
The Muscle And The Brains

After lord Diamante left the room, the two guards started talking to each other. One of them was called Harry and he was short, skinny and a little muscular with short brown hair and brown eyes. The other one was called Hank. He looked very big and tall with muscles all over his body. This was giving him a very scary look. He had long black hair and brown eyes.

"Hank, we have done some practice battles against Gina before. It was 2 versus 1 and she still managed to beat us. If we couldn't beat Gina in a 2 versus 1, what chance do we have to beat the one who killed her? I'll tell you the answer. None" (Harry)

"You're right Harry but what can we do? If we don't kill the man who slaughtered Gina then lord Diamante will make sushi out of the two of us. And if we go and try to find and capture that man, we would probably meet the same fate as Gina." (Hank)

"Hank, you're thinking too inside the box. Do you remember what lord diamante said ?" (Harry)

"Yea, I remember. How could I forget that moment? He said we need to capture the man who killed Gina and bring him here ." (Hank)

"That's true but what if it's not us that needs to beat the dude. What if we put someone else to beat him and we bring him here ?" (Harry)

"Harry, you know we don't have any money. How could we hire someone? Do you think someone will accept 20 silver coins as payment for fighting the dude that killed Gina ? " (Hank)

Harry showed a slight smirk, then he said:

"Who said we need to pay someone? We have a strong guy on our side who will do this for free and has a very good chance to beat the guy ."

"I don't think we know someone like that Harry. I think you might need to go see a doctor harry because you're starting to invent people ."

"Hank.....You're dumber than a sack of potatoes you know? Did some birds come and eat the corn out of your head or something ?"

Hank replied with a confused face:

"Corn ?"

Harry sighed and said:

"I said corn because you have corn instead of a brain Hank, and you just proved my point by asking that stupid question. I think you might have made me dumber just by that one question. Anyway, let's get back to the topic at hand. We do have a strong person that will work for free. Do you remember Barry? Gina's brother? Does that ring a bell ?"

Hank immediately replied:


"Hank, you surprise me more and more every day. I honestly don't know how you manage to survive when I'm not near you. Mom always used to say I'm the smart one of the two of us! Wait...HANK STOP INTERRUPTING MY BRILLIANT PLAN !"

"Ok ."

After a couple minutes of silence pass by, Harry clears his throat and says:

"You see, Barry is Gina's brother and he is also the one that always managed to beat Gina . Lord Diamante still hasn't told Barry anything about Gina's death so that he won't do something rash like go and catch the killer himself. Because of that, we can profit a lot. We will go and tell Barry everything and then when he leaves to catch the killer we will accompany him. After he beats up the killer, we will reap the rewards by taking his body to lord Diamante. If Barry will kill him, then we'll just tell Diamante he was too strong and we couldn't manage to bring him back alive."

"I lost you at the part about Gina's brother but I trust you, bro."

"When I'll die ,I'll probably run out of reactions to use in heaven because of you, hahaha. Even though you're not as smart as me, I still love you, my friend."

As the two of them finish their conversation, they rush out the door while telling jokes and laughing at each other. When the two of them reach Barry's chamber, they put on a straight face and enter. Barry was casually lying in his bed, holding a book in one of his hands and a small round ball in the other. It seems he was squishing the ball while also reading a book.

Barry put his book down while staring at Hank and Harry. With a clearly upset tone, Barry asked:

"Ugh, why are you two buffoons bothering me this late at night again? Don't tell me your brother Hank has broken the toilet again with his fat ass..."

Hank replied with a straight face:

"Sir! It's not broken, it's only cracked !"

Harry face palmed himself when he heard this and said in an exasperated tone:

" Sir I'm sorry to say but the problem right now isn't the royal bathroom. It is much worse.."

Just as Harry was about to continue, Barry interrupted him and said:

"Don't tell me Hank went to the pet store and tried to buy the clerk instead of an actual animal like he did last time. That is truly shocking !"

Hank hastily replied with:

"Sir Barry, that was an accident. I thought she was for sale !"

Harry felt as if a vein might pop from this humiliation so he shouted as loud as he can:


Barry took on a serious face and said:

"This is not something that you should joke about. Please apologize for making this grim joke and all shall be forgiven. But don't do it again. Understood ?"

Just as Harry was about to reply, Hank started speaking, leaving Harry with his mouth open...

"It's true sir! We saw her body with our own eyes. She looked like a bloody hotdog!"

Barry replied slowly:

"If I would have heard this answer from Harry, I wouldn't have believed him but when it's coming from you, big guy, it's gotta be true. You never lie.."

At the same time Barry said this, he got up from the bead. After he got up, he went to his wardrobe that was about 3 meters in size and pulled out of it a white shining armor that was very well made, with lots of beautiful decorations made of gold. The armor had a cloak attached to it with a symbol of a blue sparkling diamond on it. After he put it on, he went back to the wardrobe and pulled out of it a sword that had a golden handle. In the middle of the blade was a golden line that stretched until the tip of the sword. It also had 2 big black sparkling gemstones in the middle of the sword. Each one of the gemstones was bigger than the other, giving the sword a more menacing look.

After Barry finished his preparations, he opened the door and left the room while Hank and Harry were following behind him. After they exited lord Diamante's mansion, Harry asked Barry:

"Sir, why don't we wait for morning , it will be easier to find him then."

Barry coldly replied while his cape was fluttering in the wind, making him look very badass:

"Justice waits for no one ."

If You Would Like To See Barry's Armor And Sword ,Please Check It Out Here: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/fe/07/11fe07724422fddb5ce92d10d148d60f.jpg

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