

In a multiverse where countless dimensions intersect, we meet Keira, a dimensional traveler with a unique ability—she can weave tales that shape reality itself. Armed with a mystical system that allows her to communicate and influence different worlds, Keira embarks on a journey through diverse realms, each with its own inhabitants, cultures, and challenges. As Keira navigates through these dimensional landscapes, she encounters allies and adversaries, each with their own stories to tell and secrets to uncover. From the bustling streets of a futuristic metropolis to the serene tranquility of a magical forest, and the desolate wastelands of a post-apocalyptic world, Keira's adventures span across a tapestry of diverse settings. Yet, amidst the exploration and discovery, Keira faces a looming threat—a mysterious force that seeks to destabilize the balance between dimensions. With each world she visits, Keira learns more about her powers and the interconnected nature of the multiverse. As she delves deeper into the mysteries surrounding her abilities, Keira must confront her own past and make choices that could alter the fate of countless worlds. "Dimensional Taleweaver" is a thrilling journey of adventure, mystery, and self-discovery, where the power of storytelling becomes a catalyst for transformation across the vast expanse of the multiverse.

Mazarine_Blue · Fantasy
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4 Chs

chapter:01-death by sharks


'what if you are in hell and you're mad at someone, where do you tell them to go?'

People often say when you're on the verge of death; you see your life flash before your eyes...

Your rights, your wrongs

Your joys, your sorrow 

Your hopes, your fears

The mundane, the extraordinary

Those precious moments spend with your loved ones.

The regrets you gained throughout your life...

Keira stood in the storage room on the rooftop, clutching the jaded piece of glass with trembling hands, the long chains clinking as they rubbed against her raw wrists.

The shark monster's guttural growls echoed closer, there were only a few feet of distance between the monster and the girl inside the room.

Just a few days ago, she had scrolled past a meme with a cartoon shark wearing a Hawaiian shirt, captioned, "chillin' like a villain." And now she faced the very real and very deadly version of that cartoon.

She could very well die here.

"….Yet all I can think of was the silly post I read on the internet as I await death via stabby molars of a land shark-seriously who even designed these things, what awful god had such disastrous fashion sense to create land sharks and NOT make them cute, the legs are literally jacked on what?-otherworldly steroids?? Why do sharks even need to be so macho?

I prefer water sharks, the normal kind that is docile unless provoked. The type I can just not meet by avoiding the waters, not these fucked up monsters that can climb buildings and-"

The monster's growls grew louder, now just outside the door.k stood ready, her movements constrained by the chains but her determination unwavering. The absurdity of the internet meme gave her a strange sense of calm amidst the chaos. she had a weapon, she had her wits, and she had a bizarre meme to keep her mind from spiraling into panic. The beast would break through at any moment.

Taking a deep breath, she refocused on the fight of her life.

The first rays of sunlight hit the building, illuminating the inside of the small storage room on the roof


The bloody chains on the woman's hands and feet clinked as she grasps a long piece of glass behind her back, uncaring as it cuts into her palm.

*bam-bang BANG*


Vicious sounds continue to resound as the door to the rooftop shack is broken, and a fishy smell primates the morning fog.

 The land shark monster was a terrifying amalgamation of land predator and sea beast. It had a massive, muscular body covered in rough, mottled gray skin that seemed to blend seamlessly with its surroundings. The creature moved with a predatory grace, its powerful limbs ending in sharp, talon-like claws that scraped menacingly against the floor.

Its head was the most fearsome part, resembling that of a great white shark but adapted for land. Rows of serrated teeth jutted from its wide, powerful jaws, capable of snapping through metal and bone alike. Cold, Crimson eyes glowed with a relentless hunger, locking onto its prey with unnerving precision.

A dorsal fin ran down its back, rigid and scarred, adding to its nightmarish appearance. Gills on the side of its neck pulsed rhythmically, hinting at its aquatic origins but underscoring its terrifying adaptation to life on land. Every movement it made was accompanied by the faint, eerie sound of its growls and snarls.

As the creature burst through the door, its massive form filled the small space with its menacing presence,

 Splintering wood and metal in its furious charge,

Its movements are constrained by the walls

 Her heart raced.

"Yo, ugo-sharky! Here for me first thing in the morning? I'm flattered, really! Unfortunately, though you aren't my type-"

She sidestepped its lunge, taunting it as she moved to the beast's side,

"You think you're terrifying?"She taunted, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination."You're just a big, dumb fish out of water!"

The creature snarled in response, its gaze fixed on her, Keira took a step back, luring it deeper into the room. With calculated movements, she maneuvered around stacks of creates and shelves, using them to restrict the monster's movements and keep it from fully extending its massive limbs.

The monster roared in frustration, its massive jaws snapping dangerously close. Keira danced around it, her movements becoming more agile as she gauged the creature's patterns.

She knew her only chance was to stab its vulnerable spot-its inner throat. Gripping the glass shard tightly, she waited for the creature to expose its neck.

Finally, she saw her opening momentary hesitation in its attack.

With a swift, determined motion, she lunged forward, driving the shard towards the monster's exposed mouth.



The shard connected with the shark creature's throat with a sickening crunch.

The monster roared in agony, a deafening sound that filled the cramped space.

"Come on, you oversized guppy!"She goaded,

" You think you can take me down? Not today!"

Blood mixed with saliva as the woman's pulse pounded in her ears. She struggled to keep her grip on the shard of glass, jagged and slick with the shark's blood and mucus.

The massive predator's jaws closed in, rows of teeth like a living nightmare ripping into her forearm yet the women's desperation gave her enough strength.


With a fierce scream, she thrust the glass shard deep into the shark's inner throat, feeling the resistance of its tough flesh give way. The creature thrashed and turned, trying to dislodge the source of its pain.

Keira clung on, pushing the shard deeper, ignoring the searing pain of her wounds and the icy grip of the chains.

Each movement was a battle, every second a testament to her will to survive. She felt the shark monster's movement slow, its strength ebbing away. One final push drove the shard home, the beast convulsing before it finally went still. Gasping for breath, she released her grip, letting the shard fall from her hand onto the blood-covered floor.

Keira staggered back, her breath coming in shallow gasps.

She glanced around, disoriented by the contrast of the sterile, storage room and the violent struggle that just unfolded.

Hope surged through her veins-she had done it. She fought off the land shark and was still standing. But then, a sharp, burning pain in her side pulled her attention downward. Her hand instinctively pressed against the wound, coming away wet with her blood.

"Ah, must have… gotten it during the thrash-about...just need to stop the blee-Ugh!?"

Panic set in as she realized the extent of her injuries. The adrenaline that had carried her through the fight was ebbing away, replaced by the cold, creeping numbness. She could feel her strength slipping, her legs threatening to buckle beneath her.

The room began to tilt and spin, the distant cityscape outside blurring into indistinct shapes and colors. Her vision tunneled, the edges darkening as her body fought to stay upright.

Her thoughts grew fragmented, a chaotic mix of victory and impending doom. She had faced the impossible and came out alive, but now, as blood pooled around her feet, survival seemed to slip through her fingers. She sank to the floor, her breaths shallow and rapid, clinging to the last threads of consciousness.

As the world faded to black, her final, defiant thought echoed in the silent room: she had won the battle, but it seemed fate had the final say.








[[ ! ALERT !

Suitable host detected

Confirm binding?

Yes no ]]




[[ !! ALERT !!



'Am I..... Hallucinating..?'




[[ !!! ALERT !!!

...Failure to confirm answer...


Damage state detected:

Concussion, heavy bleeding, cracked skull,

cracked ribs, shattered femur-.... (v)


User unable to respond to system query

Due to excessive damage and fatigue


Heal potential user to confirm answer

-Cast: 'all heal'-


Mana wavelength not detected

Advised method:

Temporary healing using system reserve

-Cast: 'minor heal'-

-casting: 0%....5%....20%....50%.....75%.....98%....100%-

-cast: 'minor heal' has been applied]]

Thoughts came back to me slowly,

I could vaguely feel the weight of my bones,skin snug around them; the pain while still present was receding...which was weird cause i can still feel the teethRippingMyFleSh-OMgIdontwannadiePAInPAiNPAINPAINFUL!

[[ !!! ALERT !!!

User's brain scans show abnormalilites


mental trauma and phantom pains left over from 'minor heal'.


It is favourable to sooth the mind of user.


useage of cast;'pacify' is advised


Using system reserves to supplement. insufficient mana

-casting: 0%.....20%....60%....89%....100%-

-cast:'pacify' has been applied ]]

The pain becomes tolerable,like my mind was covered in bubblewrap

[[ !! ALERT !!

Confirm binding?

Yes no

Due to insufficient system reserves –

cast:'pacify' is temporally and will be removed when user answers in 4:58 minutes

Death due to shock is possible

Caution is advised. ]]


[[ ! ALERT !

Permission to bind confirmed

Procceding to bind system to new user


Binding confirmed ]]

As the women faints from the returning pain,a new screen appears.

[[ ! ALERT !

Welcome, player ]]

hi there!

good day to you,dear readers~

have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

fun fact:

The name "Keira" is of Irish and Gaelic origin. It is derived from the name "Ciara," which means "dark" or "black" in Gaelic. In modern usage, "Keira" is often associated with strength, resilience, and independence.

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