
Dimensional Travel Space to movie, anime, novel and more

This is my first work so be patient with me English is not my main language so sorry for the grammatical error. I just made my Pat so if you want to support me be my guest p*****n.**m/Zelcherz I don't have advanced chapter so that Pat is for general support when I have time to make advance chapter I will tell you

Zelcherz · Others
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29 Chs

Chapter 1. I transmigrated

"Dr. Williams, What is the probability of success?" an old man of about 70 years old said strapped in a bed with a helmet with several wires connected to a computer.

"Don't worry Alexander the preliminary test shows that the new cerebral chip can send information to the brain to make even people with disabilities able to walk again, see again, or hear again by stimulating parts of the brain".

"So, in theory, we could send information of the knowledge we have through micro-electrical signals to stimulate your brain and stop your Alzheimer's or even recuperate part or all your memories"

"While this computer can recompile general information about the society and I have to make sure that it has everything known to humans, we can't do anything about your personal life, that's why I told you to write everything that you remember so that when your brain receives the information could refresh your memory that's why new chip has so much memory"

said Dr. Williams while checking the computer.

While Alexander and Dr. Williams were talking dark clouds were forming outside the institution center.

"Well, Alexander let's begin with the process, let's begin with popular knowledge, then academic, and finally your 'diary'." Chuckled the doctor so relieving some of Alexander's nerves while turning on the machine.

The machine was doing its work when dark lightning struck the building in the electrical terminal one moment Alexander was receiving information and the next felt as if his body was being electrocuted, then he felt no more.


In a room, a teenager about 18 years old was sleeping, when he woke up breathing as if hyperventilating.

"What happens?" Alexander asks himself.

" Alexander, wake up" a woman's voice call him.

Alexander knew that voice.

"Mom," said Alexander then got out of bed and follow the voice almost falling down the stairs, while running to the kitchen he pass through a mirror and saw himself.

"This is me when I was young," said Alexander seeing a young man with about 1.70m blonde short hair, then he realized that he was in the childhood house.

"Time travel?" Alexander was shocked but still resumed his walk to the kitchen, there was his mother looking younger than he remembers her. Seeing her alive after a decade since her death made him want to cry from happiness.

He walked towards her and hug her as if she were to disappear the next moment, after all to him she has been dead for almost a decade.

His mother was the person that he respected the most in the world as she sacrificed a life of luxury just to be with my older sister and me. Alexander lost his father just after he was born in an accident after that she asked for help from her parents but they told her that she could return, but they wanted that she left us in an orphanage, she directly cut all communication with them after that.

Then she brought up my sister and me the best she could until my grandparents (my father's parents) found us one year after my father's death as they didn't know he married my mother and he hadn't talked with them. My father was a writer but my grandfather wanted him to inherit his company after a strong discussion my father left met my mother and they married.

She told that he always wanted to make amends with my grandfather, but then the accident happen. My grandparents while not super rich like my mother's parents were rich so my mother could past more time with my sister and me.

And she knew how about business management so she helped my grandparents with their company after all my father was their only child and the rest of their family was just waiting for my grandpa to die to divide his fortune.

"What happen, Alex, do you feel bad?" his mother ask him with a worried face.

"Nothing mom just a nightmare," he said recovering his bearing before he stopped hugging her.

"You're still asleep," said his mother putting his breakfast in front of his chair. He sat down and started to eat.

"Happy ditra day my boy, remember just don't take too much risk and everything will be fine," said his mother in a concerned voice, while his father lower the paper.

'Ditra's day' thought Alexander when memories that he didn't have began to flow into himself.


Ditra day was the day that the winter solstice happen.

Ditra or dimensional travel was a day that began in 1975 when he was 5. It was a day that change the course of humanity's history as he knew it when a light like an aurora borealis could be seen in every part of the world.

Since that day every young man and woman of more than 18 by time and less than 40 could enter another space that could travel through other worlds.

The first world for these dimensional travelers or ditravers was a war world with the same background as their homeworld then they would receive a summary of the world and depend on their knowledge, skills, and physical state(if you were fit and to what degree) you could choose their background, where to enter and when to enter as long a the world permit it then they would receive a mission to complete.

Without revealing ditra space that could lower your rewards or even make it impossible to complete the missions and depending on what world you reveal ditra space existence you could die.

Depending on the degree of completion of the mission you received a corresponding reward of different resources[chests with items, points that you could use as currency to make transactions with others ditravers, skills, and even the ability to enter that world as you wanted(according to the ditra space info)].

After that day governments around the world began to research everything to could be learned about ditra space. It was then that news that some of the worlds have names that were related to movies, books, cartoons, comics, animes, etc.

That news made people excited as they believe that the knowledge they have could make the missions easier that was far from the truth as when the cooldown time to enter another world passed people choose a world they were familiar with. but they discovered that ditra space was prepared for that, as the moment someone enters a world that ditra space judge exceeds the number of ditravers that knowledge of that world restrictions were placed on the world.

The first was that ditravers couldn't choose their background and they would enter at a random place at the beginning of the story(as they too couldn't choose when to enter) at least the random background took into account your skill and knowledge to create your profile.

The next restriction was that ditra space would take the knowledge of the protagonists and the important characters for some worlds this wasn't different from choosing a world that you didn't know, it was even worse as you couldn't choose your background, but sometimes that wasn't crippling as the knowledge of the events was still there.

In the beginning, governments took the creators of these stories that were still alive and every writer, director, mangaka, and similar professions and made them tell selected people about their stories as the restrictions began when ditravers have that knowledge depending the world level (level 1 about 100 ditravers level10 about 100,000 these number vary as same world level had different qualities). And these people could receive resources(treasures, skills, etc.) obtained from ditra space or even concessions to their families.

This could make it easier for groups that have more info than others to get ahead of them even if it was only for one world as they could use these worlds to harvest resources[ treasures, skills, or people from those worlds(this was only possible if the person willing follow the ditraver and he had completed his mission with at least A-rank or you complete their missions. You have to pay points to take someone out but these points vary depending on several factors)].

Taking someone from a world wasn't too much trouble except when it was someone important to the story like the protagonists normally make the missions impossible to complete when that happens the world would eject all the ditravers inside that world even if they haven't completed their missions and there was nothing you could unless your mission could be completed without the person taken out.

Then the world you enter a cooldown period until the next trip to ditra space like when you finish your normal round but the next the world would have changed to accommodate the person missing sometimes if the person taken out was indispensable to the story the restrictions of that world would be lifted as the changes would be so many that practically be a completely different world than the ditravers know of, but the ditravers that took out the character could enter that world without the changes and complete side missions that would be difficult to obtain if the restrictions were in place.

The governments knowing all that info gave writers and similar professions preferential treatment which was a relationship with mutual benefits but that policy caused many people to create story after story that sometimes didn't even on the ditra space worlds or even if they were, they were very different to those worlds but with enough knowledge to activated the restrictions.

That makes the governments quit gathering writers, directors, and similar professions. but that didn't stop those creators as they saw opportunities looking for information about the works they have created and exchanging with the different forces inside ditra space.

As time passed governments couldn't stop some ditravers from growing stronger than they liked and started forming guilds so they have to compromise as long those forces don't try to replace them they could do what they liked inside ditra space.

That makes some guilds suppress others ditravers if it weren't for the number of worlds and that ditra space allowed you to hide your achievements many p

ditravers would succumb to the more vicious guilds, but even then sometimes there were stories about unfortunate ditravers that suffers losses against those types of guilds.

Another feature of ditra space is that you could buy or rent many things that could help you when you enter other worlds like training facilities that could help you raise the proficiency of skills without exposing yourself to other ditravers, rent a house so that people you take out of a different world could live between missions.

As some of the restrictions of ditra space have over ditravers is that it suppresses the majority of the power of the ditravers outside ditra space (about 80%) that's the main reason guilds compromised with the governments. And that ditravers take so much care to not expose their identities.


Mc pov.

After receiving that memory, my head was clear I didn't feel the pain that you would expect from receiving that kind of information (It's technically 18 years' worth of memories), then I thought of something, touching the back of my neck 'the chip'

"Are you alright Alexander?" My mother asked seeing how I was touching my neck.

"It's nothing mom just a minor back pain, I was looking through some info about ditra and fell asleep in the wrong position" I assured her.

"And my sister? Did she already leave?" Trying to change the subject. I didn't ask for my grandparents since I turned 15 they retired left the company to my mother and began to travel the world.

"Yeah, she said she had club activities," she said.

"Well then let's eat breakfast look delicious mom" taking my fork and began to eat.

"Yeah let's eat," said my mom.

Remembering those memories, I said to myself 'Yeah is official I transmigrated'
