
Dio El

A story of a SI born in a millitary family in Krypton who has to make his way to Earth before the planet explodes which isn't easy as a 10 year old. SI without a system. CW Supergirl universe. Like it , love it, hate please comment. Constructive criticism appreciated. ??? https://www.paypal.me/sangampran

Prananjay · TV
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34 Chs

New home

New home

Kara walked up and down the stairs. She had forgotten how stairs worked and she had simply stood at the edge and expected the stairs to move up and when it didn't she gave it a light kick her toe went through the step and splinters fell out.

The Danvers had rushed and asked her what happened.

When she narrated how the stairs weren't working.

They had wry smiles on their faces.

The daughter of the family had blown up and said escalator steps were only used in homes with people who had physical disability or in malls.

Normal homes didn't have that.

And then proceeded to run up her room skipping one or two steps.

She was unsure of how to control her strength and didn't dare run up like her.

A curtain sticks to her body the entire thing comes down along with the rod, she grabs a doorknob it gets misshapen, her shoulder hits a wall while walking the entire house shakes.

She could be classified as a walking disaster.

And she felt extremely guilty and embarrassed of the damage she was doing unconsciously.

The Danvers were very forgiving.

And she was immensely grateful for that.

" Dinner is ready, call Alex and Kara down " she heard them speak.

Walking slowly she made her way down the stairs while holding the railing for support.

It was taxing, it felt like she was walking on a thin sheet of ice.

" Alex Kara come down dinner's ready" she heard Mrs. Danvers shout.

" Coming" She heard Alex shout back.

She saw Alex running down the stairs stop and grin at her before jumping down before the last six steps.

Once down she turned around and grinned at her once again before dashing towards the dinner table.

Kara fumed but she did not take the bait. She didn't want to end up halfway into the floor or get her head stuck in the ceiling like some cartoon on television.

After about 2 agonizing minutes she finally reached down.

The family was waiting for her although they didn't need to.

Alex had a frown on her face and had her arms crossed against her chest.

Glaring at the plate as if she could melt it just by staring.

" Thank you for waiting for me " she spoke softly.

Mrs. Davers replied " it's okay dear, we know it is hard for you and we understand."

She smiled

As Kara sat down.

She adjusted her glasses and her earbuds so that she didn't accidentally drop them.

" So Kara how are things here are you facing any difficulty"

" I am still having some trouble moving around Kal-El has told me that if I train regularly I can fly but I am still having trouble walking for now."

" Hmm. Don't worry too much about it. Clark had had years perfecting it with you it might take some time as we are essentially giving you a crash course about Earth and how to live here without causing damage to your surroundings"

" I'm really sorry for that"

" Don't worry, it is a new place it will take some time getting used we are just happy that we don't have to baby proof like we did for Alex here"

" Moooom"

" Hush Alex are you still embarrassed about sharing your childhood stories"

" No" she grumbled

" Anyway how is the training going ?"

" I have made some progress but it is still not enough"

" Kara there's no rush. We have no desire to make you take the mantle of a Superhero. Frankly it is a unrewarding task as long as you can walk, run, jump, sing, dance or anything that you want to without injuring someone or outing yourself as something more than human being we would consider that we have been successful in integrating you"

" Thanks" she smiled.

As they finished the dinner and sat in front of the TV she saw the latest news playing.

" The mountain ship is currently on Venus"

"Superman says everything is under control"

" Who is this 'Sun' ? And what are his motives? "

" WHO has asked for samples from the ship to confirm that whatever came out doesn't cause an epidemic"

" Martians have announced the launching of a new channel targeted around educating people about Martian culture and practices"

" The president has declared that the quarantine around Dodge City will be lifted in the next 3 days"

" In further news, famous award winning reporter Lois Lane has been nominated for the best reporter for the third time in a row"

" The Lexcorp global scandal is still ongoing many of the former employees have come forward and submitted their testimonies for unfair and unhygienic practices along with numerous cases of patent theft the spokesperson had this to say ' We believe in the justice system of the country and we will not be suspending any of our operations' "
