
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

Kurato6180 · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

62. Potential

"Goku, where we are going?" Alex asked Goku.

"First, let's meet up with rest."

Both of them then disappeared and teleported from turtle house in a appeared directly inside the plane which startled everyone on board.



Everyone noticed him and happily greeted him.

"How did you get here? Did you teleported?" Krillin asked as he was coming down from the co-pilot seat.


"You all better now?"

Krillin came forward and asked Goku. If somebody is Goku's best friend, then he is Krillin. Both of them have known each other under the tutelage of Master Roshi from the childhood. When Goku fainted, Krillin was very much worried.

"Yup. Hungry though."

After learning that his condition was good, all people on board felt a bit relieved. Now with chaos all over the earth, Goku will be an important fighter as he is strongest in Earth.

Goku looked at everyone was a bit surprised as he noticed the amount of Ki from Piccolo who was sitting silently. Goku after a while understood that Piccolo has merged with Kami-sama.

"Kami-olo? Or pic-ami?" Goku asked because he was confused about Namekian's name.

"Don't merge the name too! I'm mostly Piccolo anyway… just call me that."

"But still Nai… Sorry, Piccolo … you are just that confusing." Alex said.

Even he sometimes calls Piccolo, Nail because he even absorbed him.

After all greetings and jokes, the main task was upfront. All of them were listening what to do next. Now, Goku has awaken… So, their fighters increased. And Goku is yet to face androids and Cell.

"I have already given my opinion. I going to beat Cell directly." Alex said.

He has nothing to do with androids. His main objective from the start was only Cell. After Alex, all of them turned towards Goku to listen his opinion.

"I don't think I could beat the androids or Cell the way I am now. I'm going to train with Gohan. Where you can train for a whole year in one day…"

"The Chamber of Spirit and Time!"

Piccolo who merged with Kami-sama already knew what Goku was talking about. The Chamber of Spirit and Time is place that is situated outside from the Universe 7. Due to time compressed nature, the flow of time inside the chamber is totally different from the outside. This place can be accessed through different doorways and one way is in the Kami-sama's palace.

"Of course… But nobody has been able to stay for the whole year in that room. You could barely stand a month in your youth…"

Piccolo said to Goku. The chamber may be a good place to train due to time difference but the problem is the interior. The chamber is totally empty. There is nothing inside the chamber. All around is just white. And because of it, people can't stay long enough inside the chamber or they will go insane.

"I'll take Vegeta and Trunks too. They'll be able to handle it."

"You better go quickly. Cell is killing many people and gaining power."

"I Will."

Goku said to Piccolo and then turned towards Gohan and he stretched his hand.

"Gohan, take my hand."

Gohan obediently grabbed his father's hand. Goku then looked Alex and asked.

"Nii-san, you're going or not?"

"Well… You're going to Vegeta afterwards, right?"


"Then you go first. After you reach the Kami's palace, I will go as I detect your Ki."

Alex didn't wanted to roam too much and he also didn't knew the location of Kami's palace.

"Okay." Goku didn't said much and nodded at Alex's words.

Before Goku could teleport with Gohan, he heard Krillin voice.

"Goku, tell us. This thing is even stronger than Freeza. Are you scared by that? Or Excited?"

"… Both."

After a bit silence, Goku replied with a smile and disappeared just the way he came.

"Mr. Sensitivity… People are getting killed here, and Earth is about to be destroyed…"

Tenshinhan didn't know what to say after listening to Goku's reply.

"No. I'm glad that Goku still wants to fight. I'm beginning to feel a little hope now… He might really able to outdo his Super Saiyan self…" Krillin said with a very positive voice.

"You know, I'm more optimistic about Gohan."

Alex who was already sitting comfortably said to Krillin.


"That's right. I don't know if you all noticed or not but Gohan's potential as a fighter is very much better than Goku and Vegeta."

Alex still remember when he used his Observation Haki to look at Gohan. He felt the enormous energy dormant inside that tiny body. And that energy is much stronger than Goku's one.

"I also noticed it." Piccolo said as he heard Alex.

"I once trained him. At that time, I noticed his energy that comes out when he is angry. He is small and is already strong as Goku."

Piccolo said the time when Saiyans came to Earth for the first time to capture it and they had to defeat them.

"I am sure that Goku must have noticed that as well. That's why he took Gohan with him. But it's a pity." Alex sighed as he said.

"Why?" Krillin asked.

"Even if he is talented, Chichi is still going to make him scholar."



All of them laughed while the plane was flying towards its destination.