
dimensions āyāmāḥ

Spirituality vs. Darkness: The battle between spiritual forces and dark arts underscores the timeless struggle between good and evil. Cultural Richness: The story deeply explores the cultural and spiritual landscapes of India and Russia.

Rohit_Prodhan · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 3: The Path Unveiled

Rohit dident sleep when he came home he sat cross-legged, eyes closed in deep meditation as the night surrendered to the golden rays of dawn. His mind, like a tranquil lake, mirrored the calmness of the early morning hours. Birds chirped in the distance, adding a natural melody to the peaceful scene.

With the first light, Rohit rose gracefully and made his way to the sacred waters of the Ganges for 'prata shanan,' the cleansing ritual that connected him to the divine essence of the river. The cool touch of the water against his skin felt like a gentle caress from Mother Nature herself.

After the ritual, Rohit meticulously washed his sacred clothing, ensuring every stain and impurity was cleansed before anyone arrived at the ghat for their own rituals or daily activities. Once done, he changed into his normal attire and headed towards the Kali temple, a place of profound spirituality and devotion.

Inside the temple, the air was heavy with the scent of incense, the flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the ancient walls. Rohit offered prayers with deep reverence, placing fragrant flowers and sweet sandesh as offerings to the goddess Kali, seeking her blessings and guidance.

Returning home, Rohit was greeted by the comforting presence of his mother. He embraced her warmly, sharing the prasad from the temple and conveying the divine blessings he had received. Together, they performed the puja in their home, the fragrance of freshly brewed tea mingling with the scent of flowers and incense.

As they sipped tea, Rohit and his mother reminisced about Mama Ghar, exchanging stories of the people and events that colored their lives with warmth and laughter. Rohit then lent a helping hand in the kitchen, assisting his mother in preparing their meal with love and care.

Todays meal preparations are dale, sukto, vate,mocha posto, aloo bora, chanar kaiya because Friday to Saturday nonveg is not allowed in home.

After the meal, Rohit bid farewell to his mother, at the excuse of going to village bazar so his mother handed him a list of ingredients . in summer average temperature of west Bengal is 42 degree Celsius. Despite the scorching heat of the day, the village area near his home offered a refreshing respite. Lush greenery and tall trees provided shade, and the cool breeze carried whispers of tranquility.

The bazar in villege operates in all week days expect wednesday as per sanatani culture Wednesday is the the day of goddess laxmi so in Wednesdays no market will operates in Hindu majority regions the day rohit visits the bazar is Friday.

In the village bazaar, bustling with activity, Rohit made his way to an old shop nestled in the heart of the market. The shop is bustling with people asking for daily nessicety and many works and working busily.

When the shop owner sees sees him he greeted him with a warm smile. "Arre Raj baba, how are you?" he exclaimed.

Rohit returned the greeting with equal warmth, "Behallow uncle, I'm well. How are you?"

After handing over a list of daily necessities, Rohit engaged the shop owner in conversation then said ' uncle what about the requirments' .

The mention of 'requirements' he hurredly handed the list to shop worker and taken rohit to the back side of the shop in the ware house away from prying eyes.

In the secluded warehouse, their roles shifted subtly. Rohit touched the feet of shop owner and called out respectfully to the shop owner, addressing him as 'guru dev,' a title denoting spiritual reverence. "I have succeeded in last night's meditation at the samsan," Rohit revealed.

The shopkeeper placed an hand in his head an said 'ausman vaba' the preparations for you 'sadhana' is ready then searched a trunk and presented him with a book wrapped in red cloth and tied with black strings. "It's the book you've longed for," he announced cryptically.

With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, the shop owner spoke of further spiritual practices awaiting Rohit. "The rest of the materials are in the village samsan. Visit the shamshan after nightfall and perform the sab sadhana. It will be dangerous then yesterdays sadhana and I won't be with you, be careful " he warned solemnly, placing a hand on Rohit's head and, chanted the blessing, "Vijai vaba."

Rohit wanted to ask many things but no voice resonated from his mouth as Rohit left the shop, the weight of impending challenges mingled with excitement and curiosity about what lay ahead in his spiritual journey.