
Director: My First Actor is Zoro

Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). After crossing the pirates, Li Fan awakened the [Great Director System], as long as he shoots the script obtained from the system, he can get rewards and he can give another rewards. So, starting from the director of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan became stronger step by step. Slowly, a peerless powerhouse and an extraordinary entertainer appeared in this pirate world. What, the Celestial Dragons want me to only make movies for them HuH... dream on!

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 12 Things that need to be kept secret

After Li Fan entered Kalise's room , a hidden door was slowly pushed open .

Nami came out quietly and looked at the door of Caris .

' Could that woman , Callis, want to tempt Li Fan with her body and ask Li Fan to give him more money ? '

' If this is the case , will the reward of the female No. 3 Kalis become higher than that of the female No. 2 me ? '

' Wait , maybe , Caris will ask Li Fan to change the script , so that the plot of Sakura Matou played by her is more than that of Rin Tohsaka played by me ! '

' In this way , my reward may be reduced . '

' No , I can't let the two of them mess around in it , I have to go take a look . '

Nami, who made up her mind secretly, took a deep breath and came to Kalise's door and knocked on the door .

" Bang bang bang !"

" Who is it, it's so late !" Callis' voice came from the room .

while , Caris opened the door .

" Nami , why are you here ?"

" Hehe , I just saw the director entered your room , and I happen to have some character questions I want to ask him . That ... won't disturb you guys . " Nami said with a smile .

" Are you also because of the plot ?" Callis took Nami's hand excitedly , " Just right , I also want to ask the director because of some character questions . "

" That's why I let him come in to help me guide . "

" It's great , if you come too , we can make progress together . "

" After all , in the play , we are sisters , hee hee . "

Callis said , while introducing that into the room .

Her serious look made Nami , who thought it disturbed her and Li Fan's good things, for a moment .

When Nami came into the room , Li Fan was sitting at a table .

On the table is the script of ? fatestaynight ? .

" Director , Nami also wants to participate in the discussion of the script , okay ? "

Li Fan put down the teacup and glanced at Nami : " Of course , if you play your roles well , I will fully assist you . "

" Wait , are you guys really discussing the script ?" Nami asked in surprise seeing Li Fan's neatly dressed appearance .

" Huh ? Besides discussing the script , what else can we discuss ?" Caris gave Nami a strange look , but in the next second , Caris thought of something .

"That 's it , Nami , you think I'm doing that kind of thing with Li Fan , hehe . "

" Could it be that you like our director Li Fan , so you were anxious when you saw me inviting him into the room ?"

Callis put her head to Nami's ear , exhaling like blue .

Kalise's teasing tone immediately made Nami blush .

" Who ... who would like this guy , I just like Berry in his hands . "

" Really , since that's the case , then I'm about to launch an offensive . "

Looking at the appearance of the two women , Li Fan shook his head .

" I said , two people , aren't you going to discuss the script ?"

" Hehe , I'll be right there, Director . " Kalise smiled slightly and took Nami to Li Fan's side to sit down .

" Let's continue , director . As for the role of Matou Sakura , I actually like it very much . "

" Be kind and gentle , always support the protagonist silently behind the scenes , and give selflessly . "

" However , that 's why I want to learn more about this character . "

Although it is the female number three , I always feel that the story of Matou Sakura is not fully developed in the script .

" Many of her relationship with the Matou family and the entanglement with the Tohsaka family are foggy . "

" Li Fan , since you are the holder of this script , is there any more about Matou Sakura's settings ?"

Hearing this , Li Fan silently drank the tea from the cup . 


" Actually , as for this script , it depends on the situation . Matou Sakura can change from the female No. 3 to the female No. 1. "

" Of course , Matou Sakura , who becomes the female lead, will start another story with Shirou Emiya, who is the protagonist. It's a completely different story . "

" However , if I say that if you know too much about Matou Sakura , you will dabble in a character's incomparably deep darkness, would you also listen ?"

Li Fan's words made Caris , who was smiling, serious .

After thinking for a while , Caris nodded heavily .

" As I said just now , I really like the character of Matou Sakura , so I want to know more about him . "

" Well , since you insist on doing this . " Li Fan nodded slightly , " Actually , there are three versions of the script about [ Fatestaynight ] according to different developments . "

" The heroines of the three versions are Artoria , Rin Tohsaka, and Sakura Matou . "

" The version I shot is about the protagonists Shirou Emiya and Artoria . "

" In the version of Rin Tohsaka , the focus will be on the conflict between Emiya Shirou and Acher . In this version , Acher 's true identity will also be revealed . "

" As for the version of Matou Sakura , it is the saddest and most miserable version . "

" It just so happens that Nami is here too . I'll tell you both of these two versions . "

" But before that, let me tell you about the prequel of [ fatestaynight ] , [ fatezero ] . "

" In addition , I hope you two can keep the things that will be announced today confidential and not publicize them . "

" After all , this information will seriously affect the look and feel of the films I'm shooting now . "

Hearing this , Caris and Nami nodded .

Seeing that the two agreed , Li Fan began to explain slowly .

" It goes back to the time of the Fourth Holy Grail War , six years before the Fifth Holy Grail War ..."


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All the fanfiction is 20-chapter ahead but this fanfic Director: My First Actor is Zoro is 40 chapters ahead there