currents that permeate Æstherfall.

The bus's propulsion system comprises powerful electromagnetic fields generated by æsther-powered engines. These engines produce a controlled repulsion effect, effectively levitating the bus above the ground. By harnessing the planet's electric currents and manipulating them through advanced technology, the bus maintains a stable hover as it moves across the metallic expanse.

To interact with the planet's electric surface without endangering the passengers, the bus is equipped with an intricate system of sensors and conductive elements. These sensors detect the electrical charge present in the ground and adjust the electromagnetic fields accordingly, ensuring a safe distance is maintained between the bus and the surface. This technology acts as a protective barrier, safeguarding the passengers from the potentially lethal charge that permeates Æstherfall.

Inside the bus, the interior is spacious and ergonomically designed to accommodate the needs of the young passengers. The seating arrangement consists of comfortable, cushioned seats, each equipped with safety restraints to ensure the well-being of the children during the journey. Large, panoramic windows provide an awe-inspiring view of Æstherfall's metallic landscape, allowing young minds to marvel at the ever-changing scenery.

The bus's control panel, located at the front, is a testament to the advanced technology that drives it. Holographic displays and touch-sensitive interfaces allow the driver, known as the Bus Coordinator, to monitor the bus's systems and maintain optimal control over the vehicle's movement. The Bus Coordinator's role is to ensure the safety and well-being of the children during their journey to and from school.

With a gentle hum and the soft whir of its propulsion system, the school bus carries the young passengers on their daily journey, bridging the gap between their homes and the place of learning. It represents not only a means of transportation but also a symbol of unity and progress, a tangible embodiment of the coexistence between humans and the enigmatic world of Æstherfall.

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