
dimensions āyāmāḥ

Spirituality vs. Darkness: The battle between spiritual forces and dark arts underscores the timeless struggle between good and evil. Cultural Richness: The story deeply explores the cultural and spiritual landscapes of India and Russia.

Rohit_Prodhan · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter Title: passed the test

Rohit woke up to a world still shrouded in the remnants of yesterday's horrors. His mind felt like a foggy labyrinth, memories of the night before swirling in chaotic fragments. As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, he found himself in the familiar surroundings of his guru dev's hut, Sankar Mahato, who had cared for him like his own child.

Guru dev's touch on Rohit's forehead was both comforting and solemn. The caress of his hair was a gesture laden with unspoken emotions, and as tears rolled down the guru's cheeks, Rohit felt a pang of guilt and confusion.

"Sorry, my child," Guru dev's voice was choked with emotion. "If you were not so determined to pursue the path of Tantra Sadhana, if you did not have divine instructions guiding you, I might have restrained you from it. Look at what has happened to you. If not for faith..."

The words hung heavy in the air, carrying with them the weight of responsibility and consequence. Rohit struggled to clear his thoughts, the events of the previous night still haunting him like specters in the dark.

"What was the entity that appeared before me, Guru dev?" Rohit's voice trembled with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Guru dev's smile was gentle, a mix of understanding and wisdom. "Everyone faces different entities and sees different things in their spiritual journeys. What did you see, my child?"

Rohit recounted the surreal and terrifying experiences of the previous night, the whispers of unseen forces and the chilling presence that had gripped him in its dark embrace.

Guru dev's smile widened at Rohit's narrative. "Do not worry, my child. You have passed the test. Once you recover, you can start learning different Vidyas. But for now, rest and conserve your energy."

With those words, Guru dev left the room, his presence a soothing balm to Rohit's troubled mind. As the curtains closed behind him, Rohit felt a sense of calm wash over him, the weight of the night's terrors slowly lifting.

Outside the hut, Ratan, one of Guru dev's trusted disciples, waited anxiously. "Is he okay, Guru dev?"

Guru dev nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips. "He has received a spiritual revelation. He will be fine by noon. You can go and rest as well."

As they walked away from the hut, Ratan couldn't contain his curiosity. "Why didn't you tell him the truth, Guru dev?"

Guru dev's eyes held a depth of knowledge and understanding beyond mortal comprehension. "He has a long journey ahead of him. I don't want his arrogance to be his downfall. Each of you is like my child, and I know that one who has faced and passed tests from multiple powerful entities in the spiritual realm might not need my protection. But as a father and a guru, I can do this much. You are also forbidden to tell him the truth."

Ratan fell silent, his mind grappling with the profound wisdom of Guru dev's words. There was a reason behind every action, a deeper purpose that transcended mere explanations.

Meanwhile, Rohit had called his mother, reassuring her with a fabricated story of oversleeping. He promised to visit later and took care of his immediate needs, washing up and offering prayers to Maa Kali for protection and guidance.

As he settled back into bed, the weight of exhaustion and the events of the night caught up with him. He drifted into a fitful sleep, the echoes of unseen forces still lingering in his mind.

It was then that a knocking sound jolted him awake. "Thakur Mosai," a voice called out from beyond the door. "Are you home?"

The voice repeated, each echo growing louder and more urgent. Rohit recognized the voice—it was familiar yet tinged with an eerie quality that sent shivers down his spine.

"Thakur Mosai," the voice persisted, accompanied by rhythmic knocking on the door. "Thakur Mosai, are you home?"

Rohit's heart raced as he approached the door cautiously. The atmosphere felt charged with an unseen tension, as if something awaited on the other side, something beyond the realm of the ordinary.

With trembling hands, Rohit opened the door, half-expecting to confront the specter of his nightmares. But what stood before him was even more unsettling—two figure dressed in normal clothes are looking at him curiously.

"how can I help you? Who are you looking for uncle?" Rohit's voice wavered.