
Dimensions May Die(Devil May Cry)

Old Name: Devils May Die Maybe it was because Victor had never lived a full life that he was given a second chance, but he knew that he wasn't gonna waste it on keeping it safe let's just say that everything he would do would probably be messy but that didn't mean he couldn't have a fun in a world filled with Devils, Angel's and Boobs! "I've hit the Jackpot!" (Multiverse Fanfic) Around 2k-4k words right now _____ Slow-paced 3 chapters a week No-Harem but if there is it would just be two girls nothing else and he won't immediately get them. Writing for fun don't expect anything good but that doesn't mean it would be trash I have standards! First World: Highschool DxD(Just to start off and build some ground) Second: Dororo(Short Arc) Third World: Frieren Beyond Journey's End(Currently)

TheFanBoy · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Day out

Leave a review or I genderbend every male-

But fr though I can't believe a thousand people have this scuffed fanfic in their library, thank you for sticking with it

-Kuoh Church Basement-

Victor was laying in his bed in one of the rooms in the expanded basement wrapped in bandages while Asia was beside him reading a book, Aizawa was surprisingly not drinking any coffee despite being early in the morning as it was the frost time in many years that he finally had a good night sleep. Meanwhile Rem was reading a book on how to use appliances while Raku was in the middle of the Room performing swings with a Bokken

"Aizawa-san!(Decided that they will be using honorifics in certain times since their all speaking Japanese, while people like Asia who don't speak the language and speak English/Italian won't) this is amazing!"

"Kid just because you got new abilities doesn't mean you should use close range combat your still a human, focus on the bow until you can be slammed on pure concrete and survive..."

"It feels like your speaking from experience..."


"So this machine is used to blend different types of food and fruits! I wonder what would happen if I drop an appa in..." Rem was excited as for the past 4 hours she was messing with every appliance she can get her hands on

"Appa? Do you mean apple Rem-san?" Raku confusingly asked before Rem grabbed a 'Appa' of the counter

"No I believe you are mistaken I mean this an appa!" She proudly held infront of Raku who along with Aizawa looked at her if she was crazy

"Yeah that's an apple"

"No an Appa"

Before they could start bickering Aizawa interrupted them

"Raku she's from a different world"

"Oh yeah-"


Asia from Victor's room screamed of course the only one who understood her was Aizawa who spoke English so he rushed towards the room with Rem and Raku right behind him and saw Victor sitting up right and the first he saw was Raku's new appearance

"Raku you've grown dear boy, how long have I been out?" Victor with exaggerated expression asked Raku who only smirked since despite being in pain Victor was still able to make a joke

"You were out for a day we didn't get teleported back home was because we don't need to" Aizawa said this as he leaned on the wall while Raku looked at him in confusion

"You got that thing from Howl's Moving Castle I don't know the exact details but it's linked to an old building across the street from my high school" Raku said since unlike Aizawa who was living in the future and Rem who didn't even know what a rice cooker is he was living in the year 2014 and still watched a few old anime movies.

"It's linked to an old shop near mustafu" Was Aizawa's response

"It was linked to an abandoned house in mine" Was Rem's reply

"Guessing like the movie it's one way huh Raku?" Victor asked Raku who nodded in confirmation before he opened the rewards and observed his reward

"Did you guys use your Gacha Rolls?" Victor got different responses from a yes from Aizawa and Raku while Rem only nodded

"I got Firebending from that old show back in the early 2000's" Hearing Aizawa's Gacha Roll he was quite shocked since Firebending would definitely help him since despite his skills his quirk was useless outside of his world/ or any varient of his world so for Aizawa to get a good offensive ability that could even be used in freezing temperatures was surprising

"I obtained an ability with the name of Blut, I have no information of what world it comes from but Raku-kun says it's from a world called Bleach. I use mana and run it through my blood vessels instead of something Raku-kun called Reishi" Hearing this Victor was quite impressed at was she got due to the fact Rem already passively absorbed mana in the air so with this version of Blut she received a huge buff

"I got a bag of Senzu Beans I counted and got 30, I didn't use it on you since Asia-san was healing you" Raku's reward may sound less impressive then the others but as long as it isn't a disease or death he could heal anything since Senzu beans if taken soon enough if someone loses their limb it would regenerate, and it could also revitalize whoever eats it so Raku could use this to work out for days if he wanted to but it was best for him to save it

"I guess I should use mine" Victor clicked on hsi reward and proceeded to use the Gacha






Victor saw another screen pop up and smiled in excitement


(The user utilizes their Infernal energy allowing them to form mirage in any shape or form, in turn the user could also use it as smaller projectile)

Nico's Remark:

So I guess Vergil can just straight up make a magic sword from thin air now? Just swinging his soul around like a blade…

If your pops can manage this, maybe you can too? Would you mind…y'know, giving it a shot? For me?

"HELL YEAH!!!" Victor yelled out in excitement while the other's who saw this we're quite confused before Raku realized on what this was and pointed at Victor as if finally recognizing who he was


[Devils May Die]

Did you know in Devil May Cry people would expect V's cane to be some form of Devil Arm but it actually isn't and that the reason he uses it that it was made out of materials from the Demon Realm(Read Visions Of V) and the reason V uses it is because his Nightmares can't physically kill anything without his help

[Devils May Die]

"I can't believe I just realized it now..." Raku was now looking at Victor star struck since he played DMC4 when he was young and for him it was the best experience he ever had

"I'm a VARIANT of Nero buddy" Victor Ignored Raku as he began putting his clothes on while Asia tried stopping him, he wondered why his regeneration didn't heal him but he theorized that it was because he not only over clocked his body with demonic lightning he also told the now sleeping Ophis to give him as much of her energy he could handle

"So that's it mission complete?"

"Not exactly, you see we could use the door to go to our worlds time is still stopped so we have to wait a few more hours for us to be teleported right where before we left" Aizawa explained as everyone nodded in unison confirming what Aizawa said

After a moment of silence Victor finally decided to speak up

"You guys wanna go to the mall?" But Rem who had never heard of a Mall was confused making Victor remember she wasn't from a modern time

"It's basically the Market but more cleaner and big inside a mansion"


"I guess we're going to the mall..."

(A few minutes later)

"This structure is amazing!" As soon as they arrived at the mall Rem began observing on shop to another, the workers assumed Rem was someone from the countryside despite the maid outfit she was wearing. And in all honestly after Victor took a good look at him and everyone they all stuck out like a sore thumb.

Aizawa was still wearing his costume, Raku was wearing an exorcist coat above his highschool uniform, Rem was of course wearing her work clothes which was a maid outfit while Victor looked the most strange out of all of them and that's not including the fact his arm was bandaged to conceal the Devil Bringer.

'I should really learn how I can shed this...' Victor looked at his arm and knew that one day if he got strong enough he wouldn't need it as he would obtain his true devil trigger which would make the Devil Bringer useless but now that he had Ophis who was basically a battery he wondered if she would still be able to sleep inside him.

"Uhm Victor-"

"No Raku I am not buying you that..." Victor was of course referring to the Nintendo-Switch that was in display, Raku wanted to buy it since he was a bit of a gamer and was interested in all the new consoles and games he could see.

"I haven't seen something like this since I was a kid, I remember getting a similar model from my grandfather " Aizawa remarked making Raku realize that Victor's world may be the year 2017 but Aizawa's was at 2176(They never specify the exact year of the events of MHA so I made it 2176 and for just extra information this Aizawa is just right after the Sports Festival


"No." Aizawa didn't bother listening to Raku's words as he already assumed what he was gonna ask

"Victor!" Rem called for Victor without honorifics due to the fact they had a long talk about it and they've agreed that they would address him with his first name nothing else.

"Rem we are not getting that..." Victor was referring to the mixer Rem was holding

"Rem I can buy you stuff but nothing that uses electricity since your world doesn't even have electricity"

"That's fine too!" Soon enough after replying Rem return with a basket full of items such as a wisk, knives and a few spices and ingredients

"Alright let's go pay-" But before H could finish his sentence he grabbed an arm that was about to hold his shoulder and turned around to see who it was

"Sparda-kun." It was Rias and her whole peerage(Except for Gasper) accompanied by 2 hooded figures that he could already guess who they we're.

"Rem take this money and go meet up with Raku and Aizawa" Victor turned to Rem who hesitated a bit before Victor stared at he rone more time making her slowly nod walking away with the basket and a stack of yen in hand

"Any reason why you Devil's want to talk to me?"

"We would like to hire your services-"

"No." Victor's response made shocked Rias since after a few investigations about him they found out he did any job that payed well and since he already knew she was a Gremory She was confused why he would refuse

"I'll pay you immediately"

"Don't care"

"I'll also owe you a favor-"

"I said no." Victor began walking away not interested in any further interaction with them since he knew that it was only a matter of time before he permanently left this universe since he had already obtained everything he needed and now that he has the group chat he had no other reason to stay here, he was of course going to bring Asia and Ophis along and they had already talked about it Asia agreed to go with him due to the fact she owed her life to him while Ophis after realizing that she could now access the Multiverse has made a contract with Victor in exchange for lending her power he would make sure that when he has the chance he would buy/obtain a pocket dimension that was nothing but pure silence

Since in her point of view it's more viable then her waiting for her full power to return to fight Great Red

"Please in the name of the lord wait!" This time it was one of the Hooded figures that stopped Victor specifically one with blue hair

"And who are you?" Victor asked despite already knowing who they we're

"Xenovia Quarta and this is my companion Irina Shidou, we have come from the church in search for your aid to take down a the Rogue Fallen Kokabiel"

"Look Lady I don't need money I've already gotten enough to live a full life"

"Tsk and to think God had forgiven your very existence..." Xenovia's attitude did a full 180 and Victor wanted to slam her to the ground and kick her multiple times but he didn't instead he looked at her one more time

"No way in hell would I help you with this, I may have been in good terms with the Holy Faction but that doesn't mean they can make me their dog. So as I said I will never take this-"

[Mission Prompt!]

(The Final Task)

Defeat the Fallen Cadre Kokabiel

Rewards: Broken Yamato (Sealed)

[This mission is the last available at current time in the current universe unlike other missions this mission cannot be rejected due to its high-level rewards]

"You know what pay me triple and we got a deal" Victor's attitude just like Xenovia made a full 180 the reason was quite obvious the broken Yamato may be broken but that was something the Devil Bringer could help with due to the fact that the only one who could have repaired it was Nero many have tried and not even Agnus Nico's father could fix it

"May there is hope for you after all Demon, We have gathered some Intel but it isn't that in depth-"

"Kokabiel Is working to combine the Excalibur pieces with the help of Valper Galilei, they will attack Kuoh Academy around tommorow night to try and cause a war by killing Rias and Sona"

"And how do you know all this?" Xenovia along with the others looked at him suspiciously but he wasn't even phased by it

"I have an informant from the inside" Victor was of course bullshiting since he just wanted to get this quest over with and he knew that it was going to happen tomorrow night since after Xenovia and Irina arrived they we're immediately attacked

"Anyway's I'll see you guys later" Victor turned back again and began walking towards his group, but instead he found rem with multiple bags and Raku playing a game on a switch.


"O-Oh! Victor! I C-can explain! You see Rem-San had some spare money so I asked her if I could buy something for myself-" Victor didn't wait for Raku to finish his sentence and just grabbed the switch from his hand and before looking at Raku who was now pleading sighed


" NO!!! "

" I'm not having you take something from the future to your world buddy, I only allowed Rem to buy stuff since she actually buys things that could be of use like seasonings and stuff like a hand crank mixer" He turned to Aizawa and saw that the only thing he bought was a Starbucks coffee

"Come on let's go I have something to do later-"

[Timer has reached 0 Teleporting members to their original universe's]


"That's convenient" He hadn't been keeping attention to the timer and was quite surprised about how it reached 0 right after their shopping but he realized something crucial

"Wait wasn't Raku wearing the exorcist coat?, Eh its his problem now"


Next chapter will be the group chat members POV and after that only 3 chapters left for the dxd arc and just for context

Aizawa is right after the Sports festival

Rem is in 3 weeks before Subaru arrives.

Raku is just a few days after finding out he's gonna date chitoge

That's it for now I hope you all have a great day and after the first part of this fanfic the schedule will change from 3-4 chapters a week to 2-3 since the next part will be more serious and less scuffed