
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

[80] The Birthday Banquet Begins

Chapter 80: The Birthday Banquet Begins

The emperor's upcoming birthday banquet holds significance, both grand and subtle. In an era where information dissemination remains primitive, most people's concerns revolve around mundane matters like their neighbor's meal or evening stroll plans.

The buzz surrounding movies in the Southern Region is a groundbreaking shift. Here, movie discussions unite enthusiasts across towns, a departure from past interactions largely confined to individual conversations and tavern boasts.

In today's taverns across major Southern cities, movies, particularly "Konosuba God Blessings on this Wonderful World" and "Goblin Slayer," dominate discussions. Idle individuals dissect plotlines and compare characters' combat prowess, akin to modern-day keyboard warriors engaging in real-life debates.

Beyond plot discussions, speculation about directors' next projects or potential sequels for "Konosuba God Blessings on this Wonderful World" and "Goblin Slayer" is common. These conversations stem from leisure time, as magic ensures food abundance, leaving people free to indulge in entertainment like movies.

Durin's introduction of movies marks a leap across eras, shaping cultural dialogue.

Even in the event of the emperor's passing, daily life carries on as usual, especially beyond the Imperial Capital. Local nobles, lacking access to teleportation circles, would be perplexed. Only a privileged few, benefiting from magical convenience, nervously prepare for the birthday banquet, hastening to the Imperial Capital on the event day.


Today is His Majesty the Emperor's birthday banquet, a significant event in both grandeur and subtlety. According to Dean Hohenheim's instructions, Durin was supposed to represent the Mage Tower and present the gift to His Majesty, along with offering his wishes.

However, at this moment, Durin's representative is nowhere to be found. Instead, filling in is Alchemy Tower Master Scar, who, due to his first-time participation in such noble gatherings, feels a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Although Scar had previously discussed the plan for today with Durin, he now feels deeply nervous at this moment. After all, most mages are often disinterested in such gatherings, with the top mages of the Mage Tower preferring to spend their time on their research rather than attending mundane banquets.

In this regard, any mage substituting for the Mage Tower at birthday banquets could be considered the designated scapegoat. Before choosing Durin for this occasion, Dean Hohenheim would usually summon everyone and, in the end, select an unlucky person by drawing lots.

Therefore, when Durin asked Scar to take over, Dean Hohenheim simply handed the invitation to Scar without a word and went back to his basic research on magical alchemy. It's remarkable that, despite his advanced age, he forcefully changed his research field, which indicates his approval of Durin's invention.

Taking a deep breath, when Scar emerges from the teleportation circle in the Imperial Capital, he sees the grandeur of the Imperial Castle from afar. The centuries-old castle, with its unrefurbished façade, stands proudly against the sky, exuding an ancient and majestic aura, evoking an involuntary sense of reverence from all who approach.

The reason is unquestionable: this castle once withstood the assault of the allied races and still bears the scars on its walls, testament to the passage of time. The castle's ancient and weathered appearance commands respect.

At the top of the lofty flagpole flutters the banner of the Habbard Royal Family, signifying its ownership and commemorating the establishment of the human empire and the maintenance of the royal lineage of the Habbard dynasty for centuries.

At this moment, even Scar, who typically lacks interest in anything beyond alchemy, is moved by the weighty history displayed by this magnificent castle. However, he quickly regains his composure, cautiously gripping the suitcase in his hand. He swiftly approaches the castle's main entrance and addresses the guarding soldiers, saying, "I am Scar, a mage representing the Mage Tower attending the birthday banquet. Here's the invitation."


Due to the large number of people entering and leaving the castle today, Scar barely faced any obstacles and entered the highest-ranking castle in the empire.

For this occasion, he frequently adjusted his appearance, almost compulsively. Despite his efforts not to embarrass the Mage Tower, he had meticulously cleaned his mage robe several times in the past few days, removing all the accumulated stains. In reality, most of the top mages of the Mage Tower wouldn't care about such things. After all, what does the face of the Mage Tower have to do with an ordinary mage like him?

In any case, when Scar followed the attendants into the castle, he realized that his efforts in the past few days were almost futile. Even if he had scrubbed his robe and himself from head to toe, compared to the nobles wearing various exquisite clothes, he still looked like an unknown beggar among them.

At this moment, he almost couldn't control his urge to escape and deeply regretted agreeing to Durin's request to represent him!

He understood why those mages of the Mage Tower would show such expressions when they heard he was going to represent Durin at this birthday banquet. Honestly, this kind of dreadful social occasion was utterly unbearable for the average mage, whether male or female.

After all, achieving success in magic in this world requires a dedication level comparable to that of researchers in Earth's science field. Most mages born into noble families often reach the Intermediate or Advanced stages of magic. If they don't have a genuine passion for magic, they simply go back to inherit the family business.

Only those who are dedicated to exploring the unknown path of magic can eventually achieve success. However, one negative consequence is that these true mages often have poor social skills, so it's rare for them to actively participate in noble gatherings.

At this moment, seeing that the preparation stage of the birthday banquet was about to end, Scar realized that he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. So, he simply stood with his suitcase, pretending to be a common attendant.

However, even though he tried to remain inconspicuous, most of the nobles still noticed this seemingly nervous mage.

In the past, the Mage Tower would send representatives who were usually high-level mages. As a result, most nobles showed great respect and tried to get close to the representative mage. However, upon hearing that this time, an ordinary Intermediate-level mage would be attending, their expressions became somewhat contemptuous.

After all, most relationships between nobles are based on mutual benefits. Only those who can bring benefits deserve respect. If a well-known high-level mage had attended, it would have been acceptable, but for an Intermediate-level mage like Scar, of whom there were many among the attending nobles, why bother with such a small figure? Even if he held the title of Alchemy Tower Master, what is alchemy? Can it unleash fifth-tier grand magic?

With such thoughts in mind, even though Scar stood alone at the banquet for a long time without anyone talking to him, little did he know that the surrounding nobles were secretly mocking him. They refrained from openly ridiculing him, probably out of respect for the Mage Tower.

Of course, Scar, although equally inept at socializing, had a keen sense of observation. He almost immediately sensed the attitude of those around him towards himself. He was well aware that if Durin had been attending the banquet today, the situation would have been completely different...

"Is it going to be the same as before?"

Deep down, Scar recalled how his incompetence had nearly led to the downfall of the Alchemy Tower, which his brother had dedicatedly guarded. Despite Durin's efforts to save it with his life as a mage, Scar himself had done nothing.

So, was he going to wait for someone else to save him again this time?

As he tightened his grip on his suitcase, feeling a simmering anger rising within him, a distant herald suddenly shouted loudly. Shortly after, the hall fell completely silent, followed by a subtle stir.

"Father, happy birthday."

"Grandfather, happy birthday."

The members of the royal family began to offer their blessings to their elders, including the elderly Emperor Habbard, who was still on the throne. As Emperor Habbard took his seat, the royal banquet officially began.

Unlike the efficiency-focused Mage Tower, noble gatherings often preferred to waste time with lengthy opening remarks...

Facing this verbose and diplomatic jargon-filled scenario, Scar couldn't help but miss the atmosphere of the Mage Tower while simultaneously indulging in meditation.

After an unknown period passed, when this segment finally ended, the highlight of the birthday banquet, the gift-giving ceremony, finally began.


Langfero was a mid-level mage who graduated from the Mage Tower. After graduation, he returned to his family, inheriting their legacy and the noble title.

His family wielded a modest amount of influence in the Imperial Capital. Nonetheless, this time, he barely secured a place at the birthday banquet, though compared to the other prominent nobles present, he was scarcely worth mentioning.

With a single glance, Langfero noticed various dignitaries in attendance, including the dukes of the Four Regions, generals of the imperial army, bishops of the church, and ambassadors from other kingdoms...

Given Langfero's status, he lacked the qualifications to converse with them. Thus, as he represented his family to present a gift to the Emperor, he felt quite nervous.

Due to his position near the front, Langfero was fortunate enough to be selected first to present the gift to the Emperor.

Recalling his father's repeated instructions to seize this opportunity for the family's advancement and to leave an impression on the Emperor, Langfero couldn't help but feel nervous, almost stumbling as he walked.

Naturally, the result was that the special crystal obtained from the Dwarven Kingdom, which could record sound, was accepted by the Emperor with a smile, without even understanding its function. Despite Langfero's desire to say more, his nerves got the better of him, and he awkwardly retreated.

To an outsider, the Emperor's attitude might seem satisfactory, but Langfero, well-versed in noble etiquette, knew that his chance at the banquet had ended. After all, most gifts were usually not actually accepted by the Emperor but went directly into the castle's treasury as dusty treasures.

Having missed his only chance, Langfero walked down from the platform full of regret and unexpectedly saw Scar standing in the distance with a suitcase in hand.

As a former student of the Mage Tower, Langfero naturally knew Scar's identity. However, because of this knowledge, he was quite puzzled as to why a mere Intermediate-level mage could represent the Mage Tower here. After all, shouldn't it be the truly grand mages from the Mage Tower who had the qualifications to attend the Emperor's banquet?

As for the Alchemy Tower Master? Wasn't that just a meaningless title?

Just as Langfero was surprised and hoped that Scar's gift would also be overlooked like his own, with the herald's call, it was finally time for the Mage Tower's representative to present their gift.

Taking a deep breath, Scar slowly approached amidst the curious gazes of all the nobles. Before him, various nobles and dignitaries had already presented their gifts, including priceless treasures.

But regardless of what he saw, the Emperor maintained a standard posture in response, with a businesslike expression. Only the gifts from a few young princes and princesses, and one gift from an imperial general, elicited a genuine smile from him, as he cherished those seemingly worthless trinkets.

And now, it was Scar's turn...

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Scar slowly opened the suitcase in his hands.

Following that, as a scene gradually appeared on the distant wall, Scar slowly spoke up: "Before presenting the actual gift, may I first play a thing called a movie for you, Your Majesty?"


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