
Let The Duel Commence !

Returning to Dio's matter at hand, one could tell he was in a very tight spot. After Barry shouter Dio's name, Barry suddenly became very calm and said :

" My name is Barry Diamante as you probably already know. For my sister's honor and so that she can rest in peace. . ."

After Barry said that, he unsheathed his sword and held it up in the air while continuing to say :

" I'm going to hurl you into the depths of despair, Dio !~!~ "

While Barry was saying his monologue, he started rotating his sword in the air and when he said the last word, he pointed the tip of his sword directly at Dio.

" Now that the preparations have been made, we can finally fight without any outside interruptions. [Divine field]! "

After Barry said the words " Divine field", a bright barrier that was circling around Barry and Dio appeared out of nowhere. After Barry saw that his skill had activated, he started speaking with a smirk on his face :

" my [Divine field] skill allows me to temporarily trap my opponent in a light cage that cannot be broken. Nobody can enter and nobody can exit until either one of us is dead or the 3-minute duration of the skill is over. I did this so you would have no chance to escape !"

In Dio's mind, after he heard what Barry had to say, he thought that he just had to survive for 3 minutes through any cheap tricks that he can use. He would have loved to absolutely stomp Barry but to his surprise, when he checked his level he could not believe what he saw.


[ Barry lvl.8 ]


He could not believe that the pathetic man from earlier today could be so strong. Dio was very angry at the fact that someone was stronger than him but he could just clench his teeth in anger in this current situation. The level gap was too big to face him head on, plus he had a fucking white armor like those knights from the old stories, so that meant he had a lot of DN! The only choice Dio had, although he did not want to do it, was to stall for time.

Just as Barry was about to leap at Dio to kill him, Dio suddenly got on his knees and started crying while his face was looking at the ground. Barry was shocked and stopped his attack while looking down at Dio. Did dio really want to plead for his life after everything he did ?!?!? That was what was going through Barry's head but little did he know that those tears were fake.

Outside of the dome of light, Hank and Harry were laughing uncontrollably with their hands on their stomachs. Hank said while still laughing :

" it's official! I'm in love with this guy! I never met someone as pitiful as him! Hahahaha"

As Hank said that, Barry continued to stare at Dio. After a few seconds Barry said :

" I can't believe my beloved sister got killed by this vermin. Just accept your fate and die.No need to plead for your life ."

After Barry said that, he proceeded to swing his sword. Just as the sword was about to cut off Dio's head, Dio picked up some dirt from the ground and threw it at Barry's face. Dio caught Barry by surprise and the attack managed to hit Barry.

Barry was blinded for just a second and at that moment, Dio took the opportunity to hit him. He punched his head as hard as he could but to his demise, the blue square let him down


[ Barry lvl.8 has received 2 damage !]


After this, Dio quickly retreated to the other side of the light dome. Barry wiped the dirt off his face and said in a casual manner :

" That hurt a little, you know? "

After Barry said this, he immediately sprinted in Dio's direction but to his surprise, Barry felt really slow. From outside the dome, Hank and Harry were wondering why Barry was running so slowly. It looked as if he was casually running.

After Dio saw this event unfold, he immediately figured it out! Inside his head, he was thinking " in exchange for wearing that armor, that gives him a lot of DN, his movement speed got decreased by quite a lot! This is my chance! I will do a hit and run tactic. He is too slow to hit me. After he swings his sword and I dodge, I will also throw in a little punch. With time his HP will gradually decrease and me, the almighty Dio, will be the victor! I must thank him for using his skill, now nobody can interfere and help him out! If he wanted me to not flee he could have just surrounded me with his 2 minions but I guess he wanted to boast about his strength in front of them but that will be his demise! "

Just as Dio said, the tactic that he came up with worked very well. Although he was still getting some bruises from some of Barry's hits that actually managed to land a little on his body, everything went smooth and Barry's HP was slowly but surely decreasing. His 2 minions tried to force their way inside the dome of light but to no avail.

<2 minutes and 30 seconds later>

Barry was 1 hit away from his death. His whole body was shaking and dripping with blood. He barely managed to hold his sword in his hand....Just as Dio was about to rush in and give the final blow, the dome of light faded and the two minions that were with Barry jumped to his side, protecting him from the incoming attack. One of the two guys started smiling and staring at Barry. Harry started speaking :

" You can rest now Barry. You've done enough for today. We'll take it from here. "

Hank with a cheerful smile on his face said :

"Yea, no need to worry! We'll beat the dude until he's so dead he can't be alive !"

Harry said while sighing :

"That makes absolutely no sense. . ."

"Shut up, bro! In my head, it is very logical! "

Barry started chuckling at the two brother's small dispute while blood was still dripping all over his face. A moment later, Barry fainted due to his severe injuries and exhaustion but at least he was still alive.

Dio started fighting against Hank and Harry. It was a 2 versus 1 but Dio still managed to hold his ground. A few minutes pass by. Dio is badly injured (6 hp left) but he still keeps going. He could not let the chance of killing a very strong dude slip out of his hands. He just needed to get 1 more hit on Barry to kill him but those 2 minions kept blocking his way every time!

Suddenly, from the dense forest appeared Gina which was supposed to be dead and a muscular man with blue eyes. It was lord Diamante! Dio wanted to ask Gina how she was still alive but immediately shook the thought. He was in the middle of a fierce fight! There was no time to ask questions!

After lord Diamante and Gina saw Barry in his very bad state and Hank and Harry protecting him, they instantly figured out what happened and surrounded Dio. Dio was surrounded in every direction by the 4 people. There was nowhere left to run. He was in a very bad pinch!

If You Would Like a Bonus Chapter Please Donate 2 Power Stones . This Is The Chapter For Today . Yesterday I Could Not Upload Because Of a Very Dumb Reason .So It Was 1 AM And I Wanted To Listen To a Song And After That To Go And Upload This Chapter . I Went And Sat On My Bed ,Listening To The Song And Fell Asleep .Then I Woke Up At 12 PM And I Started Cursing In My Mind . That's It >_>

Next Chapter Will Be The Last

ElectroBrain1creators' thoughts