
Dio's Bizarre Academia

Dio gets teleported to this strange world in a child's body after fighting Jotaro, with many odd looking humans with "quirks". What is the first thing that comes to his mind? Show the inhabitants of this puny world that he, Dio Brando, is the true superior being! "U.A.? Strongest humans in the world? I will show them what true strength is!" (My Boku no Hero Academia knowledge is better than my Jojo knowledge, but I know the basics.)

Tiphereth · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Gathering Information

After he left the alleyway, Dio was greeted to a bustling street, filled with normality, at least, on the surface. Another look at the street and there were perhaps twenty percent of people having odd... growths on their body.

'This could be that quirk thing that hand dude was talking about,' Dio reasoned that perhaps this world might be the same as his, except for the quirks that many people had.

As a proficient and calculating crimelord, Dio could sort out what he needed to do, and how to blend in with this foreign environment very quickly.

'Hmmm. I guess I would need to gather information first, and I should probably get an identity as well. My identity can be found on the black market, and I should just take a computer by stealing one... and a residence can wait.'

Dio didn't mind sleeping in the alleys for the time being, in fact, he prefered it. This way tracking him down will be near impossible unless he underestimates his opponent.

This brought him to his other point. He needed to find out what this world's 'quirks' were, and whether to be wary of them or not.

'If quirks have the same variety as stands, perhaps I could find one that could send me back to my world and destroy Jotaro!'

But wait, did he even want to go back? If he went back, he would have to face the Joestar bloodline, and they could track him down forever because he stole Jonathan's body!

'Damn! Those Joestars are truly like a curse that follows me wherever I go! But if I stay here, I could rebuild my empire without them bothering me...'

Well, he could figure that out later. Time to steal a computer!

Luckily, with just thirty minutes of wandering aimlessly, he found a relatively high tech store with 'computer models found nowhere else!' This will be easy.

He picked out a small but very expensive portable laptop with the highest, latest specs that was on display. Then, just as a customer walked out of the store, he made his move.


Stopping time, he dashed into the store and picked up one of the boxes containing the computer on display, and then walked out into the alleys.

The bystanders only heard a young teenager scream out some words before disappearing. 'Probably some delinquent using his quirk for fun,' they thought.

However, the cameras in the store showed a different story. After the introduction of superpowers called quirks across the globe, petty crimes like theft and burglary has become more and more common. To prevent these, the government passed laws and invented technologies from requiring all store owners to install cameras and hire a 'camera worker' to a 'quirk detecter' that could detect when quirks were being used.

So when a computer miraculously disappeared on camera without alerting the detectors, the store employees were immediately notified. After that, a police officer came to check the place.

"Well, it looks like the cameras and detectors are still working, so this could be the work of some sort of technology quirk user and maybe some sort of invisibility," the middle aged officer said.

"Can you catch the theives soon? All these criminals can just die!" The store manager was very indignant. After all, it was one of their most expensive laptops.

"Well, we're going to try our best, but it might take a few weeks or so."

To be honest, although the government worked hard to stop these crimes, theft of this scale still happened fairly often, and with a case like this with seemingly no clues, this case will probably be swept under the rug, albeit without the store manager's knowledge.

Meanwhile Dio was in a cafe that included wifi a considerable distance away from the store while strategically browsing the internet.

'Wow, so it seems like these quirks have even more variability than stands! No wonder there were so many strange looking people, it turns out it was just their quirk- although I can't see how it would help them in any way.'

What he found even more strange, however, was the strict prohibition of quirk using except by people known as 'Heros'. Heros! Like the ones that he read about as a child. He always found the very idea of them absurd. He thought, 'Who would willingly risk their lives to get famous just to get targeted by more and more people because of their fame?' Well, maybe it was normal in this society, with widespread superpowers. They even had f*cking schools for this 'hero' crap! In fact, one of the most famous ones, a high school called U.A, was a mere twenty minute walk from here.

And here! It was an article discussing the 'strongest hero of the generation', a man whose hero name was All Might! This was vital for his future plans, because... well actually, he just wanted to see if he could beat the strongest hero currently in commission.

Looking at the fight video attached to the article, it seemed to Dio that although All Might was quite a bit stronger and faster than him, he could probably inflict damage to him if he punched hard, which was all he needed. After all, with the suprise of stopping time, and with no monsters like Jotaro who could make complex bluffs after double-bluffs in this world, he was practically unstoppable. Together with his innocent(?) childish face which would make many foes underestimate him, Dio thought he could probably defeat All Might, which made his ego feel slightly better.

'Damn it was the same in my world too, until that bastard Jotaro showed up!' he suddenly thought, immediately ruining his good mood.

'Well, at least someone would've claimed the 'strongest' title long ago if they were stronger than this All Might, so I shouldn't have to worry about anybody stronger, at least.'

Dio felt like he got all the information needed of this world for now. He knew the general power and limits of quirks, so if anyone asked for his quirk, his first answer would be superstrength, leaving his hidden trump cards like regeneration, vampire lazers, and most importantly, his stand, for urgent situations. Besides, it was getting dark outside anyway. Might as well go find an alleyway for today.

As he was walking around the streets, Dio couldn't help but be amazed at Japan's night life. Tall buildings and neon lights were built along every street, giving the place a lively feel, bustling with people, so bright that there were no streetlights. After wandering a bit, enjoying the scenery, he found himself in a parking lot.

"Nooo! Someone help me!" A woman's voice echoed in the parking lot, beside a car in front of him. She was accompanied by a man, so Dio could roughly guess what was happening.

'Well I'll be damned, just as I was having fun there.'

Hmmm. That fancy car... should be the male's car right? You could hear the cogs in Dio's mind turning. This situation, he could make some money out of.

'Well, judging from the amount of noise the woman is making, his quirk must be kind of sh*it...'

Dio's mind was made up. He simply dashed up to the man and chopped his neck, instantly knocking him out.


'Something isn't right,' thought Dio. The man was trying to pull the woman away from the car, so the car must belong to the woman!

"Oh my God! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you!" The woman struck a seductive pose, confusing Dio for a second.

"You... you know I'm a child right?"

Thats right! Dio's current body was just a middle schooler's!

"Oh my, don't be shy honey, I'll give you what you want~" Although the woman could be considered a beauty if you squint a bit, Dio was not in the mood for something like this.

"Lady, you must be mistaken. All that I want is money. Cash will be better than anything your body can do." He just wanted to make some money goddammit!

It seems like the woman was angered by something in his statement and shouted, "So your just like him huh? Pining for my money wherever I go!" She suddenly got in her car, and tried to close the door to drive away.

'Sigh. Let's just get this over with.' he thought. He rushed forward, chopping her neck just like he did with that male whose body was still slumped on the ground. Well this kinda sucks, he facepalmed inside of his head. With two unconscious people on the ground, even with his childish body no-one would mistake what was happening here. he swiftly put the man into the car while searching him.

Inside his pockets were some cash, barely enough to survive a week, and a phone, which to his amazement he found had no password.

'Well I guess thats my phone now,' he chuckled to himself.

The woman however, was completely loaded with money. With this amount of money Dio could probably rent a house for a good month, but he would never do that. 'Its good to have some backup cash sometimes,' he thought. She did have a phone, but it had a password and he already had a phone so there was no use in taking it.

After taking his spoils of war Dio quickly carried the man into some random alleyway while leaving the woman slouched inside her car. Although the operation was rough, he still got a ton of money that he can use to live (he doesn't want to steal everything to live), so he walked away happily.

While walking, Dio recounted this day's events. He casually hummed to himself.

"Hmmhmhmmm...." So far, he found this world to be very relaxing for him. No Joestars hunting him down, and suprisingly, no stress of ordering around subordinates. He always thought that he would be the most happy when he was telling his subordinates what to do, but he realized that after time, he became more and more like the person he hated most, his abusive father Dario.

... Perhaps he could stay in this world live a normal life, maybe. Well, more normal than his old life. That would be nice for a change.

Without anything to stop him, he walked around aimlessly until midnight, thinking about random things, as well as the woman who was pregnant with his child. 'Perhaps Giorno would be a nice name...'

Finally, when he was tired of all the lights constantly shining in his face, he quietly walked into an alley to spend the night, and slept soundly with no distraction for the first time in quite a while.

maybe his character development was too sudden? i dont think thats the case because i think dio was a good boi (well at least not a bad one) before his dad came along (and then he killed his dad). I mean, we have shots of him at least tolerating jonathan.

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