
Dimensional Store System In Apocalypse

Terrorized by the Seed Crystal Virus outbreak, the dimension where Stein was created had its civilization destroyed. Once a world developed with technology as its core, now it was just a wilderness with remnants of tech that's inedible. Unknown if it was a call of good or bad luck, Zhang Qin Feng was chosen as the one to bring life back to this lawless, desolated place. What can he do? How can it be done? For what purposes? Is it worth risking his life for? There's no one to answer Zhang Qin Feng, as he was the only one with such a privilege. But he knew... That everything came with a price. "STEIN, Inventory!" Zhang Qin Feng grabbed the Phalanx X-02 that took four inventory spaces from his Dimensional Storage. Holding the pistol with both of his hands, he fired a shot accurately at one of the incoming zombie's head.

yanglin · Action
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421 Chs

Xuanwu Gang Retaliating (5)

While Zhang Qin Feng was busy with his own matter regarding the Tianhe Special Squadron, the Shuiyue City was in a mess. The problem escalated quickly to the point even the Wang Elder was notified about what they have done.

"Have that stupid grandson of mine went crazy?" the Wang Elder was bombarded by calls from government officials. The call states that if this disturbance wasn't handled within a week, the Tianlang and Tianhu Special Squadrons would be dispatched to control the situation.

Having no other choice to choose from, he made a call to Captain Hu.

"I want to talk to Xiao-Feng," the Wang Elder said.

"I'll get the captain immediately, sir." Captain Hu walked out of the room in a hurry and searched for Zhang Qin Feng. The latter was found in the patient room two units away from Captain Hu's, and the phone was passed at him without saying anything else.

"Hello?" Zhang Qin Feng answered the phone after he took it over from Captain Hu.