

In a multiverse where countless dimensions intersect, we meet Keira, a dimensional traveler with a unique ability—she can weave tales that shape reality itself. Armed with a mystical system that allows her to communicate and influence different worlds, Keira embarks on a journey through diverse realms, each with its own inhabitants, cultures, and challenges. As Keira navigates through these dimensional landscapes, she encounters allies and adversaries, each with their own stories to tell and secrets to uncover. From the bustling streets of a futuristic metropolis to the serene tranquility of a magical forest, and the desolate wastelands of a post-apocalyptic world, Keira's adventures span across a tapestry of diverse settings. Yet, amidst the exploration and discovery, Keira faces a looming threat—a mysterious force that seeks to destabilize the balance between dimensions. With each world she visits, Keira learns more about her powers and the interconnected nature of the multiverse. As she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding her abilities, Keira must confront her own past and make choices that could alter the fate of countless worlds. "Dimensional Taleweaver" is a thrilling journey of adventure, mystery, and self-discovery, where the power of storytelling becomes a catalyst for transformation across the vast expanse of the multiverse.

Mazarine_Blue · Fantasy
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4 Chs

CHAPTER 04 : The deal and the mermaid.

[[ ! ALERT !


Time remaining till the inauguration ceremony

00:03:26 ]]

Keira felt her mind a whirl of confusion. The presence of Luci, the enigmatic being who had been her silent escort in disguise, was both comforting and bewildering.


"Who are you, really?" she finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper.


Luci avoided her question and stepped forward. "I mean you no harm, Keira," he said gently. "I merely wish to make a deal with you."


"A deal?" Keira echoed, her brows furrowing in suspicion.


"Yes," Luci confirmed.

 "A teller and constellation contract between you and me."


Keira's curiosity piqued.

 "A teller and constellation contract? Why me? I haven't even become an official teller yet. What's your end game?"


Luci's eyes, bright with starlight, glimmered with an unreadable emotion. "All will be made clear at the right time," he said.


"But not now?" Keira pressed.


"Not now," Luci agreed.


Keira looked at Luci once more, a small smile playing on her lips. "well, I can't accept a deal without knowing the details now, can I? Let's raincheck that deal for now."


Luci's surprise was evident, but it quickly melted into delight. He laughed, a sound like tinkling bells and rustling leaves.

"Very well, Keira. If that is your wish, then I shall watch over you till then." He extended his hand.


Keira took his hand, and as their palms met, she felt a warm bubble envelop her. Startled, she looked at Luci, questioning.


"It's insurance," Luci explained with a gentle smile. "A little extra protection for you."


As she released Luci's hand, Keira tilted her head, a question lingering on her lips. "Why do you call yourself a constellation? That's a term I've never heard in the guidebook."


Luci nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Greater beings like myself have been called many things throughout history—gods, spirits, entities. But 'constellation' has become the preferred term. It reflects our role as guiding stars, illuminating paths for tellers like you."


Keira chuckled softly. "I suppose it sounds a bit more poetic than 'greater being.'"


"Indeed," Luci agreed, his tone light.

 "And perhaps it makes our existence seem a little less intimidating."


Keira nodded.

 "Well, constellation or not, thank you for your offer. vague as it is."


[[ ! ALERT !


Time remaining till the inauguration ceremony

00:03:01 ]]



Just then, Keira's system panel buzzed again with a notification. She glanced at it and saw the reminder: the ceremony was starting in less than three minutes.


"I need to go," she said.

"The other tellers should be making their way towards the hall, it's a short walk from here," Luci replied. They stepped back, flexing their shoulders. With a graceful motion, Luci's wings spread wide, catching the light as they began to float.


Keira took one last look at them, a mix of wonder and gratitude in her eyes. "Until next time?"


"Till we meet again, Keira," Luci said, his voice echoing softly. "I'll be watching." And with that, he ascended into the air, Keira watching as they slowly became a small blip in the shimmering, irrsedient sky.


[[ ! ALERT !


Time remaining till the inauguration ceremony



"Better start running then." Keira huffed as she turned around to face the building and ran.

There was a small town surrounding the towering building and a multitude of shops lined up the streets.

Keira couldn't wait to check them out after the ceremony.


[[ ! ALERT !


Time remaining till the inauguration ceremony

00:00:59 ]]


Finally, with a few seconds to spare, She reached the spirit world company building.


The architecture of the building was nothing short of breathtaking.

The walls, crafted from a material that seemed to be a blend of polished marble and shimmering stardust, reflected a myriad of colors, creating an ever-changing tapestry of light and shadow.

Ornate mosaics depicting mythical scenes adorned the walls, each scene captured in exquisite detail and infused with a subtle, magical luminescence.


As she paused to take in the beauty around her, Keira couldn't help but think about her encounter with Luci. The memory of their meeting replayed in her mind, mingling with the awe she felt at the sight of the spirit world town outside the building. Tiny shops lined the streets, each one more fantastical than the last. Some floated slightly above the ground, tethered by delicate chains of light, while others seemed to meld seamlessly into the lush, verdant landscape.


"Wow," she whispered to herself, marveling at the blend of whimsy and grandeur.


"I know right!? It's amazing!!" a voice interrupted her thoughts.


Keira turned to see a mermaid with iridescent scales and flowing aquamarine hair floating beside her. "Yes, it's... amazing," she replied, her voice filled with wonder at the excited mermaid.


"It really is," the mermaid agreed, her tail flicking gracefully. "I'm Aria, by the way."

"Keira. Are you running late as well?"

The mermaid, Aria, flushes as she ducks her head," I got distracted at one of the shops in town."

Keiracouldnt help but chuckle," Me too, got caught up chatting with a friend, let's hurry to the hall"

The mermaid nods and floats forward while making small talk.


As they continued to make their way to the grand hall, Keira took in the details—the deep-blue carpet that sparkled faintly, as if embedded with tiny gemstones, and the delicate columns of opalescent crystal supporting the ceiling. Each column was etched with intricate patterns that seemed to move and shift as she passed by.


"It's like everything here is alive," Keira mused in her head.

As they approached the entrance to the grand hall, Keira's eyes widened at the sight of the vast, open space. The high, domed ceiling featured a breathtaking depiction of the cosmos—stars, planets, and nebulae intertwined in a mesmerizing dance. Floating chandeliers, crafted from what appeared to be pure light, cast a warm, welcoming glow over the room.


"Look at that," Keira breathed, pointing to the ceiling.


"wow! It's better than what heard." Aria agreed. The mermaid floated up to take a closer look.

Keira looked at Aria, who was floating upward, transfixed on the ceiling.

Shaking her head, she couldn't help but lampoon," Leaving your grounded friend for the sky now, miss mermaid?"


In the center of the hall stood a lavishly decorated food table. The array of delicacies was nothing short of magnificent: shimmering fruits, delicate pastries, and dishes that seemed to defy description, each more alluring than the last.


Keira walked towards the food table, her curiosity piqued by the conversation she overheard among the other newbie Tellers. Nearby, a winged human was discussing the challenges of navigating underwater realms.


"The pressure changes were a real shock," the bird person said with a melodious voice, "but the ability to communicate with marine creatures makes it worth it."


Beside her, a Teller with delicate fairy wings was animatedly chatting with a group. "The trick to flying in the spirit world is to adjust your energy flow," she explained. "Once you get the hang of it, it's like gliding on a breeze."


Keira reached for a shimmering fruit, listening as a Teller with a pair of elegant, spiraled horns spoke with a thoughtful tone. "I'm still figuring out how to harness my energy effectively. Once I get the trick down, I'm gonna learn all the cool flying tricks."

A translucent Teller nodded in agreement, their form shifting with the light. "It's often about finding your rhythm with the energy. keep up with the practice, weld!"

"Thanks, man!" the horned teller named 'weld' smiled at their friend. The pair move on to the drinks selection.


 [[ ! ALERT !


Time remaining till the inauguration ceremony

00:00:00 ]]


Chapter 4 is finally out~

this weeks chapter was a bit delayed due to my hectic schedule.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Cya next week~bubyeeee

Mazarine_Bluecreators' thoughts