
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

The Dev- what do you mean never mind!?!

-Kuoh Academy, ORC Living room-

It was strange a few minutes ago Victor was ready to fight and have fun to test Kiba but now he's having tea while waiting for Rias to finish taking a shower, which was obviously just a ploy to make him feel flustered but alas all he was doing was not drinking the tea but instead....

"Can the swords you make stay permanent!?!"

He was currently bothering Kiba was obviously still shook about how Victor survived being impaled by a sword with his sacred gear and losing so much blood that it would have filled a whole gallon or two, this was of course bothering him but right now he was trying his best to not get to shaken and answer Victor's question.

"Eh.. They would but I normally make swords that disappear after their use since it's a hassle to clean up-"

"From now on make them to stay permanently" Before Kiba could say anything he was interrupted by Victor who was now looking at him like he some sort of profit making machine.

While all this was happening Rias was currently with Sona accessing their situation as a person who was able to easily dispatch of a knight and rook was currently blatantly trying to milk said knight for profit.


"Yes Sona?"

"Why did you have to interact with him..."

It was safe to say despite knowing Ryoiichi for only a few hours and her believing she wouldn't need to interact with him for a long time, Her dear friend just had to get interested in any strong individual she could understand it due to Rias's predicament but her massive headache is slowly becoming a migraine.

[Devils May Die]

Did you know that in this version of the DxD universe Demons actually existed until almost 90% of them we're wiped out only leaving those who eventually died due to people hunting them for their strange properties to make weapons out of them.

[Devils May Die]

POV Victor

With my new found sword making Mach- friend, I didn't have to worry about finding anymore metals for awhile but sadly I lost almost all the money I got from the stray due to property damage.

"DAMN YOU SONA!" I yelled to my hearts content as I was alone in the park, so I don't have to worry about anything


'Damn my luck' I slowly turned around while keeping my hand on the grip of my revolver as I the sight of a black cat came to my vision, normally if someone saw a black cat they would think of it being cute or try to even pet it and move a long with their day. But I'm a reincarnator in the DxD universe and the only reason a Black cat would appear in the park near Kuoh without any reason and not leave in a panic after my yelling is because it wasn't a cat.

It was Kuroka

'Shit shit shit shit!, what is this cliche fanfiction bullcrap!? Is it because I yeeted Koneko!?' I was scared I wasn't confident on taking down a High-Class level stray and no way in hell do I have enough rizz to convince her not to kill me after finding out she's here in Kuoh.

"Nya~~" Kuroka was teasing me with that meow she knew that I knew she isn't a normal cat, I have to either run or fight which is either die slowly or die painfully. She isn't as merciful or seductive as she is in those crappy fanfics I mean who would think a person of her strength would go and get aroused by someone even remotely strong!?, she is literally surrounded by other strong males in her group!

"So are you gonna keep pretending to be a normal cat S something Rank Stray Kuroka?, honestly I forgot if you we're S or SSS rank not gonna lie" I was stalling for a perfect moment to escape I don't wanna die in the hands of a hot cat girl, some dudes might like it but I don't want that kind of death!

"Nyoo~ you aren't so fun Hunter-kun..." all of a sudden the once normal black cat twirled and turned into the hot dangerous sis-con cat girl Kuroka, I thanked my instincts and memory for letting me recognize her if not she would have probably followed me on my way home to the Van since I just got it and I don't want anything to happen to it.

"Sooo Hunter-kun why are you tensed?"

'Ok Victor you have 2 Demon piercing bullets in your revolver 4 if you shoot each bullet individually instead of armor piercing, a crappy unfinished red queen, demonic lighting and air hike incase she attacks you just try to survive!' I was broken out of my thoughts as Kuroka suddenly appeared in front of me, I immediately backed up and sent a wave of lighting towards her which she blocked you would think it would have done nothing but it did something

It burnt her.

"Ouchy! Why would you hurt such an innocent hotty like me?" She really isn't taking this seriously, but how the hell did she get Injured from the lighting?. I'm weaker by a lot if I was a rock she would be a boulder, only way it would have hurt her was if this isn't just demonic lightning

'This is Griffons lightning!'

Why did I have this thought just now!?, I have the tattoos V obtained from making a contract with Griffon but I have tattoos but no Griffon I'm so stupid for not realizing it. I've always used this lightning thinking Nero had the ability originally and the system just gave me V's Tattoos as aesthetic so it's either the system gives random abilities from the DMC series which is a low chance, or the system gives me abilities not just those suited for me and what my body could handle but what Nero would Theoretically be able to use!

'This all make sense!, Nero's regeneration might be impressive it isn't even on par with Dante or Virgils but I was impaled by a sword and brushed it off easily so I must have obtained Dante's regeneration!' I looked at my arm and smirked as the demonic lightning gathered and instead of releasing in a single burst began traveling through my hole arm until it reached my shoulders and halted, I felt my skin burning and regenerating itself in a steady pace but the burning would probably overpower it

'So I'm not just some bootleg copy of Nero, I'm in the body of Nero who could someday use any ability from anyone he's related too!' I just smirked as I looked at a now curios Kuroka and grabbed Blue Rose and Griffons lightning traveled along it. I looked at Kuroka one more time before I taunted her with a come at me motion

"Come on!"

[Devils May Die]

People might think Griffon is weak that he is but that's only compared to the other 'Nightmares' V fights with, but Griffon has the ability to not only damage High Ranking Demon's but is canonically able to Hurt Dante, albeit barely is still a feat as Dante is stronger than his father

[Devils May Die]

(Location: Kuoh Park)

POV None

Kuroka was looking at Victor in annoyance she originally wanted to beat him up due to her sister being 'Injured' it was safe to say that she is incredibly petty, but what she didn't expect was a Middle Ranking Devil(Assumed) Human Hybrid like him would have been able to injure her a person who could handle a High-Class Devil very easily. Now she ahd to be careful as Victor's demonic lightning was now surrounding his whole right arm as he constantly pumped It with demonic energy.

"Come on!"


Kuroka couldn't dodge the attack as the bullet was energized with Victor's Demonic lightning and due to the bullets properties and mostly being made of condensed DMC material that could conduct the original Nero's energy Kuroka was forced to block it, to which of course she did but alas Blue rose wasn't a normal gun it shot two rounds each pull fo the trigger. One to break or injure the armor of foes or the skin of demons and one to pierce through it causing more damage.

PUUCHII*Piercing sounds*


"Damn it!" Kuroka held her left arm as the bullets we're now stuck in her flesh, but that only lasted a second as she Flames started to surround he before being sent to Victor in a full on wave. But before It could reach him demonic lighting pulsed from his whole body protecting him from the flames but burning most of his skin due to the voltage that quickly regenerated.

'I wonder if he's the basterd of some High-Class Devil family?' Kuroka assumed that the lightning Victor was utilizing was a Devil inherited ability, she had done her research on Victor and the only thing she found out was he appeared a year back and began hunting strays until he got strong enough to be considered a Middle-Class hunter in his peak. So in her mind it was impossible for a Middle-Class Devil Hybrid even in it's peak to hurt someone like her without having some sort of Inherited ability or Sacred Gear.


Victor Gripped his Prototype of Red Queen as he covered it in Demonic Lightning, and if one we're to look at it up close they would see that the blade it self was starting to melt and crack and Victor knew this. So he rushed at Kuroka with the intention of not defeating her but Injuring her enough to the point he could use it as a distraction and escape, since he knew only a fool woild be so overconfident of knowing they had an Overpowered ability but he was different he already had his reality check.

"Try this on for size!"

Kuroka saw the attack coming from a mile away but still she needed to dodge it as she hadn't found a way to counter it so she had to be careful and not underestimate her enemy who she originally just wanted to give a little scare, thus when the prototype red queen was slashed towards her she easily dodge but what she didn't expect was a blue translucent arm right above the arm Victor used Red Queen was holding Blue Rose and aimed directly at her face




Kuroka crashed towards the trees in the park as a small wound on her forehead was bleeding as a flattened bullet was pierced right on it, while the second piercing round was between her teeth Victor took the chance as he felt himself slowly getting more and more fatigued and began running towards his Van and as he ran towards it multiple screens began popping up in his vision

[Skill Obtained]

(Demonic Projection)

Due to skill being naturally obtained and surviving a High level threat user will be rewarded.

[Skill: Deadeye]

Increase your perception and reaction speed to the point a speeding cheetah is as slow as a snail but prolonged use will cause irritation in both eyes and exhaustion due to senses over clocking(further upgrading of this skill will allow the user to go beyond the limits of the original users, to the point the user could one day catch a bullet)

[Item: Ivory]

One of the guns designer Nell Goldstein Adoptive Grandmother of Nico made and gave to Dante to kill demons with either rapid fire or precision as a bonus the more demonic energy Dante would pump into the gun the more powerful it would get, this gun is leagues above BlueRose as a single round has the strength of BlueRose's Armor piercing round

(1 Filled Magazine Included)

'Hell Yeah!!!'


Yooo it's me the lazy author lol, basically I passed highschool I'm now in my last year pretty cool. Gonna focus on this more than Catch the rainbow dear hero so yeah look forward to more chapters probably 2 every week, so have a nice day and look out for the next chapter soon