
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

68. Apprentice

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"Mmmm... This light...."

Alex who was naked under the sheets opened his eyes as soon the rays of light fell upon his face.

Maybe because of fatigue of travelling otherworld and with the effect of yesterday night got him more drowsy than always.

"But to think I really did it yesterday..."

As soon he woke up he started to remember yesterday when he was pounding Ram like a beast.

For reason he himself felt very shy. After all he was biological virgin till now. In his different life he probably was not a virgin but now he was a virgin.

And then he remembered a very shocking thing.

"Isn't Ram is still not more than 16? H-Have I f*cked a loli?!"

"Sigh! I can't keep thinking more like this. I am in new world of course everything is allowed here. I have to adapt to all new rules. After all humans most powerful power is their adaptibility."

Alex was making himself understand to make a way out from guilt for not stopping and making mess of a loli in bed.

But everytime he just can't help and remember all that happened yesterday. He could still vividly remember Ram's sexy naked figure full of sweat shining in moonlight looking at him with eyes with love.

Unconsciously, his d*ck started to rise once again. A new morning, so a new morning wood.

*Cough!* *Cough!*

Alex turned only to see Ram looking him with a blush in her face. She was in her maid dress and was like nothing happened yesterday.

"Master. You should not be like this. It's a not a good behaviour for a noble."

And Ram who was stealing glances of his large member was telling him.

"S-So, it is like this because of me, so I think it's time for me to take responsibility."

Ram said with her full face crimson red. Even though she gives a tough front, she is really shy in front of the person she loves.

A total moe gap.

Alex who was looking to her suddenly felt his list rising. His member twitched as soon he heard her.

Ram naturally saw it. She then bowed like a maid and took her work so soon in morning.

And once again in morning, the flowers that bloomed during the night, bloomed again.


Many normal days went by. And as usual in Duke's mansion nothing new was going to happen. But then Alex sensed that someone is here in his mansion.

"Ram and Rem, who is here?"

Alex was currently sitting and looking and signing several documents. Even though he don't have a territory after becoming a duke, he still has several responsibilities.

Rem entered and then told him about the guest who is here.

"Master, I don't know the person who came here. He just told that his name is Ross Beltross."

"Oh! It's the boy that I gave the breathing technique. I told him to come here if he completes his practices. I guess I will see him now."

Alex took off his glasses which he always wore in his study. He sorted out all documents and followed Rem and she guided him to guest room.


'Why I am sitting here!??'

Ross was sitting on a sofa in the guest room. He was in confusion that how he was stucked in the mansion of the newest Duke who is known for his strength.

'H-How did it happen?'

It was like a normal day, Ross practiced the breathing method. He had a doubt at first but later on he was shocked as soon he found the changes in his body.

He thought it would be better to ask Alex about his next practice. And then he remembered that Alex gave him his house's address.

And he just followed the address in the memo. But who knew that it would lead him to here?

As soon he came near it, he was captured by a girl who is many times beautiful than the girls in academy. The blonde girl then handed over him to the twin maids who were also very beautiful.

And both maids led him to a room too luxurious that he ever seen in his life. And he was currently sitting on one of its sofa.

But instead of greed and easiness in his eyes, all he had was fear. Who knows what the Duke will do to him?

He was silent and sat very respectfully and didn't moved even a bit in fear of offending the youngest Duke.


Alex opened the gate and finally saw Ross who seemed to mature a bit and also got a bit stronger.

'It seems I was right. He really has a very good talent.'

"So, you are finally here Ross."

Ross who was in fear looking down suddenly looked up as soon he heard Alex's voice. And then he saw him in his regal figure talking to him.

"D-Don't tell me..."

"That's right. It seems you have guessed by now. I am is the youngest Duke in the Kingdom of Laventine - Alex Lockhart!"