
dimensions āyāmāḥ

Spirituality vs. Darkness: The battle between spiritual forces and dark arts underscores the timeless struggle between good and evil. Cultural Richness: The story deeply explores the cultural and spiritual landscapes of India and Russia.

Rohit_Prodhan · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Introduction : The Shadows of cult

In the sprawling city of Kolkata, West Bengal, the bustling life of the metropolis hides a darker reality. Beneath the façade of everyday existence, in the labyrinthine alleyways where sunlight barely reaches, lies the underworld—a realm where humanity's darkest deeds are played out. The narrow streets, shrouded in perpetual twilight, are home to crimes that echo the worst atrocities in human history. The desperate poor, like wild beasts fighting for survival, claw and scramble in this grim environment.

The police and government, institutions meant to protect the innocent and uphold justice, turn a blind eye to these horrors. In some cases, they even support the chaos. Why? The answer lies in power and corruption. A shadowy cult, whose origins are shrouded in mystery, has taken control of the underworld across major Asian nations. Russia, China, and India are ensnared in its web, according to whispers in the upper echelons of society.

This cult, veiled in secrecy and malevolence, offers its members unimaginable benefits. They promise power, extended lifespans, and eternal youth. But these gifts come at a horrific price: human sacrifice. The cult's influence runs deep, entangling politicians, law enforcement, and influential figures, ensuring that their activities remain hidden from the public eye.

In the heart of Kolkata, this malevolent force thrives. The city's underbelly is a testament to the cult's grip, where illegal activities flourish, and justice is a distant dream. The narrative shifts between India and Russia, revealing a complex web of intrigue and danger.

In Russia, the scene is equally bleak. The sprawling cities and remote villages alike feel the cult's influence. Members of this dark brotherhood perform rituals and sacrifices to gain favor and power, perpetuating a cycle of terror and oppression.

Majority of the upper class is included in this some alliance of organizations still operates in Russia outside of cults influence like организация (дел и т. д.) and they maintaince some part of underworld stable.

India, and china is way worst situation regards of this in the end, their struggle is not just against external enemies but also against the corruption and fear that allow such evil to flourish. is a tale of courage, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of truth in a world where the lines between good and evil are often blurred.