
Director Edward

Baron Durin Edward, an Earthling transmigrated into an unfamiliar world devoid of technology, finds himself bored and out of place. Determined to bring excitement and culture to this realm, he decides to film an anime live-action series, aiming to entertain and revolutionize the era. With creativity and determination, Durin challenges tradition, introduces the vibrant world of anime, and sparks a cultural renaissance in a world desperate for change.

EggZy · Anime & Comics
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115 Chs

[46] Recruiting Actors

Chapter 46: Recruiting Actors

Durin took Daphne into the cave for about half an hour. Seeing that his young mistress had not come out yet, a certain attendant couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to go in and check.

However, the Headless Knight, who followed Durin's orders, just glanced at her casually. Instantly, the terrifying pressure from the transcendent powerhouse made the attendant almost kneel on the ground. Meanwhile, inside the cave, two figures slowly emerged.

"Miss Daphne?!"

Seeing this scene, just as the attendant was about to express her excitement and rush forward to greet them, she noticed that something seemed off with her young mistress. The shy demeanor and teary eyes raised suspicions, and she instinctively drew her sword, shouting, "Baron Durin, what did you do to my young mistress?! If you don't provide a reasonable explanation, even if you're someone His Grace values, I'll fight you!!!"

"Hold on, you've got it wrong..."

Before Durin could speak, Daphne spoke up, "Durin didn't do anything to me, or rather, he didn't do anything... I mean, let him explain, Director Durin..."

Seeing the girl who had just been scared out of her wits, Durin slowly spoke, "As Daphne said, you've misunderstood. I just frightened her a bit. After I took her into the cave, I erased my own presence and quietly left her alone for a while. It seems this child has never experienced such a situation before and got scared..."

"Stop!! Don't say it!!!"

Clearly embarrassed by her recent embarrassing behavior being exposed, the girl hastily stopped Durin from revealing any more embarrassing details. Seeing her reaction, the others present understood the situation, but they still didn't understand why Durin did what he did.

To this, Durin simply said, "It's simple. For the needs of the film, there will be a scene at the beginning where the female lead is flustered. I did it to see if Daphne could show the expression I needed. Unexpectedly, she perfectly met my requirements. After shooting that segment just now, she's the perfect fit for the female lead in this film."

"Wait a minute! Durin, you recorded it?!!!"

Seeing Daphne's belated panic, Durin casually waved the magical recording device in his hand and said, "Ah, I specifically enhanced the lighting and filmed it. The effect is absolutely perfect, even the liquid on the ground is clear..."


Although Daphne wanted to snatch the recording device from Durin immediately, how could a grand mage like Durin let her succeed?

With a light hop, Durin bypassed the girl and gently placed his hand on Daphne's shoulder, smiling, "Well then, nice to meet you, the leading lady."

"No, I don't want to play this role...!!"

Facing the girl's panic, Durin just smiled and said, "Haha, it's not up to you anymore. From now on, if you don't want this recording to leak out, you must cooperate with me in filming, Miss Daphne~"

"Demon... Durin, are you a reincarnated demon?!!"

"Well, being praised like that surprises me. I can't be called a demon; at least I'm not capable of doing things like taking that footage and selling it on the black market."


After Daphne reluctantly gave up resisting, the group quickly returned to the main city of the Northern Region, Winterfell.

On the way back, there was a small incident. A maid of a certain duke secretly approached Durin, intending to buy the right to watch the recording with a hefty sum. However, Durin rejected her under the pretext of commercial confidentiality.


After Durin and the group settled in at the Adventurer's Guild in the Northern Region, Alyssa, in her capacity as the guild leader, helped Durin recruit actors.

After all, when making a film and finalizing the script, it's natural to recruit actors and conduct auditions for the roles.

Although there are no professional actors in this world, most adventurers naturally possess the skills needed for acting. Durin wanted them to portray themselves, which often brought unexpected effects, just like when shooting "Konosuba God Blessings On this Wonderful World!" last time. If needed, Durin could use suggestion magic to give some hesitant actors a confidence boost.

However, due to the lack of a large audience base in the Northern Region, some people were puzzled when they heard about the film. They had no idea what the beautiful guild leader was asking them to do. In the end, only a few loyal followers of Alyssa volunteered to help, hardly qualifying as a cast.

So, faced with this situation, Durin had no choice but to return to Norsrick for actor recruitment. Firstly, the film had already been screened in Norsrick, and most people understood the meaning of being an actor. Secondly, the needed supporting roles were exactly the brainless young adventurers. The adventurers in the Northern Region seemed too experienced, definitely not newcomers. So, Durin made this decision.

Therefore, when Durin returned to Norsrick and posted the message at the Adventurer's Guild board, announcing that the Edward Studio would produce the next film and calling for actors, a large number of adventurers or non-adventurers flocked here, trying to find out what was going on.

In this situation, even internal personnel of the Adventurer's Guild, like a certain guild leader and receptionist, came over with interest, trying to see if they could snatch a role or two in the next film.

With the auditions over, Durin subtly realized that while the casting for other roles was easily resolved, he couldn't find a suitable actor for the role of the goblin slayer, who was supposed to be the protagonist.

Although the goblin slayer is covered in filthy armor from head to toe, Durin doesn't have strict requirements for the actor's appearance and demeanor. However, as a director, he doesn't want to hastily cast just anyone in such a crucial role.

For the role of the protagonist, Durin insists that the actor should be someone who truly understands monsters. While strength isn't a strict requirement, the actor must be an adventurer with considerable experience in dealing with monsters!


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