
Dimensional Wish System

A boy reincarnates to a world of fantasy. And found himself in forest. With being alone he found his system. Dimensional Wish System. Now complete the quests all over the dimensions and gain power. Join pa_treon for support - www.pa_treon.com/kurato6180 While typing the link, remove the space "_" between "pa" and "treon". Join my discord - https://discord.gg/DYSdCaf8tY Thanks for Reading. Donate Power Stones to support my fanfic. And give remarks in the comments.

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"Is he serious? Can that even be done… transcending the Super Saiyan state!?"

Piccolo who just heard Vegeta's words couldn't just believe what he said. Alex who was sitting smirked a bit after hearing Vegeta.

"It can be done."

All of them who still needed time to digest what Vegeta said turned to see Alex agreeing to Vegeta.

"Surpassing the Super Saiyan, it's possible. I have travelled all over dimensions and I know it well."


All of them were quite speechless after listening to Alex. While Trunks was pondering because even the thought of surpassing the Super Saiyan didn't entered his mind.

"Now, let go of whatever Vegeta said. But I agree with him in one point."

"About the Super Saiyan?" Krillin asked Alex.

"No. The fact he said to let the Cell merge with whom he want. From my point it doesn't matter to me. I will beat down whenever it comes in my sight."

Alex also who heard Vegeta's words agreed a bit. With his strength, even if Cell absorbs both androids, he doesn't have much to worry about. He just have to use more force to beat it down. Then searching all over again and again, it better to wait let Cell show himself when it has confidence to beat people. After all his aim is to become the most powerful. After, Cell gains confidence in his strength, it will definitely show himself.


Once again, all of them speechless but they all couldn't refute what Alex said. They have seen his strength just now. But still all of them thought that it is better to eradicate Cell before it gathers strength.

"Look you all misunderstand my words."

"What do you mean?" Piccolo asked Alex.

"What is Cell's main aim for the time being?" Alex asked all of them a question.

"To absorb both 17 and 18."

"That's right. From this we can know two things. First is that he needs to absorb 17 and 18 to be the most powerful being. And second is that for now, he doesn't have much strength to absorb 17 and 18."

"It is something we all know."

"So, it means Cell is running all around hiding from us because he has no strength. But if he absorbs 17 and 18, I am sure he will expose himself grandly to show his majestic self. And that's where I am going to beat it to pulp."

All of them suddenly thought that Alex's words made sense.

"But it doesn't mean we will not chase it. To kill it before it absorbs 17 and 18 is correct. But the problem is that Cell will be cautious and will not easy to find. So, its better to chase it. and if you can find it, it is better to kill it." Alex said.

"So, Alex you are saying our plan haven't changed at all?"

"That's right. Except that I am going to Turtle house to wait for Goku."

All of them nodded at his words and started to discuss what to do from now.

"… Say even if you go a little bit into the past with your time machine and destroy the androids nothing will change, right?" Krillin who suddenly thought of something asked Trunks if his idea was feasible.

"Right. The future in that timeline will benefit, but it will have no impact here."

"So there won't be any point in going to Dr. Gero's lab and destroying Cell…"

"There is a point. There will be no new Cell in this timeline at least." Trunks said to Krillin.

After all clearances, Piccolo didn't hesitate to give orders for capturing Cell.

"You two go to the lab. Tenshinhan and I will look around a bit longer…" Piccolo said to Krillin and Trunks to go lab to destroy Cell.

"Sure." Trunks agreed with Piccolo.

"If you don't find Cell, come to Turtle house. We might find out where he is from the news on TV." Krillin said to Piccolo and Tenshinhan.

"Good. It's like everyone sorted out what to do. I am going to Turtle house. If anything happens call me." Without saying more, Alex directly teleported from Ginger Town.

All of them have already seen his teleportation, so no new surprises for them. Krillin and Trunks also flew away for their quest of destroying Cell. Piccolo and Tenshinhan started to look around to find Cell.

Krillin and Trunks destroyed the lab and bought the blueprints of androids to Bulma to find their witness. And after that both joined with Piccolo and Tenshinhan to look for Cell. But no avail.

And three days passed…

Alex was sitting lazily on the couch and the other party of four were watching the news to find out the next place where Cell attacked.


"Blast it!! Now the South district…"

All of them quickly boarded in plane and took off. This time they flew with plane to deceive Cell and capture it.

Alex who was sitting and eating oranges suddenly stood up as if he detected something. He quickly walked the upstairs and opened the door. And he saw the figure of his little brother who was in coma. Chichi also saw him and quickly followed him upstairs. Alex smiled after seeing his figure.

"So, you woke up – Goku!"