
Gina Is Not Dead ?

While Dio is fighting against Barry, Hank, and Harry, inside of lord Diamante's mansion there is a mage dressed in a blue robe. He is staying next to Gina's dead body. Suddenly someone enters the room and asks :

"Mage, please tell me you can resurrect my dear daughter Gina. She and my son Barry mean everything to me. They are the only family I have left and I would do anything for them ."

" Well...I can resurrect her but it's gonna cost a lot. She was a very strong individual so it's gonna be very hard for me. If I fail, I could even die so it's very risky ."

" You are the best mage in this city. If you can't do it then no one can. Just name your price ."

"25 % of your total wealth and I'll do it"

"I think you're jumping the horse here, little mage. I hope you didn't forget who you are speaking to. I'll give you 5 % of everything I have. Take it or I'll kill you right here and find someone who will do it for 5 % "

" O-ok sir! I'll do it !"

While the mage said this he was thinking about something else. "Cheap bastard.What a hypocrite. He said he would do anything for his precious daughter yet when I said I wanted 25 % he still threatened me for a lower price. I hope karma comes and bites him in the ass one day..."

After the mage finished his thoughts, he started drawing some magic circles around Gina's lifeless body. Afterward, he got some magic ingredients (falcon claw, wyvern heart, holy water, etc.) and poured them over gina's body. He then started chanting some words in an unknown language and after 15 minutes of waiting, Gina opened her eyes. The first thing she said was :

"Where is that man ?"

"What man my sweet rose ?" asked Lord Diamante in a polite tone

" I never asked for his name but he had red eyes, blonde hair and was pretty buff "

" My dear I think that is the man who killed you but doesn't worry, I've already sent Hank and Harry to deal with him. "

"Daddy, do you really think Hank and Harry would try and kill someone they think they can't beat? I know you've raised those 2 goofs to be loyal guards since you've found them at our doorstep when I was little but knowing their personalities, they would probably try and get some one's help ."

"I don't think they can hire someone strong to fight for them. They don't have any money since they spend it on their "Necessities". "

" What are those necessities papa? "

"The stripper club ."

". . .Well...That's quite a necessity but I mean what if they didn't use money, papa? "

" Who would work for free my rose? The only person that is stupid enough to work for free is the one that seeks vengeance ."

" by the way daddy, where is Barry? I wanna give him a hug and tell him that I'm okay"

"I did not tell him about your death. Knowing him, he would probably go and search for the killer so don't tell him anything. Anyway, I'm going to tell a servant to bring him here now ."

A few minutes later the servant came back and said that lord Barry is nowhere to be found in the mansion. At that moment a light bulb lit inside Gina's and Diamante's head. They immediately made the connections and figured out that Barry went to help Hank and Harry. They were pretty worried because the killer's strength was mostly unknown so they did not know if Barry could take him on. Although Barry was one of the strongest people in the capital, they were still worried about him because if he got killed and his body was too damaged, he could not be brought back to life. Gina and lord Diamante then said at the same time :

"Shit.That idiot! "

After they said that, the two of them kicked the mage out of their house while giving him the promised reward. A few minutes later, the two of them were in their battle gear. Strangely, both of them had the same cape as Barry! It looked really weird, to be honest....After they put on their capes, they went outside the mansion and walked to the main street. When they reached it, Gina suddenly said :

"Daddy, don't bring any guards. It will take too much time to gather them and they would only slow us down. Anyway, on to the main topic. How can we find Barry? He could be anywhere ."

Then, as lord Diamante heard Gina's question, he pulled out of one of his pockets a small round glass shard with one pointy edge. After he did that, he started speaking with a smirk on his face :

'This is a tracker that is imbued with Barry's life force. If he is still alive, then this thing will show us the way. Come on !!! Why is it pointing in the direction of the forest ?? This probably means that Barry has found the killer already, otherwise I can't explain why he is in the forest this late at night...We must hurry before it's not too late! "

" Roger that dad! "

As the two of them finished talking, they started running at full speed in the direction of the forest. They were running so fast, that they only left afterimages where they were running. At this pace, they could probably reach the forest in a couple of minutes. Dio would probably go nuts and try to flee if he knew about this...But he doesn't . . . .

I'm Sorry For Not Uploading Yesterday But I Had Some Family Business To Resolve. Today I Uploaded This Chapter This Late At Night Because I Had a Party That Lasted From 5 In The Afternoon To 2 In The Morning . Right Now I'm Very Tired So You May Notice Some Grammatical Errors In This Chapter .If You Wish To Support Me And My Story Please Donate a Power Stone Or Some Soul Stones . Thank You And Enjoy The Rest Of Your Day !

ElectroBrain1creators' thoughts