
dimensions āyāmāḥ

Spirituality vs. Darkness: The battle between spiritual forces and dark arts underscores the timeless struggle between good and evil. Cultural Richness: The story deeply explores the cultural and spiritual landscapes of India and Russia.

rozosk_24119 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

 Chapter: sacrifices and decisions

Rohit aggred with his gurudev "ok gurudev but can you put the grocery's I need in my bag I need to go back to my house".

Gurudev readily agreed "sure but think about it carefully ok I will immediately pack your things".

Aftertaking his needed his things he says goodbye to his gudev and returned home only 20 minutes has been gone by his parents are awoke now.

He entered the house quietly, finding his parents at the breakfast table. His mother looked up and smiled. "Back so soon?"

"Yes, Ma. I got everything we needed," he replied, setting the bags on the table.

Then he sat on the floor in front of the breakfast table

His father looked up from his newspaper. "What's on your mind, Rohit? You look like you have something important to say."

Rohit took a deep breath and started speaking. "There's something I need to discuss with both of you. It's about my spiritual journey."

His parents exchanged concerned glances. "What is it, beta?" his mother asked, her voice gentle but anxious.

Rohit explained his desire to learn Kak Tantra, the conditions attached to it, and the potential dangers. He spoke with conviction, expressing his willingness to sacrifice marriage for the greater good of protecting others.

His mother's eyes filled with tears. "But beta, you're still so young. How can you make such a huge decision?"

"Ma, this is something I feel deeply about. It's not just a decision; it's a calling. I want to protect both of you and help others, and this path can give me the strength to do that," Rohit replied.

His father was silent for a long moment before he spoke. "Rohit, this is a heavy burden to bear. Are you absolutely certain this is what you want?"

"Yes, Baba. I've thought about it a lot. I believe this is the right path for me," Rohit said firmly.

His parents looked at each other, then back at him. "If this is truly what you want, we will support you," his father said, his voice heavy with emotion. "But remember, this is not just about you. It affects all of us."

"I understand, Baba. Thank you for your support. I will not let you down," Rohit promised, as he touch his forehead on floor facing his parents saying "thank you for supporting my decision".

The rest of the day was spent in quiet contemplation. Rohit felt a sense of relief and determination. That evening, he returned to his room, his mind clearer than ever. He sat in meditation, chanting Maa Kali's name and mantra, drawing strength from the divine energy that surrounded him.

The following days were filled with preparations. Rohit spoke with his Gurudev, that his parents agreed with his wishes, gurudev reluctantly provided guidance and support. They discussed the details of Kak Tantra, the necessary rituals, and the materials required. Rohit began constructing the crow coop, a place where he could nurture and protect the crows that would aid him in his sadhana.

Every night, he continued his meditation, drawing closer to mastering the energies required for Kak Tantra. The presence of the shadowy figures became a familiar comfort, their divine radiance a source of strength. Rohit's aura grew stronger, his connection to the spiritual realm deepening with each passing day.

By the end of the week, Rohit felt ready. He had his parents' support, his Gurudev's guidance, and a clear plan in place. The path ahead was daunting, but he was determined to walk it with courage and faith.

As Friday night approached, Rohit prepared himself for the next stage of his journey. He sat in meditation, his mind focused and calm. The divine figures surrounded him, their presence a reminder of the support he had from the spiritual realm.

Rohit's journey was just beginning, but he knew that with determination and faith, he could achieve great things. The balance of mundane life and spiritual pursuit was delicate, but it was a path he was willing to walk.