
The Wild Goose Hunt

As the three men walked on the streets through the night, Harry asked Barry with a questioning look:

"Sir Barry, if you don't mind me asking, where are we going right now ?"

Barry hastily replied to Harry:

"To find the killer, of course"

"I know that mister Barry, but where exactly are we going ?"

"We are going where my gut tells me, and my gut is always right..."

"Is that why we have been going in circles around the neighborhood? Because your "Gut" tells you so ?"

Barry replied with an embarrassed tone:

"But of course! Don't doubt my tracking skills Barry! I am the son of lord Diamante after all! "

"Barry I think your gut is starting to talk to me telepathically. I think it's saying you should follow me to the place I found Gina's body. Can't you hear it ?"

"B-but of course! How could I not hear it! Lead the way, Harry !"

When Hank heard this, his eyes started sparkling and said:

"Wow, I didn't know you had supernatural powers, brother! Can you please tell me what my gut is saying right now ??? I'm really curious !"

" I can hear your gut very well Hank...It is saying that...You are...Hungry ?"

As Hank heard this, his jaw dropped and he said:

"I can't believe it! You truly can read my gut! You are even more amazing than I thought brother !"

At the time Harry heard this, he wanted to facepalm himself at his brother's foolishness. Of course, Harry could not read people's minds! If he could, he would have been a duke or even a lord by now but he couldn't tell Hank about the fact that he lied. It would be super embarrassing! Because of that Harry just kept silent when he heard his brother's words. . .

After a few minutes, the three men had arrived at the place where Gina was murdered. They searched the place for any clues that could lead to the place of the killer and suddenly hank shouted :

"Guys, come here! Look what I found !"

As the men got closer, they could see that hank was holding a smock of hair in his hand. When Harry saw that, he started smiling and thinking that his brother Hank had finally done something right and found an important clue! But to Harry's surprise, Barry started to sigh and just as he was about to go back to searching, Harry said in a loud manner:

" Good job Hank! That is a very important clue! "

When Barry heard this, he immediately turned to Hank and Harry's direction while carrying a face full of disbelief.

At the time Barry was about to say something, he suddenly stopped with his mouth still open. Barry and Harry were both staring at Hank. It seems Hank was sniffing the piece of hair just like a dog. . .

Then, Hank replied while still sniffing the piece of hair:

"By the smell of this piece of hair, it seems he went south < sniff, sniff > toward the exit gates of the city, toward the forest ."

As Harry and Barry heard this, they felt as if they have been tricked this entire time. Was Hank a genius undercover? When both of them asked Hank about how he knew, he simply replied that he has always had a strong sense of smell and that he always uses it when he goes grocery shopping to pick out the best products.

When the two of them heard this, they felt as if Hank was not using his godly nose to its full potential. The forest that Hank was talking about was a couple of kilometers away from this location! With such a good sense of smell, Hank could have become one of the best trackers in the world! Maybe even better than a hunting dog! But it seems this gift from God was given to the wrong person...

After this whole fiasco, Hank got up from the ground while still holding the piece of hair next to his nose. Hank started walking while leaving Harry and Barry behind. When the two of them saw that they were being left behind, they chased after Hank until they reached his side.

A couple of hours later, the trio reached the forest that Hank was talking about. Suddenly Hank started whispering:

"I can feel his smell in there. Don't make a noise. Let's try and ambush that piece of shit that killed Gina. Are you with me ?"

Harry and Barry gently nodded and went inside the forest. After walking for a little while, they discovered their target. It was a young man with blonde short hair. His eyes were sparkling in the dead of the night just like a bloody crimson moon, his shoulders were pretty wide and his height was about 1,85 m tall. Unfortunately, most of his face was unrecognizable because of the darkness. The only thing visible about his face was his deep red eyes that looked just like an endless abyss. It seems the man was surrounded by 3 black boars.

During day time the black boars could easily be handled by a couple of D rank adventurer weaklings or 1 C class adventurer but during night time, they became much stronger. So strong that only a B class adventurer could handle them or a couple of C class adventurers! The trio (Barry, Harry, and Hank) was very curious about how the man would handle the boars. They closely watched the fight and all they could say was that the dude was pretty strong! But only strong enough to equally fight against Hank or Harry which had B class adventurer strength. Of course, that is only in terms of power because if he would combine his genius level battle tactics he could even defeat Hank and Harry when they are working together.

The three of them were truly shocked by such a display of smartness, decisiveness, and cunningness! He was truly a battle genius! They could not allow such an evil monster to exist in this world! If he were to grow any stronger he could maybe one day, become a threat to even lord Diamante! But unfortunately for the man, right now, based on his current strength, he could not even hold a candle to sir Barry!

Just as the man defeated the last boar, the moonlight shone on his face revealing the mighty Dio, victorious with no wounds whatsoever! When Barry saw his face, he immediately felt a hunch tell him he had met that man before. Just at that moment, a light bulb lit inside Barry's mind and he remembered where he had met that man! It was the rude guy that had called him names during today! If he remembers correctly...His name was... (just at that moment, Barry jumped out of the nearby bush that he was hiding in .Quickly after, two more men jump out of the bushes. It was Hank and Harry !)

Dio turned around and to his surprise, he saw the filth Barry that had humiliated him earlier by calling him a peasant. Just before Dio could say something, Barry shouter in anger:

"Diooooo !! !!! !!!!"

I Have No Idea What To Put In Here Today .Today Was Very Busy For Me And I Felt Very Tired When I Wrote The Chapter So You May Find Some Grammatical Errors In This Chapter And You May Not Like It .If You Want To Support Me And My Story ,You Can Donate Some Power Stones Or Soul Stones . Oh And By The Way, I'm Starting To Think That The Number Of People Who Read This Book Is Way Lower Than It Says On Web Novel .I Have My Own Reasons..

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