
Dimensions Traveler Agent

In a world where superpowers thrive, a little dust finds himself to be someone that has no superpowers. When he thought he was about to die, a miracle descend upon him, a golden opportunity that lead him to become king of kings. Watch Ren as he travels through dimensions to fix anomalies that erode other worlds. A savior of worlds and creator of miracles.

TreasurerOfDreams · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Mysterious Graded Talent



"Sys-", Just as Ren wanted to call out once again, suddenly he felt a piercing pain on his whole body.

"GAAAAHHHHH!!!!", He felt like his body fell into a pit of flame and then to a cavern of ice then back to a pit of fire. This happens over and over and over until he can't hold down and finally faints from extreme pain.



"Ugh...", Ren slowly open his eyes. He felt sore all over his body and felt a little pain occasionally on his head.

Looking down, a needle pierced his hand connected with a tube of liquid.

His body felt weak and when he said something his voice was hoarse, "Mom... Dad...".

He's now in an unfamiliar white room alone. Many types of equipment connected by cables circled him.

'Where am I?'

He want to move but every time he tried to wake up, he immediately felt all his limbs become weak and he fell back to the white bed.

"Mom...? Dad...!"

He tried screaming but his voice was so hoarse that it was difficult to do so and can only let out some little screeching.

Seeing no one answering Ren took a deep breath and calmed himself.

First, he scanned the room and found except for a big mirror in front of him, there was also a door beside him... wait, a big mirror?

'Is... someone watching me?' a thought came to his mind.

Ren looked at the big glass in front of him, although he can see his reflection, he don't think that was the only use for it.

One way mirror

"Who's there?", He tried asking toward the big glass.



{Hello, Ren Miller}, Suddenly he was given response by a voice, it was probably from the people on the other side of the mirror

"Who are you?".

{I am the deputy investigator from Investigation unit 004, I think you have met Grace? that's my leader}

"Where... am I?"

{You are at the secure facilities we called BlackBox. This place is the second most important place in the union}

"Why am I here?", Ren doesn't know of such a place but it seems that it exists.

{Hmm... well, let's start with what happened to you before you were sent here}

{Your condition suddenly turned critical and your body started pulsating repeatedly when your parents found you}

{The doctor tried to treat you to no avail. Fortunately, my leader was still there and she suggest taking you away}

{With no other choice your parents agreed but they requested to bring them as well which we, unfortunately, can only reject since this place can't be known outside}

{After you came here, we scanned your body with our equipment, and the equipment repeatedly show spikes of dimensional interference. Fortunately, a few days later your condition started to stabilize naturally and the dimensional interference disappeared}

{Of course, we can't let this chance to investigate your body better, but we can't find anything useful at all}

{So we thought you can explain it after you woke up which take quite a while. My Leader took this time to go and ask your parents some questions while also trying to calm them down}

"I see... how much... is this a while?"

{Well... about a week?}

"A... week?!", No wonder his body felt sore and weak.

{Yep, anyway, try to rest well, we need to question you later, unfortunately}




Ren looked at the ceiling and whispered, "System?".

[...] No answer

"...Status Window"


[Ren Miller]

Age: 12

Mana: 0/???

Talent: ??? Magic Talent

Skill: Mana Manipulation lv.1, Mana Control Lv.1, Mana Absorb Lv.???, Mana Sensing Lv.???, Magic Augmentation Lv.1.

Special Power: None.


Ren felt surprised and then it turned into joy.

'Magic! I can finally use magic!'. Of course, he didn't say it out loud, after all, he's aware that he's under surveillance.

'But why are there so many question marks?

'Mana... Talent... Skill... Each has one question markings. Does that mean they're connected? then what type of talent did he get?'

Of course, he already thought about it but didn't dare to immediately confirm it. After all, if it's an F-grade talent then it would already show it, but it didn't so... let's wait for the system to confirm it.

But still, with all those skills... he finally becomes a magician! a full-fledged magician! Even though there was no special power and the skills he had are all basic for a magician, he was still very happy nonetheless.

He truly wants to try it but right now he's in the mouth of a giant. What if they detected him using magic and started questioning him? After all, he was just talentless and maybe he can say he had a late awakening but his condition right now is special.

He has just survived a dimension distortion. Especially since he was in the center of it and still survived.

What if they took into account that it was the dimension distortion that help him with the awakening and tried some experiment with him?

Although he admires Union that uses its power to defend humanity he doesn't idiotically trust them. After all, if their experiments can help humanity, then they will do it. Regardless he agreed or not. This he knows.

Then again... when can he get out?.

"Hey... Vice inspector? are you there?"

{Yeah, I'm here}

"When can I get out? I miss my parents and they're probably worried about me"

{Well... sorry about that but we need a few more days to finish our test. We started testing your body when you were unconscious but to no avail so now that you are conscious, we need to do another test}

"Hmm... what would be the estimated time for this test?

{Don't worry, everyone here is a professional the test would be done in maybe just 1-2 days}


{You see... we are not the only ones that want to research your condition so to be safe we might need some surplus days to really make sure that we have the best result}

"Oh... I see, good luck then"

{You're not angry?}

"Why should I?"

{I mean, you are being researched without your knowledge, doesn't that make you uncomfortable?}

'If you know I can now use magic then the test would definitely be more 'uncomfortable' but since I haven't shown it then it should be only a few body checks and blood checks ', Although now that he can use magic, since he hasn't tried it, he shouldn't have any core yet.

"Nah, I'm fine, you can go on with your work"



Just like Ren expected, it took him more than 2 days to finish the test and he was sent discreetly to his new home in Holy light city.

He can still call his parents while inside the BlackBox and calmed them down. And since their old house was destroyed His parents decided to move here since it was a central city and the probability of having a dimensional distortion was minuscule. But of course, little doesn't mean there's none, there's still some danger of that happening but the chance would be small.

Looks like his parents decided to play it safe rather than let history repeat itself. But to live in one of the central cities is not cheap so they need to return from their retirement and become a hunter again. To be honest he was against it but he can't do anything about it. Although being a hunter is dangerous but it pays a lot so they needed to do this.

'If only he was stronger'. at first, this might only be a far dream for him. But now, he had talent it wouldn't be much of a problem. Though he still needs time and more knowledge and experience.

"Hu...", Ren looked at the simple two-story house in front of him. This is the house his parents succeeded in renting after a few negotiations with the landlord but as he expected the rent was really pricey.

Ren opened the door as two people come into his vision. He smiled and said.

"I'm home"